Chapter 40: Curiosity Killed the Cat

Michael arrived at the office early on Monday morning.  He was anxious to see Maggie and ask about her weekend.  He’d briefly toyed with the idea of Snapchatting her on Sunday but then thought better of it.  He was standing by Karen’s desk perusing some documents when Maggie stepped off the elevator.  “Howdy, Mags.  Good morning.”

Maggie was juggling her purse, her case, and a huge coat she’d apparently removed in the elevator.  “Hey, Michael.  Happy Monday.”

He followed her to her office, holding open the door so she could enter with her arms full.  She put down her purse and case on her desk and hung up her coat in the small closet near the door.  Casually, one ankle crossed over the opposite knee, Michael leaned back on the sofa across from her desk.  “So how was your weekend?” He aimed for nonchalance.