Chapter 35: A Gift From the Boss

The next work week was shortened due to the holiday.  On Tuesday afternoon, a large gift tower was delivered to Maggie’s desk.  She was thrilled to see that it was from the Chelsea Market.  In the three baskets was a generous assortment of all kinds of goodies like poppy seed cake, ginger cookies, salmon, salami, Camembert, and more.  The attached Christmas card had been printed: Merry Christmas, From Michael. 

Maggie sheepishly retrieved a small gift bag from the cabinet behind her desk.  I didn’t realize he was going to go all out, she fretted mildly.  Walking down the hallway she noticed that everyone on the 50th floor had received identical gift baskets.  Somehow, the realization made her feel better.  It’s not like he spent a lot of time picking it out.  He probably had Karen do it.  

Michael’s office door was open about halfway and she peeked inside.  Dan was talking over his shoulder as he moved toward the door.  “Thanks for the basket, Michael.  It’s really nice.”