CHAPTER 5 - PART 9, 10 & 11

Part 9


A mainstream monster that was known to everyone in both this world and my own.

These guys didn't seem to be mob monsters in games, but were unexpectedly seen as dangerous beings by normal people.

They weren't not much alone, but they moved in groups, and could use weapons.

They seemed to be wild demi-humans, agile, short, violent and will attack humans and livestock.

Although they usually lived in the forest, these goblins were camping at the mountain path leading to the next town for some reason.

We leisurely walked in the grass plains leading to the mountain.

"Anyway, why are the goblins staying at such a place? But thanks to that, we got this great quest of hunting goblins!"

Defeating one goblin would yield 20,000 Eris in bounty.

I don't know how strong the goblins were, but they must be easy since Rin said so.

I could get a share of the reward just by following behind these 3 with their bags.

This might be the first time I got such an easy quest without any tension.

Normally, my companions would create some trouble along the way, but we reached the mountain safely today.

It was a mountain, but not a lush mountain like those in Japan; it was a brown rocky mountain without vegetation.

There were just a few sparse trees; for the goblins to move to a place that wasn't blessed by nature was baffling.

If it was the usual party, I would feel uneasiness whether the quest would proceed smoothly. But today, I had a deep sense of security.

That must be because this was a proper party.

Taylor stopped and opened his map.

"The goblins were spotted at the top of this mountain path, just as it starts leading down the slope. There might be goblins living in the caves besides the path. Be on guard from this point onwards."

I felt a bit moved by Taylor's instructions.

This is it, this should be a proper conversation between adventurers.

Wanting to charge into the middle of the enemy, suddenly wanting to chant explosion, wanting to go back early to drink beer. Those conversations were the weird ones.

The whole team looked at each other and nodded silently.

There were no divergent paths on the mountain. The narrow trail snaked between the treacherous mountain face.

The path was wide enough for 5 or 6 people to walk side by side, but one side was a wall while the other side was a cliff.

We walked quietly along the path, and I noticed something suddenly.

"Something is coming from the mountain path ahead. It triggered my enemy detection. But it is just one."

Detect enemy had a response. But there was just one.

Don't goblins moved in groups?

The 3 of them turned around in surprise when they heard what I said.

"… Kazuma, you have the skill to detect enemies? And it is just one? That shouldn't be a goblin. There shouldn't be strong enemies that can move alone here… This is just a straight path, we will be discovered even if we hide among the trees there. Should we fight?"

Taylor lifted his shield and said…

"No, we wouldn't be discovered if we hide among the trees. Because I have the 'hide' skill. This skill is effective on party members that are touched by the user. There are some trees, let's hide there first?"

After hearing what I said, the 3 appeared even more surprised, but they still hid in the woods.

As expected of a veteran adventurer team.

When you are not sure what the opponent is, first is to avoid battle and observe. That was one of the basics of the basics.

There was nothing to be ashamed about in being careful. But there was in dying due to carelessness.

If it were my usual team mates, would they hide so straightforwardly? As I was thinking about that while hiding—

It came.

Simply put, it was a feline beast.

That thing was bigger than tigers and lions, covered in black fur all over. It had giant fangs like a sabre tooth tiger growing out of its mouth.

That thing paranoidly sniffed the ground of the mountain path we walked on earlier.

When Rin saw that thing, she covered her mouth in panic.

She almost screamed from fear.

The 3 who were touching me with their hands were exerting more strength due to increased tension.

For these 3 to be this nervous, meant that this was a dangerous monster.

— After that thing sniffed around the area, it finally headed off in the direction we came from, moving towards the town.

"… Wah! How, how scary! Rookie killer, that was a rookie killer!"

Seeing Rin say that with teary eyes, that seemed to be a really formidable opponent.

"My heart, my heart almost stopped! We are saved…! I get it, the goblins moved to the mountain path so close to town because they were herded by the rookie killer."

"Ah, that's it… but this is troubling. It moved in the direction of our home. We can't escape back to town that way."

Keith and Taylor said.

"Erm, was that thing really that scary?"

When the 3 heard me, they looked at me with eyes of disbelief that was saying 'you didn't know?'

"That is a rookie killer. It hangs around creatures like goblins and kobolds, weaker monsters that are easier for rookie adventurers to handle, and preys on the weak adventurers. This means the goblins are bait to lure the adventurer. And in order to keep the goblins from settling at one place, it will herd the goblins to change its hunting grounds. A cunning and dangerous monster.

