Chapter 73

Things seemed so out of reach now.

Circumstances seemed to favor the impossible.

Happiness, a feeling he had only had a brief encounter of, now seemed so far away that it almost seemed impossible to grasp at.

Was this truly what he deserved?

He laughed to himself as he scratched the back of his head. If such thoughts had occurred to him when he was obsessed over breaking Anissa, he wouldn't laughed at himself for thinking such ridiculous things. He was that blind back then.

But now, slowly but surely, he was beginning to see the light. Because Just when things finally began to look good for him, and for once in his bleak and dark life, he felt a shred of happiness, it was but all taken from him. And he had no one to blame but himself.

Even now, he found it amazing that he could pin the blame on no one but himself. He had an insight and it astonished him. He never thought that a day would come when he would face the consequences of his own actions and take responsibility for it.