*cell phone ringging*

"What time is it?"

"*yawn* that was a strange dream, I thought yuko was here. There is no way...

What is this in my head? A pain reliever?


Arggg i cant barely remember anything."

*ring* *ring*

"A text this early morning i think its maki."

"good morning akari,

thank you from what you've done yesterday,You are such a nice person. Btw ill send the script later, only halfway of it that is finish but thats a good thing right hahah, see you at school akari."

"I hope you get well soon. "

- Yuko.

"WHAT! its not a dream its real?!

ohh i remember now, I was running in the rain."

"Akari are you awake?, Akari's grandmother is knocking at the old a crooked door."

*knock* *knock*

"Are you feeling well now akari?

Here some soup."

"after you finish eating take this medicine Yuko bought it last night."

"Yuko said you collapsed, poor little girl

she didnt know what to do.

So she calls me immediately I was scared at that moment too."

"She stays all night here untill your body temperature comes down.

Make sure that when you saw her at school say that Im very thankful for watching you. Okay?"

"Okay grandma i will"

"Are you fine now? can you go to school?"

"Yes i think im getting better now Grandma so dont worry."


"Akari enters the room with bright and cheerful smile on his face."

"Hello maki and ichiru"

"goodmorning akari you seemed in a good mood. What happen to you between yuko?"

"The one who texted you i know its yuko" maki said

"How did you know that it was yuko who texted me?!" akari replied

"Actually Its very obvious dummy, you sprint like that. There is no way it won't be her." Maki said

"And remember the day that You became her prince right hahahahha." Ichiru mocking akari

"You two shut up! Just lets take our sit before the teacher enter the room."

"sure prince charming hahahaha" Ichiru said

"*tsk* seriously those two, they always making fun of me."

"Anyways Where is yuko?

I thought she was here already.

ohh there she is but why she looke so paled. I think its my fault, I need to say sorry to her." Akari was scanning the room looking for yuko.


"Are you fine now akari? Im so worried about you... and...and..." Yuko said

"Its fine yuko thank you because...." Akari replied

Okay class be quiet lets start our homeroom...

"You are always in the wrong timming Mr. Hikaru" Akari's thougth


Lunch time akari went to faculty to visit

Mr. Hikaru, to tell him the plans for the event.


Im sure this is the place...

Why does he have his own room?

The books are not organize, Even Crumpled papers are all over the place. What is wrong with this guy?.

Is that a guitar?

its just laying on the ground. Poor thingy *sigh*.

Akari taking his seat, while waiting for Mr. Hikaru to come he started to play a song to kill time.

"Sometime in our lives, we all have pain, we all have sorrows. but if we are wise we know that theres always tommorrow~ You just need some body to lean on~"

*ehem* *ehem*

"I know that song, lean on me by will bithers its a good piece right." Mr. hikaru was standing outside the room listening at akari while he was singing.

"I use to hear it when grandpa is listening to his radio."

"Is that so, you are good with instruments akari"

"thanks Mr.Hikaru but thats not the reason why Im here, I have a business with you.

I want you to look at our script."

"So you guys really in to it now. Let me see...

I saw Ms. Mizuki right before i enter the room but before i get a chance to talk to her she run away."

"Do i look like a ghost to you? hahahaha

kidding aside I'll just read this script."

Yuko? was there? what is she doing?.


The school ended the class reprisentative will having a meeting regarding for the script.

Did you pass the script?

Akari tell every one that we have a meeting today.

ill wait at the coffee shop so dont be late all of you.


Thats what she said to me.

"How can yuki became serious but beautiful at the same time?. I am having a goosbumpes just by thinking it."

"Oiiii akari..." Koharu said

"im just joking hahahahha" Akari replied

"Hey Yuko are you sure you okay i think we should go to the school nurse before we leave." Yui said

"I...Im fine yui i just cant sleep last night. Im busy writting the script."

"Dont over do it yuko we are here we will do it as a team."

"thanks for worrying yui and sorry too."

"Its fine just dont push yourself too hard okay?."



"Wait guys think i forgot something koharu go walk with yuko, Akari i need to buy some stuff at the store so help me."

"But Yuki..." akari replied

"Its fine come with me Akari, Its alright by you yuko right?"


They got seperated ways. Yuki was waiting for them to walk more further.

"What are you doing I thought we are going at the store. Why are we hiding all of the sudden. Plus im worried about yuko look at koharu. I bet yuko is very scared at this moment."

"Akari... *sigh*

i just want you to be true to me.

I cant stand it anymore what really happened to yuko?"

"Last day i saw her completely spaced out... Im curious akari."

"*sigh* Okay but dont tell her that you got the information from me.

Her mom came back and she wants to live with yuko."

"No way... she's?..."

"Im not sure but..."

"Save her akari.


I dont want her to be lonely again.

Please save her.

I know you are the only one who can do it."

"But yui..."

"I know im being selfish right now.

I trusted you the same how yuko trust you iknow you can save her.

You are the only person that she truly trusted."

"I want to protect her too

just as she did for me back then."

"How can I ignore that request, Yuko look really special to yuki." Akari saw her kind and symphatetic look on her.


"Yuko do you know where we are going?

that coffee shop is so hard to find." Koharu ask


"okay ill just follow you.

Are you not tired from not talking??

"not at all" Yuko write it to her diary

"If you say so... Thank you yuko from last time. You are so brave back then. I got shock that time I never thought that you can do such a thing."

"Sorry sorry yuko haha. I just..."

"I just hate people who wish someone to vanished." she hand over her diary to koharu

"Yeah you are right." Koharu got chills by reading yukos thought

"What we wre here? Is this the place?"

"nod" "nod"


"I think this script is gonna work.

Did Mr. Hikaru say something to this?

Did he agree with the script?" Yuki sais

"Yes he likes it and he said, He will do anything to help us and to improve this play." Akari replied

"Good thing i would like to add some more details to it. I would like to add romance" Yuki said

"What?! that is not like you yuki." Koharu got standind after hearing about yuki's suggestion.

"Are you sick? what gotten into you? I think we need some ambulance! Yuki is interested in a romance genre!" Same to akari both of them are screaming.

"You really pissing me off both of you stop shouting we are in a coffee shop.

What a bunch of idiot. As i am saying if you want too then i have a script for that.

But if you disagree..."

"I like that yuki, We should make this one." Yuko replied

"You sure yuko? it doesn't make me feel happy, If you are being force its okay to add something..."

"No yuki im saying the truth its going to be more interesting." Yuki replied

"She look so very happy, I wish i can make her smile too." Yui's thought