"Yes cheated . They were having mango in their bag " He replied .

"But how do you know ?"

"If they were there ,they should meet you because both paths are equal "

"Yes ,we haven't thought "

"Go and if they ask something now or in the morning tell them that you both have been waiting for them on their path "

"Ok ,we will meet tomorrow ."

We said and went off.

We went to our room and saw those girls sleeping .

"Let us sleep too " Ava said .

And we both slept .

We woke up late in the morning because we were very tired running from one place to other . When we woke up it was a shiny morning but we could still remember everything .

We went to the table . Everyone was there .

My father asked "Allice and Ava where are your friends "

"They went off " Ava asked .

"Where ?" Ava's father asked .

"They went off with parents "

"Oh ! They found their parents . They should meet us ."

"They were in hurry " She replied .

"Ok come and have a breakfast ."

"We have to study today " Said Ava .

"So ? what "Asked Leo .

"We will be in our room . No one will disturb us . "

"Ok . Don't worry .Eat something mu daughter " Replied aunt Sophia .

We ate the breakfast and went off to the room.

"Come on Allice let's start reading the book "

"Ok come " .

We started thinking that what should we read first .

"I thought that we should read the book first instead of diary because , firstly we should know about that weird house" I said

"Ok" said Ava .

And we started reading the book .

"Many years ago , a house was built in the eastern part of a beautiful forest by a small family .The forest was nut-brown. The trees were the towers of the forest. Nuts were scattered on the floor of the forest. The smell of the forest was pulpy. The glory of the forest was revealed in the birthstone-bright light. Almond-brown trees stood serenely, awash with a tender glow. Their bark looked like riffled toast and gems of amber clasped their crusty exterior. The first blush of the morn gave the leafy bower a green-going-to-gold complexion. It was a Sturdy two-story residence designed without the least imagination. A set of sagging wooden steps descended three treads from the door. It was a very beautiful house . The family consisted of a couple, their two children ,their grandmother and grandfather . They came to live here .Everyday ,they went to a walk in the forest. The forest smelled like damp moss, rain, wet tree trunks, flowers, and needle-covered path. "

When we went to the next page some of the pages were teared. There was an introduction which says that some pages were taken from the diary written by the owner of the house whose name was Liam . He wrote his personal diary every night .He has also wrote about the things he saw in the house .His diary was continued by his daughter Mia.

We turned to the next page and started reading it . It was written by Liam.

"I was ready to go to my office . I said good bye to my family and went to the car .Just I was sitting that I saw that the back side tyres were missing .I can't get where they went .I thought that the children would be playing .So I started going by foot ,without telling my family. I have to pass through the forest .It was day time so I felt no fear.

Without a second thought, I started to walk down the old, endless, grey path, scattered with leaves and long twigs. Every step I took lead to a defining 'CRUNCH'…

The further I went in to the forest the more frightened I got. The tall trees, which were masked by shadows, towered over me, almost like they were watching every step I took. All was silent. No bird chirp, no howl of the wind. I started to smell a type of flower, the smell was so strong that I started to get a headache.

The trees in the forest were malady-brown. Grains of poison begrimed the bark and gleamed like witch dust. Trolls haunted the sooty coppices, salivating over their prey and smearing the blood over their heavy faces. The decaying air and stifling atmosphere provided the perfect abode for those who worshipped the darkness rather than the light. In the dense shadows, spiders clutched their snare-strings. Their webs shimmered like meshed steel dipped in silver. Eyes a-flame with hunger, they were hoping to dine on bloated bodies and slurp on hot blood."