Dead Barren Land

"Come to me."

"Closer... Just a little closer..."

"Until your darkness intertwines with my emptiness."

"Haa..." Mike gasped in surprise and woke up from his nightmare. Even so, he suddenly couldn't remember what he had just experienced in the dream.

All he could remember were those strange whispers. It was neither Darkness nor Emerald, but he had no idea who it was. "What was that?"

"Where am I?" Mike muttered as his consciousness slowly returned to him.

His vision was a bit blurry, his body was in pain, and his head was dizzy. He tried to propel his body to get up, but he didn't have the energy to do that at the moment.

Memories of what had just happened gradually flashed through his mind.

"Oh, right... That damn tornado sent me flying to some unknown land. Am I in heaven now? Ugh..." Mike grabbed his head with his right hand and flipped over to his back. He felt his head hurt a lot, and he could only wince in pain.