"That is scary."

In this world, even the monsters are that intelligent.

I feel like letting Aqua taste how powerful the rookie killer was.

"Anyway, can we complete the goblin quest? The rookie killer would usually protect the goblins that are used to lure the adventurers. If we kill the goblins and hide their bodies in the woods along the mountain path, it might ignore us like it did just now, and follow the scent of the bloody goblins instead. Even if it got close, we could rely on Kazuma's detect enemy. We can't just keep hiding here since we don't know whether the rookie killer will come back. Let's head for our destination."

We accepted Taylor's proposal and got out of the woods.

… At this moment, Rin took some of the luggage I was carrying and said,

"If we encounter the rookie killer and everyone has to run, it would better if Kazuma has a lighter load. I will take some too. As compensation, I will be counting on your detect enemy and hide skills alright?"

Rin shouldered her own bags and said nervously.

Hearing Rin said that, Taylor and Keith also hurriedly took their bags from me.

"We, we are not relying on Kazuma okay?" x2

Oh, tsundere mode.

Part 10

The rookie killer seemed like it wasn't coming back, so we hiked up the mountain path and came to the down slope area marked by Taylor's map.

The goblins seemed to be sighted here.

Taylor turned to the side.

"Kazuma, how is it? Any reaction from detect enemy?"

Of course. There were plenty.

"If you follow the path down, there are a lot behind that corner. There is no sign of the rookie killer from the way we came from."

But the reaction was too many. It wasn't just ten or twenty.

Too many, I couldn't count clearly.

"If there are many, that would be goblins. The goblins live in groups."

I looked uneasily at Keith who were putting it so easily.

"No, although I don't know since I never fought goblins, but would there really be this many? How many are there in a group usually? Just the detected reaction is too many to count."

Maybe it's because she saw how I looked, Rin was also starting to get uneasy.

"Nah, is it really that many? Since Kazuma said so, why not take a peek at how many there is, and go in when…"

As Rin was saying that.

"No problem no problem! How could we let Kazuma get all the spotlight! Alright, let's go!"

Keith shouted as he charged round the corner down the slope where the goblins were.

Taylor followed behind, and both of them yelled.

"Wait! So many!!" x2

When we heard their yell, Rin and I turned the corner too.

— There were way more than 30 goblins.

So these were the famous goblins! I see, they were tiny imps!

Their heights were about that of a grade schooler, but all of them had a weapon and faced our way.

This felt a little intimidating.

Seeing that, Rin tensed her face and yelled.

"Didn't I tell you! I already told you! Didn't I say we should peek and see how many there are!!"

Taylor took a step forward to protect Rin who made a crying sound and the archer Keith.

"There will normally be a dozen or so goblins! Damn, if we run back, we might get attacked on both sides by the rookie killer! We have to do this!"

Hearing Taylor's shout, Rin and Keith prepared to attack with a solemn face.

Goblins saw the situation and let out weird screams, charging at us along the mountain path!

"Chi chi chi! Chi-, chi-!"

We set up our formation on the slope.

"That hurts! Shit, I'm hit by an arrow! Hey! There is a goblin archer! Rin, cast wind defence spells quick!"

"Rin is still chanting, it's not fast enough! Everyone, try to dodge!"

As Taylor and Keith was shouting.

"Wind breath!"

I shouted beginner wind magic and blew the arrows coming at us away.

"Ka, Kazuma! Good job!"

As Taylor lift his shield and shouted at me, Rin's magic was completed.

"Wind curtain!"

At the same time, wind blew around us.

That's right, this was magic!

This was the proper way for wizards to cast support spells!

It must have been a spell that could deflect arrows.

As I was moved thinking 'this is a real wizard', I shouted.

"With this terrain, this would work! Create water!"

I chanted beginner magic, creating large amount of water with lots of mana.

The water flowed down the slope before Taylor.

"Kazuma!? What are you…"

As I listened to Rin's doubtful voice,


I used all my might to use beginner ice magic!

"Ohh!!" x3

Except for me, the other 3 shouted in panic, the ground beneath the goblins feet were frozen.

I used this tactic against the demon king's boss. The goblins slipped from the ice and fell everywhere.

Taylor stood firmly on dry ground, effortlessly slashing at the goblins who were slipping on the ice without firm footing.

We might even make it through without injuries!

I drew my sword and stood beside Taylor…!

"Taylor! The goblins that want to stand up on the ice will be handled by us! We will leave the goblins that don't come at us to the ranged attacks from behind!"

