Chapter 88: This is Not Happening

Michael’s ‘against medical advice’ release from the hospital took a couple of hours by the time the doctor performed one final examination and all the paperwork was completed.  They were given a stack of information that Maggie read on the cab ride back to Michael’s apartment. 

“This settles it,” she said waving the pamphlets at him.  “Tomorrow I’m shopping for organic everything for you.  It’s so much healthier.  I’ll put together meals to keep in the freezer, and you can pull them out one at a time and microwave them.”  Thank God tomorrow’s Saturday.

“You really don’t have to do all that, Mags,” Michael said.  “I know it’s a lot.  I’m feeling stronger.  Maybe you can come by every couple of days instead of every day.  At least until I get my next round of chemo.”

Maggie shook her head.  “We’ll see,” she said.

They rode in silence for a few blocks.  Michael looked grimly thoughtful.  “Do you think this is my punishment?”

She craned around to look at him.  “Your punishment?”