11 days before the school event will start...

*ring* *ring* *ring*

*stretching* ahhhh its lunch time maybe i should sleep *yawn*. Akari put his head on the desk and making his self comfortable.

Hey lets grab a drink and you should it before sleep akari, here's your lunch box. Maki said

Thanks maki hehe

hey maki dont spoil him. Ichiru watching both of them while holding his lunch box...

The students are all over the place. In the cafeteria having a buffet, Some are at the gym playing sports, Inside the room cramming homeworks and others are having a peace of mind sleeping at the corners.

Yuko lets eat, huh? why are you so spaced out?. Yui said

Its nothing im fine, I'll just get my lunch box yui. Yuko was was holding her diary and she's just looking at her desk.

Are you sure ? Okay if you say so, Hey yuki come join with us.

sure why not. Yuki said

Three of them started a conversation talking about what happened yesterday. They are having a great time, laughing at each other. until the times comes up and another class will begin.

5pm at sakurai highschool...

OMG! that quiz is rough lucky i manage to survive that biology*phew*ohh maki let me stay in your house tonight. Akari said

huh? what?. Maki was looking at him but akari using his spell to convince akari with his girly way.

*sigh* okay fine... you are hangging around too much lately akari,I think Its good because ill teach you math today.

Yesss! let me play the newest game you bought hahahha. Akari was buzzing after maki agrees

How about you ichiru wanna hang out?. Maki said

nope I'm good maki I have business to do. Thanks for inviting maybe next time. Have fun guys. Ichiru was in a hurry packing his things and then he left the room.

Akari.... where are you going? We have a meeting today remember?. Koharu is like a gorilla showing his fist to akari.

meeting? Ofcourse ofcoure i remember that hehe he.. ~ maki~ (help me!). Akari was so flustered.

Fine fine ill wait for you Im gonna purchase something at the store, You are so careless Akari. Maki said

(no not that im screwed!) akari wants to be saved his life from koharu.


So the plan is to write our deepest problem that we ever encounter and how will we overcome it. Yuki said

psst yuko you sure you are fine? what gotten into you?. While they are having a canvas yui saw yuko that shes not in the mood Yuko was complete spaced out that time.


The night sky aglow with bright city lights. Akari and maki carrying chatter while walking on the street.

Mom we're home, akari will staying here tonight okay?. Maki said

ohh dear great you are here, Akari nice too meet you again, Dont stay late night both of you. Maki's mother speaking

Understand mam!. Akari replied

hahaha akari you are such a kid, Anyways I forgot to mention Mrs. Mizuki is visited us she came from the U.S. greet her Maki.

ohhh hello Mrs. Mizuki, How have you've been?. Maki said

Ohh is that Maki he's gotten taller, when the last time i saw him his a cry baby.

hahahaha yeah right, Isnt yuko is your classmate?. Maki's mother ask him.

Is my daughter doing fine at school?

Yes mrs. Mizuki, actually Yuko... Maki said

Is that so... Thanks Mrs. Ayamane and Maki Im leaving its so dark outside i need to go home.

Ohh right right Mrs. Mizuki thanks that you visited us.

After the greetings akari and maki went upstairs and started blather with each other.

Is that yuko's mom? I see... they have some resemblance specialy the eyes.

But Mrs. Mizuki look so terrifying and calm at the same time. Akari said

Yeah she never change Im scared of her too when i was a kid. But why is she here right now? maki wondering what would gonna happen.


You are home saya yuko is on her room...

Thats great Mama we need to talk about Yuko and for her future.

okay ill just make coffee for us, Have a sit Saya.

As im saying for yuko and for her future I want to take her with me.

But Saya... yuko likes here dont make a sudden decision think about how she feels too. She has here friends and She has a difficult condition Saya please...

Mama i know what am i doing look at her she cant even talk properly. She is sick? thats just a rebell from a child. When her father left us i dont know what to do... *sigh* This is the only way Mama.

Yuko was accidentaly heard their conversation.


*ring* *ring*

What is that? hmmm akari your phone its ringing. Maki was reading his notes.

"can we meet tonight?" "Ill wait on the bus stop" Akari was shock after Recieving a message and he immediately dashes out of the house.

The blue sky was dominated by gray and angry clouds. Then the rain lashes down on the roof and swishing off at akiri's skin.

*sigh* *sigh* Where is she why is she texted me this late night did she bring some umbrella?

Yuko!. Akari was looking for yuko and he's got complete drenched by the rain.

Yuko heard akari shouting her name, she tries to look at him. After she saw akari she sprint towards him.

there you are yuko what is it? what happened to you?. Akari saw misery in yuko's face.

AKARI! i dont want to leave! i want to stay here im afraid to lost my friends again!

i..i... please... Yuko put down her knees with the sorrow and disconten underlying thru her voice.

Its okay yuko im here. Akari pat yuko's head because he understand that she is slumped in a deep dejection.

Come with me Yuko look at the sky it's joining you on your problem. Lets go now you would catch a cold here. Akari lift her hands


grandma! i need some towel quick. Yuko wait here okay?.

Akari its raining outside, what happen?

you are soaking wet your gonna get sick... here have this towel. You are so reckless kid

Who is that? how dare you too make a young lady lead in that condition.

its yuko my friend, grandma I need some for her too.

Okay okay go upstair and change clothes after that bring it to me so i can dry it for you. I'll prepare some soup too.


You have a lot of musical instruments here akari *achuuu*. Yuko said

(That sneeze are cute...) Here eat this soup Yuko.

Hey akari i got a question, Have you ever build hatred feelings towards to your parents? Do you still love them even though you are not that close to them?

Ofcourse Yuko I love them... Because i cant be standing right here infront of you without them. I owned them big time, how about you yuko?

Yes i love my mother but It feels like she didnt care about me at all. She always doing on her own She is so selfish... But still... I love her...