Chapter 72

Anissa kept staring into space.

She felt nothing. There was just darkness surrounding her although it was a bright day outside. The sunlight filtering in the room was proof.

There was so much locked inside her and now she wasn't even trying to keep it all in. She had to remind herself again and again of why she did what she did.

Without even realizing it, her hands crept to her stomach. The slight pressure from the weight of her hands caused pain to radiate but this physical pain was nothing compared to the pain that was in her heart.

She heard the soft click of the door and she knew who it was. He wouldn't leave her alone. He was always there whenever she opened her eyes. So she closed her eyes and pretended to be asleep.

She felt the place beside her dip as he sat perched beside her.

His presence radiated warmth yet she could feel none. All she felt was disgust and repulsion. She felt him touch her lightly on her face, from her cheekbone his finger caressed down to her jaw.