God Game

Two hours passed, and Mike managed to recover some of his spirit power with the help of a spirit stone the size of half his little finger.

He opened his eyes and saw that his left arm was no longer shrouded in the evil aura, but the tattoo was still there and didn't seem to be going away. "This is a good sign. But, is the Dark Curse still taking effect?"

Mike tried to pick a leaf with his left hand. Disappointingly, it instantly turned yellow and dry. It shattered into smithereens in less than five seconds.

"Sigh... If I follow this scenario, I need to fully recover from suppressing the Dark Curse? It's a bit troublesome..." Mike shook his head. He had so many other problems coming up.

Even so, he didn't want to think about everything at once. He decided to check his current status screen even though he was a little scared. He indirectly made the Goddess of Fate and Fortune angry.

<| Miss Fortune System (Lv. 3) (Corrupted) |>