On December 23, 2009. I received bonus for having the highest number of students and bonus for professional exams taken by my students.

The CEO acclaimed, the course I instruct, the best-selling for the year. I feel cool to be celebrated and it encouraged me to do better. We had general meeting with the CEO as we were going to close for the year.

He then invited us to his house for Christmas. I returned to my relaxing spot and Kinky came to meet me later and said "I'm so proud and happy for you my dear." I responded by saying "Thank you my love."

Microsoft Office Instructor came in to scatter and elaborate it with unquenchable joy. They both hugged me as we strolled down to nearby restaurant to enjoy ourselves on my account.

Kinky later invited me to come and meet her parents as I would celebrate with them on the Christmas day. She said they have bought enough drinks for it. I looked at her and jokingly asked "Do you have the kind of drinks I take?" She replied by saying "Name it, I bet it with you that we got you covered." So I just named one beer I see people drink often times. She laughed and said "That is the beer my dad takes" My heart-beat accelerates its motion speed as I thought in my mind "I hope I had not put myself in trouble by saying that. I never tasted beer in my entire life, so I planned to reject the beer on that day as she promised to serve me herself that day".