We ran and ran until we reached my house.

I said "Ava come ,it's still raining .Let's go to my house and take some rest "

"Ok "

We went inside our house . While walking Ava said " Allice all of our fruit and bag has fall there "

"It's ok Let's go to my room "

We were in my room , drinking water that suddenly , we heard a tapping sound on my window.

"Who's there?" I shouted. Suddenly there was a flash of lightning; I saw a face at the window.

"Ava there is someone "

"No no one is there ,relax Allice I guess you are in a shock " she replied .

Suddenly the light went off .We felt very scared, and pulled the blanket over our head.

We peeped out of my blanket but it was too dark to see anything. Then we heard someone's footsteps. They were getting louder and louder and suddenly they went off.

The light came . We decided to stay there . We were trying to sleep .

Ava said " Allice everything is fine now . There is no rain outside and there is a lot of light . Shall we move back "

"We will "

"But when "

"When my heart will take a rest "

We both laughed , and closed our eyes.

We heard some weird noises in the walls. Scratching noises. I said to Ava:

"These rats, won't let anyone sleep without a fight"

The noise was gone .

We were almost asleep that we heard someone turning the kitchen light on.

Ava said " I guess our parents have came finding us "

"No they will be sleeping . It will be our brothers . You know that Jacob and Leo were playing all night ." I replied .

"Yes they came here finding us " She replied .

"Whoever is in the kitchen, I would help " I replied with a smile on my face .

"Let's go together and we will caught them red -handed eating food "

But when we stepped into the hallway, there was no sign of the kitchen light on, nor anyone walking. We were shocked .

We turned back and were going that we heard glass breaking in the kitchen. I hastened frantically, and grabbed Ava's hand .

"Who...Who ...there ?" Ava asked .

But there was no reply .

As we turned back , we saw the same little boy.

We ran out of the house through the backyard of kitchen without wearing shoes and at last reached the house .

We stooped under a small tree . Our heart was beating loudly .

Suddenly , an old man came before us and asked "Why you came here ?"

We both get closed to each other and then I replied with breaking voice "We ....we just came here to take friut "

"which fruit " He asked and suddenly the light struck .

" fruit ....."

"But why ? You should not come here at night ."

"Yes we know we are going "

"Then don't wait and go away"

We were just leaving that he shouted " Do tell your parents all what happened "

"But how do you know what happened with us "

"I know , it was a trap "

"Trap ?" Ava asked ."They are our friends " I replied angrily .

"They are not your friends . They were trap to kill you"

"But who wants to kill us "

"Go and read that book .You will get all answers ."

"Is all that story true "

"Yes it is , this forest is there .they don't want you to live here "

"Who ? .....Who don't want "

"The ghosts "

"Is this forest haun.....haunt....haunted " I asked .

"I don't know but I am advising you not to believe anyone "

"But why are you helping us "

" Because you are my kids "

"Will you help us "

"I will definitely ,but what help do you need ."

"We want to catch the ghosts and want to find the reason of all this incidents "

"Ok I will help but I have three conditions "

"Conditions what are they ?"

"At first you will follow whatever I will told you .

Second , you will not tell your parents about me until we will not sole the mystery

And third , You will believe on me , I am not a ghost but I have special powers to disappear and appear ."

"Ok we agree " Said Ava in a low voice .

"Now go to your house and straight to your room and sleep . I will meet you tomorrow .Until that don't tell any body anything ."

"Ok but what about Emily and Bella " I asked .

"They will be sleeping .Don't tell them anything . Just take this fruit" He said this and a mango appeared magically .

"But we haven't reached there on time "

"Don't worry they have cheated "

"Cheated ?" Ava asked .