Chapter 110: Clearing the Air

Maggie and Michael had both said that they’d never dated each other.  Michael did admit that they’d slept together once.  Bobby rubbed his chin as conflicting thoughts whirled through his mind.  Michael and Maggie are friends.  He inspected the photograph in his hands.  They look like more than friends. He exhaled sharply.  Damn Deanna for wrecking my heart.

“Everything’s just about ready,” Maggie called, breaking into his thoughts.

He shook his head and replaced the picture.  Let it go, son.  Just let it go.

It was easier said than done.  Maggie smiled at him and asked him to pour the wine for them, and he had to resist the impulse to believe that her smile mocked him.  They sat at her small kitchen table and heaped their plates with scampi.  A small garden salad of fresh greens was topped with her homemade vinaigrette, and a fresh warm baguette complimented the meal.

“I’m so glad you’re here,” Maggie said, lifting her glass.