Chapter 39: Being Petty

She and Joe left shortly after that.  The theatre was a short cab ride from the pub.  They quickly found their seats and began to scan the Playbill.  The play was a modern avant-garde sort of thing, not really Maggie’s cup of tea, but she was always up for a live performance.  There were brief breaks in the performance, allowing her and Joe a chance to engage in small-talk.

Out on the sidewalk after the play, Joe turned to Maggie.  “Are you hungry?  Would you like to get something to eat?  Or drink?  Or both?” he asked, laughing at his awkwardness.

She smiled.  “Sure, that sounds great.”  They ended up seated in a booth at a cafe not far from Doc’s.  Over pie and coffee, Maggie answered his questions.  She’d grown up in North Carolina, she’d graduated from NYU Law School, she’d worked with Murphy, Rannigan since graduation.