Miss Fortune (3)

Yuna decided to sit beside the patient's bed. The patient was wearing the patient's clothes, but he was wrapped in bandages here and there like a mummy.

She rested her cheek against her hand with several things in mind. The thought about the strangeness of the young man before her was one of them.

Someone who had lost a lot of blood but didn't need blood transfusions... He only suffered external wounds without any internal injuries.

Additionally, this young man previously was slammed onto the asphalt and hit the concrete. Even his head was leaking a lot of red liquid... Wasn't this young man so sturdy and durable?

When Yuna came to that thought, she turned to the backpack and the bloody clothes at the corner. She intended to search all of that to find out the identity of this young man. Something like an ID card or something was at least there, right?

As soon as Yuna had decided that in her mind, the sound of three consecutive knocks broke the silence suddenly.

Yuna jolted a little. She turned her head toward the entrance right away, and her butler was there, awaiting her confirmation. "Come in."

"Excuse me." Alfred opened the entrance and walked over. He stood beside his young lady and gave a slight bow with his hands on his side chest. "As per your request, the police and media have been handled flawlessly, ojou-sama."

"That's nice to hear, Alfred." Yuna nodded with satisfaction. Peace and calm flowed into her mind.

"What about the patient?" Alfred turned to the young man, who was now like a mummy. But, he frowned briefly because of an oddity.

He knew the young man was seriously injured, but why wasn't there any medical device attached to this patient for life support? Was the patient only wrapped in bandages?

"Sofu-sensei said that this young man had no internal injuries. Even though this young man has lost a lot of blood, he doesn't even need a blood transfusion. What do you think, Alfred?" As if she knew what her butler had in mind, Yuna declared it for the sake of enlightenment.

"That's quite strange, ojou-sama. I took a glimpse of this young man's critical state when I took him to the car. He was seriously injured, and the wound on his head should lead to a lack of blood. If it's as you say, I suspect this young man may have extraordinary automatic self-healing natural ability. Allow me to confirm my assumptions." Alfred put his hand on his chin and started to consider a few things in his mind.

After that, he decided to check on this young man. He stretched out his hand and touched the patient's wrist.

The old butler's eyes widened as soon as he briefly scanned the patient's state using his Spirit Power. This young man truly no longer suffered any internal injuries. But the one thing that surprised him wasn't that. This young man had 54 active Spirit Veins! What did that mean? It was none other than Perfect Body!

"Ojou-sama, I am afraid we have injured someone from one of the prominent hidden sects or organizations. Maybe, some unexpected problems will come to us without having to wait long." Alfred turned around and declared with a firm expression.

"Wha, what do you mean, Alfred? Have we offended a secret organization without realizing it?" Yuna tilted her head slightly in astonishment.

"I am sure you are aware of the hidden sects and organizations that exist in this world, ojou-sama. This young man is probably the most talented disciple from one of that special places. Based on my experience, they are quite unreasonable and will come when their treasured disciple is gravely injured somehow." Alfred pointed out several main problems even though it was still an assumption.

"Oh, God... Another matter even though we're not in the wrong here? Why are you so sure of that, Alfred?" Yuna held the side of her head as if she had an instant migraine.

Alfred checked the surrounding area for a moment to make sure no one would overhear their conversation. When he was sure, he opened his mouth to speak. "This young man possesses a Perfect Body with 54 active Spirit Veins, ojou-sama. As far as my knowledge tells, someone who is gifted with extraordinary talent like this young man usually comes with a profound background."

Yuna's eyes widened with surprise. She turned to the young man on the patient's bed. Was he someone with exceptionally gifted talent?

"54 Spirit Veins... Perfect Body... Five times the cultivation speed of ordinary talented people." Yuna muttered softly.

She was not ignorant about ability users, martial artists, espers, and so on. Truth be told, she and everyone in her household were also people in that category.

If so, a group of troublemakers would come to her from somewhere to demand unreasonable responsibility and compensation just because she hurt their treasured disciple? Even though it wasn't her fault?

"Uhh... Alfred, can you check the belongings of this young man? Perhaps, there are some clues or IDs in there." Yuna pointed her open palm toward the torn backpack and the bloody clothes.

Yuna had the urge to curse that little girl's guardian because they neglected to keep their children in traffic rules. Not to mention, they escaped from the scene and gave all responsibility and trouble to her!

She would seek them out and give them a dose of her grievances. It was not tolerable.

"At your command, ojou-sama." Alfred immediately carried out the command. He checked the contents of the bag and also the bloody clothes.

Unfortunately, he couldn't find anything other than a guidebook, an atlas, a magazine, some money in a pouch, and a newspaper. Other than that, there was only emergency food and a bottle of mineral water...

For that reason, he tidied it all up again, then returned to his young lady's side. "My apologies, ojou-sama. I'm afraid we can only discover this young man's identity after he regains consciousness."

"There are no clues, hmm... I don't wish for any other problem, uuu... What's wrong with today, oh my God..." Yuna put her hands on the edge of the bed and rested her head there. She felt depressed once again right after feeling relieved.

Meanwhile, the old butler just stepped back and walked out of the room. He stood guard right outside the entrance.

At that moment, Mike was still stuck in the nameless realm between consciousness and the subconscious. He waited patiently for the synchronization system to complete.

[69%... 76%... 88%... 96%... 99%... 100%... System sync completed. The host's consciousness will soon return to the enhanced body.]

'Finally done, yatta! Eh, wait? Aah!' Mike shouted happily. However, he immediately screamed in surprise because he was sucked by a vortex as if he was thrown far into the afterlife right away.

[The host's body is 80% recovered. Skill Unlocked: Elemental Sight. System Unlocked: Miss Fortune System can be accessed.]

'Am I immediately sent to the afterlife? Misfortune System? Why does it sound like you are insulting my luck, system-san?' Mike muttered in his mind. Yet, he didn't get any response. 'Silent treatment again, eh?'

Mike tried to move his body, but it felt sore and heavy. Only his fingers could move a little. He tried to open his eyes, but his vision was blurry.

Nevertheless, he managed to see where he was at the moment. One of the first things he saw was a white ceiling. Everything was all white, and he felt like floating in the sky, which was so comfortable.

Then, an angel with heavenly beauty came into his sight. If it needed to be said, it was the first time he had seen someone that beautiful in his life.

Her dainty nose, glossy skin, sweet cherry lips, and creamy blonde hair were a perfect art of beauty that made him completely stunned. However, he became fixated on the girl's turquoise eyes, which seemed to make him adrift for a few moments. Yes, the image of beauty was there to be appreciated for a moment and burned into memory.

"Aah, did I get to heaven? An angel has come to pick me up." Mike muttered softly and smiled faintly, but he shook his head at the end. At that very moment, the pain suddenly struck. "Hiss, ow, all my body aches and pains... Ugh, can spirits feel pain too?"

"Hehe, unfortunately, you are still in this mortal and sinful world, mister. Please don't move just yet. You're still injured." Yuna chuckled lightly and covered her mouth gracefully.

Mike went silent at once to enjoy the soothing voice of this angel. After a few moments, his full awareness of the world had returned. He started processing some of the facts that he was still alive and might be in a treatment room. Besides that, he realized that he was wrapped in a lot of bandages.

"Beautiful onee-san, were you the one who brought me here? Even though I don't know you, I thank you very much. I thought I had been thrown far into the afterlife." Mike conveyed his gratitude with sincerity. He thought he would die if he was not brought to the treatment room on time.