I feel the emotion of working together with teammates, shouting a little happily.

"Well, well done Kazuma! Hey, let's go everyone! The numbers are no longer a problem, let's finish the goblins!"

"Hahaha, isn't this easy! Watch me shoot holes through them!"

"I'm going! I will cast my powerful magic into their midst!"

We attacked the goblin group with heightened emotions!

Part 11

After finishing off the goblins and on our way back.

"… Hahaha, I have never heard of using magic in such a way! Why is the beginner magic the most effective!"

"Really! I was taught at the magic academy that beginners magic was just a waste of skill points! Haha, hahaha, what is with that!"

"Wahahaha, not good, this is the first time I enjoyed hunting goblins this much! Ara, I thought we were doomed when I saw that large tribe of goblins!"

We talked about the battle just now as we returned to town along the mountain path.

They were still chatting about that fight with heightened emotions.

"Hey, the battle is over, hand your bags over. Shouldn't those with the weakest job, adventurers carry the luggage?"

I teased them with a smile.

"Ah, sorry, we were mean to you and I apologize! I won't look down on you again just because you are an adventurer!"

"Sorry Kazuma! Anyway, why is the one with the weakest adventurer job the most active! This is too strange!"

"Hey Kazuma, give me the luggage! You are the MVP today, so I will help you carry them!"

Seeing the 3 of them flustered, I burst out in laughter.

Seeing me laughing out, the 3 noticed I was joking and laughed too.

Ahh, this is nice.

This felt like a real adventuring party.

"Ugh… that hurts…"

Taylor frowned as he apply pressure to his arm.

Taylor who got hit with an arrow in the battle just now pulled it out.

"Hey, are you alright? I can learn recovery magic on the spot, but there are no antiseptics. It's better to not seal the wounds before going back to town. Do clean the wound and disinfect in town."

Hearing me say that casually, Rin and Keith gulped for some reason.

"Kazuma, you can learn recovery magic…?"

"Recovery magic… Our team finally has someone who could use recovery magic…"

Taylor cut the two of them off.

"Hey, stop it. Kazuma has somewhere to return to. He has a team that is full of top tier job holders… Really. Now I understand why Kazuma is the leader in a party of top tier jobs members."

Taylor said as he smiled at me.

Even I myself am not sure why I have to take care of the problem children in my party, but Taylor seemed to know why.

I have to ask him next time.

We got down the mountain and walked onto the vast plains leading to town.

— And we remembered.

We realized there was an existence we need to be careful of.

"Hmm? Is there something charging at us?"

As expected of an archer, his eyesight must be great.

The first to notice was Keith.

After that, I noticed too through detect enemy.

We noticed— the black beast running at us as we were in the middle of the grass plains at dusk.

"Rookie killer!"

With my shout as the cue, the 4 of us ran towards town.

"Ha… Ha…! Damn it, we have to face that in the end!"

Keith cursed while panting.

"Hah, hah… Oh no, it's catching up!"

As if she was answering him, the teary eyes Rin said through panted breath.

The rookie killer was right behind us.

There was still some distance from town. We won't make it if this goes on.

At this moment, Taylor who was running in front turned and took a stance with his sword.

"Rin! We will get caught if this goes on! Escape to town with Kazuma! I will stall it, Keith will support me! Get help once you reach town!"

"Oh!? That that that's right! Leave leave leave it to me! Kazuma belongs to another party after all, but he performed the best! It's our time to shine!"

What's with this, saying such cool lines!

Why say things like "leave this to me, you guys go first"!

"I, I understand! Let's hurry, Kazuma!"

Rim called out to me as she took my hand and prepared to run.

— But even if it was just a day, I am still part of this party.

For me, the option of leaving them before and escape does not exist.

The rookie killer was right before us.

It's target was Taylor blocking its way.

"Hey, wait Kazuma!? Aren't you running!?"

I flicked off the hand grabbing me as Rin uttered a panic voice, baffled by why I was just standing there. I chanted in a soft volume, careful to not let the rookie killer notice.

"Create earth!"

A small amount of dirt appeared on my palm.

"Hey Kazuma! It's dangerous, run!"

I ignored Keith's flustered voice, crushing the dirt in my hand, positioning myself behind Taylor stealthily.

"Warghh! Bring it on fur ball!"

Taylor roared.

The rookie killer pounced on Taylor.

"Wind breath!"

I aimed the dirt in my palm at the rookie killer and chanted.


