Chapter 34: Confessions Over Lunch

“Papaya King?” Michael asked incredulously as he stared up at the sign.

“Papaya King,” Maggie said confidently.  “You can’t tell me that you’ve lived in the city for how long?  And you’ve never been here?  How is that even possible?”  They’d walked the several blocks from the high school to the gastronomic landmark on East 86th.

“Because I try to eat healthy?” he ventured.

“You, Michael Rannigan, are a snob.  Come on.”  Maggie pulled open the door and they went inside.

They both gazed up at the menu.  “I don’t even know where to begin,” Michael grumped.

Maggie smiled patiently.  “Allow me,” she said.  Stepping up to the counter she ordered.  “We’ll have two Number Fives with the New York onions and the papaya drink.” 

Minutes later with their lunch on trays, they made their way through the crowded dining room to the narrow counter along the front window.  Maggie watched as Michael took his first bite.