Leaves are starting dancing along on the hot wind. The lovely scent of the roses at the field. Little grasshoppers jumping around the ground. An Old decayed log, had been softened by rot and spotted with most. And the sound of the water falling to steep mountain.

Yahoooooo! It's so beautiful this is the perfect place! just as we need to focus for our plan, Getting away from the crowd and and...*sigh* The breeze here is so fresh I want to live here hahahah. Akari was running and screaming like a child that enjoying the beauty of nature.

Hey akari don't get lost we are here for a serious discussion and not for vacation! oyy! seriously that idiot. Yuki said

It's okay to have fun just for a little bit. Look at akari he really enjoying this moment haha. You should too yuki lets have a little break about the performance. Koharu enjoyed the majestic view and then he joined akari.

Uhmmmm ma... maybe, I think so. Yuki was shy talking to koharu.

Guys! my grandparents said that later we will have a Feast tonight! Yuki said

OKAY! THANKS YUKI! both koharu and akari got excited when they heard about it and keeps on running around the field.

Yuko are you okay? What are you writting on your diary? let me see. Yui look at it

"Im so glad that i came here" "Im getting excited" Yuko write to her diary

I hope you enjoy this yuko. Yui smile and hugs yuko.


A day before the class rep. went to the inn all 5 of them decided to take it seriously because they dont have enought time before the school event starts, Yui volunteer for the house where would they stayed in.

the moon is starting showing it self, Akari went to maki's house to tell him about their plan.

Why are you here? maki was confused

well hehe... akari Scratching his head and when he gets in he told everything

What?! an inn? to the mountain? what? maki drop his pen hearing about theri plan

We just need to... akari replied

You always do some stupid things on unexpexted time. Have you tell that to your parent? maki was concern about his actions.

I don't. And who cares they are not here, They went to the other country for their business so... Akari replied

*sigh* okay you can stay here and I'll Prepare your food before you leave. Maki cannot do anything but to accept akari.

Yehey! Thanks maki, By the way about yuko. you told me yoh know something about her i want to know that plsss...

Ohh yuko yeah i know just a Little... it all begins...


Back to the current time akari and the members are having a feast, Making their self comfortable, singing dancing all night until they feel Exhausted later on they took a nap to the point that they forgot about what they really need to do.

The sun started to rise, Roosters crowed loudly enough to wake up a person. But still all 5 of them are in a deep sleep.

Wake up yui its already 6am foods are ready wake them up now. grandma wakes yui

*uhhhmmm* Ohhh grandma goodmorning *yawn* i'll wake them up lat...

*sigh* you still tired about yesterday huh, you all still like a little children. grandma replied

30 minutes after, all of them started eating and afterwards Yui and Yuko preparing the room before the meeting starts.Yuki helping the elders to pick up the plates, Kohari and akari washing the Dishes.

I cant bealive you two, Both of you are like a kid. Yuki pointing her fingers to them.

Yuki was so shy she misread the hotsause from soysause hahahahaha. Koharu making fun of her

Oyy koharu! yuki replied

Hahahahahhahaha. The room is full of laughter


urggggg I cant make a single note for the play. akari was laying his head on the seat.

to be honest its harder than i thought, I think we should make a concept before we started the writring. Yuki replied

I think thats a good idea yuki, I agree with that but what concept we should do...? Yui ask

I know we should do wrestling but musical! koharu stands up, proud for his concept.

Idiot~~~ yuki hits koharu in the back of his head.

I know maybe uhmmm snow white? yui bravely straight up her arm in the air.

Me me me i know how about we play one of Mozart's song. Akari told to yuki

*sigh* how long i can survive with this, Yui's suggestion is the only best option but its not enough Yuko you have in your mind?. Yuki is dry as a vegetable hearing their Suggestions.

Dinner is ready childrens~~~ grandpa knocks on the door

Lunch! both koharu and akari are full of beans

wait idiots urggg if there is a food no one can stop those two. Yuki says

its okay yuki let them be hehe yui replied


The Silver-white moon hung still the class rep. are struggling about the concept that they Desire. 9 pm all of them are asleep and suddenly yuko walks out the room and no one noticed it.

A thin layer of clouds masked the full moon, filling the place with blue light.The crickets are making noises. Owls are having red eyes at night.

Someone is sitting on a huge rock who is that a person?. Yuki was walking alone when she spot something.

She walks towards to it and making no sound at all, when the moonlight shine at the person she saw akari grin from ear to ear and talking to a pieces of rock. Yuko didn't intend to bother him but unexpectedly she steps on a branch.

Who is that? Yuko? wait dont run its just me.

Why are you here?. Akari is having a clear vision and recognize yuko right away

i... i want to take a fresh air. Yuko was hiding behind the tree and rubbing her palm.

Ohh come here Yuko seat with me, This view is amazing i can see all the city lights. Akari replied

Look its a firefly how beautiful isn't it?

hmmm yuko is glaring at it making her eyes sparkling

Yuko i want to tell you something... akari said

Wha~ what is it? Yuko was still looking at the Fireflies

Its about the... He's feet is like a noodle Akari is trying to tell something but his mind is nowhere to be found.

About the play i have an idea,But i hope you all like it yuko replied

no no no... not that it abou~~ Jeez i forgot about it. akari says

Ohh where did they go?, Well akari im so happy that all of us are here, Ive never seen you look overjoyed.

