Chapter 109: Paranoia

Bobby watched out the window of his first-class seat as the runway came into view, felt the bump as the wheels touched down.  He’d flown with Savannah to Dallas, rented a car to drive her to Deanna’s, then driven back to the airport for his flight to New York.  Just like every time he left his daughter, he’d felt the hole in his heart, but those emotions had been tempered by his annoyance with Deanna. 

He shook his head to dispel the negative thoughts.  He’d see Savannah again soon.  And for now, he had Maggie to look forward to.  A home-cooked dinner with a beautiful redhead sounded just about right.

Brown leather carry-on bag slung over his shoulder, he headed to the escalator that would take him to the taxi stand.  “I’m back.  I’ll see you as soon as I get a cab,” he texted quickly as he stepped onto the steep moving stairway.

Seconds later his phone blipped.  “I see you now, bayou boy.”