The rookie killer was hit by the dirt in the face, it's eyes irritated by sand and pronged onto the ground.

It couldn't see, but it still growled at us.


"Wait!? Huh!?"

Taylor and the others didn't understand what was happening.

"Hey, now's the chance! Runnnn!!"

— A short distance from town.

But we couldn't feel the presence of the rookie killer any more.

I heard it was a cunning monster, it couldn't have chased us all the way to town.

"Did, did we lose it?"

Taylor asked in rugged breath.

"Hah… Hah… I, I think we did?"

Rin stopped and kept checking behind her.

" … Huff… Huff… Fuhehehe…"

Keith couldn't take it anymore and let out a soft laugh.

Hey, what was up with him, did the fear made his mind break?

— But as if they were influenced by Keith's laughter.

"Ha… Ha, hahahaha…!"

"Ahha… Ahahaha… Ahahahaha!"

Before I realised it, I was laughing along with them over the fact we escaped in the face of a strong adversary.

"Hey, what was that man! Kazuma, what did you do!? Wahahaha!"

Taylor pat my back strongly, but that sharp pain made me feel good.

I knocked happily back at Taylor's armor.

"It's beginner magic, beginner magic! I am an adventurer, it took lots of points, but I could only learn beginner magic! Wahaha!"

"How could there be such an adventurer! Ughahaha! My belly, it hurts from laughing! Alive, we encountered the rookie killer and lived!"

"Unscientific! This man is unscientific, in all sorts of ways! How high is his 'intelligence'! Nah, Kazuma, let me see your adventurer card!"

I did as Rin said and gave her my card.

"Ah… Hmm? Intelligence is normal. The other stats too… Ara, so high!? This person's luck is very high!!"

Hearing what Rin said, the other two also looked over.

"Wah, what is this!"

"Oh, hey, was the quest proceeding smoothly because of Kazuma's luck? Both of you, pray quick! You might receive some blessing!"

No, I think this has nothing to do with luck.

The counter lady also said, luck wasn't necessary to live as an adventurer.

And if my luck was really good, I won't need to form a party with those people, yeah.

But after Taylor finished, the 3 of them put their hands together and pray to me.

"Please, please don't do that, don't pray to me… How about getting some coffee instead? I can create clean water and fire too."

I took out the mugs as I smiled at the 3 of them.

Part 12

When we reached the doors of the adventurers guild, it was already midnight.

Apart from claiming the reward for the quest, we need to report the appearance of the rookie killer too.

According to Taylor, since the goblin group was wiped out, the rookie killer would wander away from human civilization and look for a new goblin group.

"We are hereeee! That felt like a big adventure today!"

We listened to Rin's word with a smile and pushed the door of the guild open—

"Boo… Boohoo… Hoo, boohoo… Ah, Kazumaaaaa…"

Seeing the wailing Aqua, I gently closed the door.

"Hey, I know how you feel from the bottom of my heart, but don't close the door!"

Opening the door that was closed, I saw the crying face of the man who picked on me this morning.

I think his name was Dust, the new leader of Aqua and the others.

A terrible sight.

Megumin was carried on Dust's back, and Aqua was carrying Darkness who had lost consciousness and was showing the white of her eyes as Aqua wailed.

Looking closely, there was a huge bite mark on Aqua's head; she was wet all over from saliva or something.

"… Eh, what happened. No, I have a rough idea. I have a rough idea so I don't really want to hear it."

"Listen to me! Listen!! It's my bad alright! You know, I asked everyone what skills they had when we left town. So this kid told me she could use explosion and I praised her for her abilities. And she said 'let me show you my power', and suddenly used all her mana on an empty grass plain to cast her explosion spell…"

I plugged my ears pretending to not hear Dust who was complaining to me.

"Hey, listen to me! After that, we encountered the rookie killer! Maybe it heard the explosion and rushed over. And the important wizard was down at this critical juncture. I already said we should flee, but that crusader charged at it despite not having armor, and the result is…"

"Hey everyone, this guy will probably report the incident with the rookie killer to the guild, let's eat something and rest. Cheers to the formation of the new party!"

"Yeah!!" x3

Hearing what I said, Taylor, Keith and Rin exclaimed with joy.

"Wait! I apologize! I can kneel before you or anything, but please let me return to my original party!"

I sympathised with Dust from the bottom of my heart, and said to him.

"Work hard in your new party from now on."

"I was wrong alright!! I will apologize for this morning so please forgive me!!"