Uhmmm yuko im so happy that im here talking to you guys and Im so glad that im part of the class rep.

I agree look A...akari the stars woah Its so mezmerizing.

Hey aka.... wait is there something on my face?

what im sorry yuko i didnt mean too. Akari being lightheaded while looking at yuko.

no its fine akari~~~ as im saying i already come up with a theme and a title

what is it yuko?



Dogs are walking with their owner, Farmers are started harvesting.The sky gives a yellowish color to the room and having a pleasant Athmosphere.

"Guys what do you think about Yuko's concept?" Akari says

"hmmmm i think it's a good idea, but can we really get the Peoples attention with that? I think students will get bored." "Maybe we should add something to it." Yuki replied

"FRIENDSHIP AND PROBLEMS" yuko wrote it to her diary

"huh? are you sure we should add that to our performance?" Koharu bumped his hands to the desk.

"Wait yuko i think it's too much for us." Yuki replied

"Guys i think its a perfect theme for us remember what happen in the past few days we sho..." akari said

"Enough with that bullshit akari and i dont want to remember my past Im sick of it." Koharu replied

"Yes i agreed with koharu asking for such a personal problems is not helping other students. Maybe they will think that we are losers who just want to beg for our lives to be spared." Yuki Calmly replied

"But you dont understand the point here." Akari says

"Akari You think i would let then make fun of my problems. I would rather eat a pile of needle rather than making my life as a musical." koharu stood up while talking to akari

"Guys we should think about it maybe it was a goo..." yui says

"Yui remember the last time you got bullied? I saw how they hurt and force you to kneel. You think they will stop tormenting you because you just sing your problems to them." Yuki replied


The day was out of sync with the mood. The daylight had begun to drain away And its almost time for them to go home. While akari and the others are packing their things koharu was still not going back.

Where is koharu? Its almost time to leave. Akari noticed that one of them is missing

"We should split up and find him, Akari and yuko search at the back side of the inn, Me and yui search at the forest when you find koharu tell him im gonna break his leg." Yuki replied


Where is that idiot running away like a child tsk. Yuki said

uhmmmm yuki about the... *sigh* you saw me that time right. Yui got curious

Yes and I hate my self because for not doing anything and just watch you suffer. I just watch mr. popular to do all the things. Im so useless and i dont want to do the same mistakes ive done I just- I- just...

Its okay yuki you did nothing wrong, And Im so glad that you cared about me. I never felt having a true friends that care for one another. Im so scared that I would be lonely for my entire life.

But...Yuki...why do they hate me so much? why? i never wish to have this life I just want to be normal *sobbing*. Yui holds yuki's shirt

People aren't perfect, They are all puny and helpless some people taking advantage because they get jealous and try to bring others to their level. But yui you are different from them you are Special. Yuki saw yui crying and she hugs her.

"Yui and yuko?! what are you doing here i thought you will search in the forest!." Akari says

"akari?! idiot this is the forest, any trace of koharu?" Yuki replied

What?! yuko we are screwed! I think this is much better we search for him together. akari suggest

A~are you okay yui why are you crying. yuko says

Im fine yuko im okay yuki got me this time. And thank you for caring you really are my bestfriend. Yuki replied



"wait i heard something follow me" akari said

*sigh* *sigh* i hope you are okay koharu *sigh* there you are koharu, guys i found him!. Akari saw koharu behind the tree looking at the sky

"wait what are you doing here?"

"idiot what are you doing here all alone!

Im scared thinking what woukd happen to you!" Yuki said

"Yuki im okay i just catching some fresh ai..." koharu replied

"Dont ever do this thing again."

"uhmmm i wont, btw guys why are you searching for me?"

"Its because we have to leave today koharu

tommorrow is starting of class again" Akari says

"huh?! no way!" koharu replied

"come on lets go back grandma will be mad because you run away koharu you are such a kid you should grow up" akari said

Both of them are Arguing but they are glad that they found koharu.


"Yuko im sorry for my action i can't imagine telling my problems for entertainment." Koharu said

"Im so sorry koharu we all know about your feelings im just too naive forcing you guys."

"You know what yuko maybe we should try it I already decided that ill let you tell them my story."

"Really? thanks koharu i appreciate it dont worry it wont go to waste. I love this group thats why i would put my heart and souk to make it a success."

"hahaha if you say so and dont forget we are part of the class rep. Lets help one another to make it even more sucessful."

"Guys i would like to tell you something before we leave.

*inhales* THANKS FOR EVERYTHING I APPRECIATE OF WHAT HAVE YOU DONE FOR ME SO FAR!" "THANKS GUYS" Koharu runs towards the fence and started shouting.

"that looks so fun come yuki before we go home hahaha"

"That is embarrassing ohh wait yuki!"


"go yuki say something"


"that much more better isn't it yuki"

"wait dont be greedy i like to do it to come yuko"



"what is that yuko hahahaha" all 5 of them shouting until their hearts content


Yuko and the others got their way home yuko was so happy she can't forget everything that happened.

Yuki's POV

I wish that day would never end i've had a lot of fun with them.

"Im home"

"ohh yuki come sit here you have a visitor" Grandma said

"who is it?"
