Miss Fortune (2)

Ayaka and her bodyguard checked several other posts on social media or online news.

"Wait, is this the luxury car in question? But, why this car seems a bit familiar. I seem to have seen it before, but where, hmm?" Ayaka tapped her chin while trying to remember the owner of the black sedan.

"Ayaka-sama, please look at this old butler. Erm, doesn't this old gentleman look like Master Alfred, who works for Kisaragi Yuna-sama?" Honda pointed to the butler who got out of the car. It was a little blurry, but she could tell the butler's identity.

"AH! Looks like you're right, Honda. However, Kisaragi Yuna-san, hmm... So, Mike-san got hit by her car, and it was purely a traffic accident?" Ayaka looked at the picture and assumed another. She simply let her bodyguard fiddling her smartphone so her bodyguard could investigate for her faster.

"If it's based on the news, it's impossible for Akira-sama to send Kisaragi Yuna-sama to harm Mike-san just like you suspected, Ayaka-sama." Honda concluded that with confidence.

"En, I knew. After all, Kisaragi Yuna-san herself has nothing to do with the Hayashi Clan. But... I feel guilty. Mike-san is suffering from color blindness, right? Did he mistake traffic lights? Ahh, that must be true..." Ayaka held her head with both hands due to mixed feelings.

"I don't think it's because of that, Ayaka-sama. Please read this article. Mike-san wasn't involved in an accident by mistaking the traffic lights, but he saved a little girl. Unfortunately, the car immediately hit him right after he pushed the little girl onto the sidewalk." Honda returned her young lady's smartphone with the most essential information of their concern.

"Eh? Mike-san turns out to be a good Samaritan?" Ayaka was pleasantly surprised and took her smartphone. She read the article in question with relief. "Mike-san was taken away by Kisaragi Yuna-san's car? Hmm, he might have been taken to the nearest hospital."

After a few more conversations, Ayaka finally took her bodyguard's advice to go home. She just needed to find out about Mike's situation later.

On the other side, a black sedan had just arrived at the International Hospital. Mike was immediately taken to the Private Emergency Room with no delay.

"Noguchi-sensei, please make sure no permission for media to enter this Private Emergency Room. Also, please give this young man emergency medical help." The blonde young lady reminded her doctor acquaintance in panic.

It was the first time she came to the Emergency Room. She was aware that she was not like her usual self, who handled everything with a calm mind.

"Our Private Emergency Rooms have multiple layers of security under strict rules, "You can already visit the patient, Kisaragi-sama. I will return for periodic checks. Then, allow me to excuse myself."-sama. You may rest easy. Now, allow me to provide emergency care to the patient." The doctor gave a reassurance, then rushed into the Emergency Room with two nurses. The patient was in critical condition.

After that, there was only a blonde young lady and a white-haired butler in the waiting room of the Private Emergency Room. The blonde young lady went over to the glass in the door. She watched the doctor was working with the nurses to save the young man's life.

However, she didn't dare to look any longer. She could not bear to see the wounds suffered by the patient.

"Ojou-sama, please have a seat. A cup of green tea to relieve the tension a bit." Alfred invited his young lady to sit down as he poured a cup of freshly brewed tea.

"Thank you, Alfred." Yuna sat down, tucked a handful of her hair to her ear, and drank the green tea all at once. She was too nervous and restless to enjoy her warm tea. "Have you canceled all our meetings? What kind of response do other parties have?"

"The notifications have been delivered. All meetings will be postponed for tomorrow. We did not receive any complaints, ojou-sama." Alfred poured the green tea into his young lady's cup again.

"I see... That's great. But, what's up with today? I dreamed last night that today was my fortuitous encounter with something exceptional. Yet, it turned out to be the opposite. Huff... Not to mention the media, I hate them." Yuna made a steeple of her fingers.

She thought for a moment about what she should do next. It was the first time in her life to be involved in a traffic accident, so she was a bit confused about making the right and fast decision.

"My apologies, ojou-sama. It was due to this old servant negligence in driving. I was driving too fast." The old butler gave a bow in apology. He was ready to accept punishment.

"No, Alfred. You obeyed the road and traffic rules. You were also driving fast because of the meetings this afternoon. If there's anyone to blame, then it's that little girl's guardian.

He or she has let their little daughter enter the dangerous road even though it's not the time for pedestrians to cross. That little girl's guardian is the subject of the punishment and the fine according to the law." Yuna refuted her butler with facts. Then, she took her smartphone from her handbag.

"This old butler understands. Would you like me to take care of the media immediately, ojou-sama?" Alfred gave a respectful bow with one hand on his chest.

Yuna didn't respond immediately. She fiddled her smartphone to check out the latest news, and she furrowed her brows a little afterward.

The media and impromptu reporters worked quickly to spread the news of the accident.

"No media has yet explained who the owner of the black luxury car is. Um, great. We need to act quickly to get this news down before those annoying people investigate. Alfred, please take care of this and police matters." Yuna looked at her butler and conveyed her orders.

"At your command, ojou-sama. Then, allow me to excuse myself." Alfred gave a respectful bow once more. After his young lady gave the nod, he walked away to take care of things as ordered.

When only the blonde young lady remained in the waiting room, she heaved a subtle sigh. She turned to the Private Emergency Room and clasped her hands for a brief prayer.

It only took about half an hour for the doctor and nurses to provide emergency medical assistance. They were astonished because the patient didn't suffer any internal injuries even though he had lost a lot of blood. The patient didn't even need the blood transfusion because the patient did not suffer a lack of blood.

The doctor and the nurses just put the problem aside. In consideration, there were many oddities and wonders in the medical world.

"Noguchi-sensei, how is the patient's condition? Is he seriously injured?" Yuna got up from her seat and approached the doctor who had just come out of the Emergency Room.

"With God's help, the patient did not suffer any serious injuries. It might be a little strange to explain with medical knowledge, but this young man did not even experience blood loss despite having lost that much blood." The doctor smiled professionally and pointed his open palms up.

"Thank goodness..." Yuna let out a sigh of relief as she stroked her upper chest.

It was as if the weight from her shoulders had been lifted. Truth be told, she honestly didn't know what to do if that young man died.

"You can already visit the patient, Kisaragi-sama. I'll be back for another check-up in an hour. Then, allow me to excuse myself." The doctor excused himself, and the blonde young lady gave way. Thus, he and the two nurses left the Private Emergency Room.

Yuna stared at her acquaintance's back for a moment, then turned to the entrance to the Emergency Room.

She peeked in through the glass, and she could see a young man wrapped in bandages lying on the patient bed. Seeing that, she decided to go inside to have a close look at the patient.

"Sigh, you immediately took action to save that little girl without hesitation, unlike people in general. There are so many reasons not to take any action, but you choose to save someone you may not know with your life at stake. A compassionate person who is unselfish to help others, hmm?" Yuna stood beside the bed and muttered softly.

She felt amazed at this young man. At the same time, she didn't dare imagine what would happen if the one who was hit by the car was that little girl.

Meanwhile, Mike's consciousness slowly returned, but he couldn't use his senses yet. He was trapped in the darkness of a lightless night, like sleeping in a dream with no way to wake up.

[Host has regained consciousness. Restart the synchronization system. 1%... 2%... 3%...]

Mike heard a voice in his mind, but he couldn't speak using his mouth just yet. Thus, he just wondered in his mind. 'Synchronization system? What is that? What awaits me when I reach 100 percent?'