CHAPTER 5 - PART 7 & 8

Part 7

— It happened a few days after I was killed.

"Hey, say that again."

I suppressed my anger, asking back at that man in the silent guild.

Some time ago, I rested a few days after dying for a second time.

Fast forward to today. I was prohibited from strenuous exercise, looking for simple quests on the bulletin board, such as carrying luggage—

"I can say it any number of times. You mentioned a luggage carrying quest? In a party full of high tier job members, can't you take on higher quest? You are the dead weight holding them back right? Man with the weakest job?"

The man dressed like a warrior said as his companions at his table laughed with him.

I must endure.

I am a man who can handle this maturely, compared to the usual mockings from Aqua, the taunts from a drunkard you could find anywhere wasn't worth mentioning.

But this man's words made some sense.

My companions might had some issues, but they all had high tier jobs like this man said.

But if they could be utilized better, we could achieve great results.

And my 'adventurer' job was indeed the weakest.

Right now, I had nothing to rebuke him.

— But, that man thought I was afraid of him because I kept quiet.

"Hey, say something you weakest job holder. Really, bringing 3 fair ladies around, are you planning to create a harem? And all of them have top tier jobs. You must be creating wonderful memories everyday with these Onee-sans right?"

Hearing this, the guild exploded in laughter.

But there were some who knew of our exploits. They were frowning and trying to warn that guy.

I couldn't help clenching my fists, but I feel I could endure with these people in the crowd. I could get over this.

Megumin, Darkness and Aqua came over to encourage me.

"Kazuma, don't bother with them. I won't mind no matter what they say about me."

"That's right Kazuma, ignore those drunkards."

"Yeah, that man is just jealous that Kazuma have us. I don't mind, so just leave them be."

Correct, the man before us was the typical troublemaker you would find in mangas.

There was no need to be concerned with him.

I gritted my teeth to endure, but that last sentence from that man made me lose my cool.

"Being surrounded by top tier class is so blissful. How envious it is to not know suffering! How about switching places with me bro?"

"I'll gladly change theeeeeem!!"

I shouted out loud.

The adventurers guild turned silent again.

"… Huh?"

The warrior who was harassing me held his beer with one hand and made an awkward sound.

"I said that I would change with you! Hey, you think I am a pushover because I didn't say anything right! Ahh that's right, I have the weakest job! I am fine with that… But you! What did you say after that you jerk!"

"Ka… Kazuma?"

Aqua timidly approach me when I suddenly got mad.

But the man who back off a little because of my sudden outburst spoke before she could say anything more.

"After that part? Erm, bringing 3 fair ladies and creating a harem…"

I slammed my fist on the table.

The sound made everyone in the guild trembled.

"Fair ladies! Harem!! You said harem!? Hey, are those things in your eye sockets made from glass? Where are the fair ladies! My eyes are bad and can't see any fair ladies alright! Why don't you change your glass eyes with my lousy ones!!"

"Ah, huh!?" x3

When these 3 heard what I said, they pointed at themselves and gasped.

"Hey, you! Tell me! Fair ladies? Where, where are they hey! You said you envy me right? Ahh? You said that right!"

While I was grabbing that man by the collar, a timid voice came from behind me.

"Well… about that…"

That was the soft voice of Aqua who was representing the 3 of them, raising her hand.

But I ignored her and carried on.

"And after that? Being surrounded by top tier classes is so blissful? How envious it is to not know suffering!!!?"

"… Erm, well, sorry… The alcohol got to my head… But! The grass might look greener on the other side, but your situation is better! You said you want to change with me right? Just one day. How about just switching with me for one adventure? Hey, you guys are fine with that right!?"

The man whose collar was grabbed by me said as he turned to his companions for confirmation.

"I, I'm fine with that… The quest today is just hunting goblins."

"I'm okay with it too. But Dust, don't say you don't want to rejoin the party because it's too comfortable there alright?"

"I have no problems too. Even with a rookie, the goblins are no big deal. As compensation, I hope you bring some great stories back."

The companions of the troublemaker who shared a table with him added in.

"Nah, Kazuma. Erm, you guys seemed to be chatting happily, aren't you going to ask for our opinion?"

"No. Hello, my name is Kazuma. It might just be one day, but please take care of me!"

"Ah, ok…" x3

The 3 companions of the troublemaker acknowledged a little awkwardly.

Part 8

The man in heavy armor and a sword observed me and said:

"I am Taylor. I am proficient with a one handed sword, and I am a crusader. I am sort of like the leader of this party. It is just temporary, but you are still part of our team. Please listen to the instructions of the leader alright?"

"Of course. Or rather, I was always the one issuing the orders. Following your instructions should be easier and refreshing. Please look after me."

Taylor seemed shocked to hear what I said.

"What? That party of top tier jobs is led by an adventurer?"

"That's correct."

I nodded casually and the 3 of them couldn't say anything.

Next is a girl who seemed rather young, wearing a green cloak.

"I am Rin. As you can see, I am a wizard. I can use mid-level spells. Anyway, nice to meet you. Goblins are a piece of cake, I will protect you, rookie!"

That kid was treating me like a young junior and smiled.

I felt that my age was probably older. But a proper wizard is dependable. Please let me rely on her.

"I am Keith. Archer. I am confident with sniping. Anyway, pleased to meet you."

A lean man with a bow on his back smiled as he talked.

"I will be in everyone's care. I am Kazuma. My job is adventurer… Eh, should I talk about things I am good at?"

The three of them burst out in laughter when they heard that.

"No, no need. By the way, weren't you looking for a quest carrying luggages? Kazuma, just help us with our bags. A simple quest of hunting goblins would be fine with just the 3 of us. Don't worry, the bounty would be split equally 4 ways."

Taylor was a bit sarcastic, but that didn't matter.

Some might say I was surrounded by beauties, but I felt that getting paid just for carrying luggage was a great deal. Really, is that fine?

Well, since these guys said that themselves, I will take up their generous offer.

— At this moment, a familiar voice came from the quest bulletin board.

"Hmm~ repel the goblins? Why did those things appear around the town? Can't we take quest with higher reward? We need to tell Kazuma who was loaned out for the day how precious an existence we are."

The trouble maker was being pressured by Aqua.

"No, I know you all are very capable, but I can't match up with you all. Arch priest, arch wizard and crusader. With such a formation, any adversaries would not be a match. But please pick a simple one this time… By the way, I see that you don't have a weapon or armor, are you planning to go just like that?"

"No problem. I am confident of my toughness, and my weapon wouldn't hit anyway."

"Wouldn't hit…? No, that…? Never mind, it would work…"

That guy conversing with Darkness wanted to 'pick a simple one this time', does he plan to do it again next time?

I am fine with that too.

As I was a little concerned about the situation over there, Taylor stood up.

"I didn't plan to work during winter. But we managed to obtain this simple goblin hunting job. In summary, we will be hunting the goblins at the foot of the mountain path. If we set off now, we can make it back late in the night. Well then rookie, let's get going."