25th of December, 2009. The Christmas day is finally here. Kinky had phoned me very early in the morning to remind me and she said we would go together to our boss house after her party. She went on to tell me that her mother even invited the Microsoft Office Instructor to assist her in cooking.

Microsoft Office Instructor had been connected earlier by Kinky to her mother for weekend catering jobs and they have been doing that before the Christmas period.

I freshened up in due time and headed for Kinky's house amid the decorated buildings in motion view via four wheeled cab that transported me to the venue. I had visited the house before now. That fateful day, she forced me to leave office and go with her after I had finished my morning class that day to fetch the breakfast she left at home. That day I had the opportunity of meeting her younger brother who was still in the same private university she graduated from. We exchanged greetings as she introduced me as her boyfriend.

On getting to her house on Christmas day, she introduced me as a boyfriend to her parents and I prostrated as it's traditionally and culturally demanded to greet the elderly ones.

They welcomed me warmly and we all seated in the living room entertaining our eyes with football on the big television positioned at the left side corner to the entrance. That position was the most ideal place where all visitors who seated on every couch in the living room could see its displays conveniently.

I was not a big fan of football as most of my time is usually meant for coding and debugging in C# programming language, so I couldn't contribute meaningfully to the football conversations. She personally served me food while her dad asked her younger brother to fetch my beer from the freezer. I was shocked and he said "Are you surprised at how I got to know the kind of drink you take?" Hopelessly did Kinky's smile redirect my sight toward where she was standing. Her father then said "Your girlfriend told me of course." In my mind I was like "I'm in big trouble. They caught me red-handed that I could not even invent any escaping route." I sipped it to find out that it was so bitter. I could not spit it out and it was tough to swallow. I manage to drink it to half in the bottle before Kinky called me to come over to the kitchen. I stood to find out I was so tipsy. I looked down and the floor was as high as to my knee, so I raised my leg than normal to climb the hallucinated height. This unexpected action of mine snatched the eyes of the football lovers who were already glued to the screen in front of them and they laughed at my condition that made it glaring that I'm a neophyte to drinking. I later composed myself before getting to the kitchen.

I met Kinky and her mother in the kitchen discussing. She asked me to help her with the rear zip of the dress she was just wearing and asked her mother if she was beautiful with the light brown powder she had applied on her face but her mother said "Segun is in the right position to answer that. He is the one you are going out with." So she faced me and repeated the question. I smiled and replied her by saying "You are the most beautiful damsel in the universe even without make-ups." She smiled and said "Thank you my dear." Then her mother turned to me and said "Segun, please monitor her very well for me and make sure she returns home early." I responded by saying "Almighty God is on our side, so no problem ma."

That's how I was able to escape the remaining half of the beer after her dad had told me as he looked forward to see me some other time. So I left for my boss's house in the company of the two beautiful ladies, Kinky and Microsoft Office Instructor.

At my boss party, we ate small Ofada rice with Malta Guinness. Then Kinky dragged me to the dance floor to dance and have fun for a while before the Centre Manager alighted us all in our respective destinations. We alighted Kinky at home first, followed by me and then others. Kinky called me to find out if I had reached home, I confirmed it and her mind was at rest. So that's how I spend my Christmas this 2009.