~ 117: Humouring, Healing and then Breaking - Part 2 ~

"Where have you been, Lady Thesia Dixon?" said the king gravely. "I had wanted to see you dining with me in the hall than missing your breakfast and frisking about. Has your health made you forget that nutrition is important for your slow and steady recovery?"

"You know very well, Your Majesty, that I have no need of that," I replied, my eyes looking at his pockets to signal the fact that the chain would be enough.

"She's honest," commented the General, at whom I now gave a hard stare. "I wonder how harsh her punishment was."

"A liar can tell a few truths," stated the lord, making me question my need to be beside him. "Not that she could be one, but I trust her not regardless. I am wary of my kingdom and what lies in it."

"That side of you has never changed, milord. I don't think it shall ever soon, though I wonder how you now handle such affairs after these many years."