Chapter 89: Bourbon Between Friends

Michael woke with a start.  He’d dozed off in front of the television.  The soft knock came again.  Stretching, he limped to the door.

“Hey, Michael,” Bobby said.  “I didn’t mean to wake you.  I just wanted to check on you.  How are you feeling?”

“Glad to be home,” Michael said.  “Come on in.”  He turned and walked back into the living room, leaving Bobby to close the door.  As Bobby came in, Michael watched him glancing around. 

“Mags took off a few hours ago,” Michael said.

Bobby met his eyes.  “Oh, well, I know it’s late.”

“I figure you for a man who appreciates a good bourbon,” Michael told him, crossing over to the bar.

“I’ve been known to imbibe on occasion,” Bobby replied, grinning good-naturedly.  He watched as Michael poured a couple of fingers of the rich dark amber liquid into two glasses.  “Should you be doing that?”

“I’m dying,” Michael shrugged as he handed a glass to Bobby.  “I’ll do what I like.”