The pale and cresent color of the moon shone like a silvery claw in the night sky.

As the man walk slowly into the street, You could hear his heart beat loudly.


" I can't handle this anymore i think im going to die!" "she's too close" "I need to think of a topic so it wouldn't get so awkward"

"Think Akari think...hmmmmm"

"ohhh I know!"

"*ehem* Yuko thanks for looking at me while i am sick i dont know how can i repay you. Akari walking on a straight body, talks to yuko with deep tone voice."




ohh Its fine aslong as you are better then I'm good with it. Yuko is smiling at him."

"Thanks a lot i oww you yuko, Even grandma is very grateful with it."

"is that so, glad to hear it I didnt know what to do that time im so scared. I thought that there is something gonna happen to you and it will be my fault akari. Im really sorry..." Yuko said

"No no no... Yuko its all thanks to you that im better right now."


"yeah and Someday I will..." The bus is already arrive making a noisy honk in the surroundings.

"What is it akari?" Yuko ask

"Its nothing, we are here at the bus stop yuko."

"Thanks akari for walking with me until here."

"See you later then yuko, Go home safely okay?"

"sure bye akari, you too go home safely bye~"

"bye..." Akari is waving at yuko


"Maki i bougth some snack let me stay here tonight hehe..." Akari enter the door and saw mrs. Mizuki and mrs. Ayamane is talking to each other.

"Ohh its you akari dear, Maki is at his room go and see him there." Mrs. Ayamane said

"Good evening Mrs. Ayamane, good evening too Mrs.Mizuki." Akari replied

"Ohh thanks akari want some juice?"

"No im fine... Im fine... Mrs. Ayamane ill just go upstairs, see you later."

"That kid, his too clingy to maki they are both like brothers. aren't they?"

"As im saying Ms. Mizuki are you sure you want this house i recommend to you?"

"It's fine as long as Yuko and I are together."

"Sure ill just contact my personnel and we will organize as soon as possible."

"Thats great Mrs. Ayamane I can always count on you like old times."

"hahahas you make me blush." Mrs. Ayamane said


Akari consistently knocking at maki's door.

"Hey makiiiiii!"

"What are you doing here?! I thought ypu have a meeting?."

"yes and we finish earlier than i expected anyways i bring your favorite snacks. Are you tempting nowww..."

"Give me that ill let you slip today. You are like a storm akari."

"hahahaha I just want to have some fun."

"Is that the game thag you alwsgs gridding in?

let me test it maki."

"Wait wait ill just fight the boss and ill teach you jow to play this"

"sure i cant wait haha."


"This game is too hard for me."

"I know right its hard to learn that game it need more strategy and thinking to master that."

"hey are you saying that its out of my leuge

you are so mean."

"pfftt You always act like a baby with chubby cheecks if you got teased. What a funny guy hahahaha"

"Do i look like a puffer fish?"

"HAHAHAHHAHA what is that face."

"i cant take it anymore stop akari hahshshs. You win... You win... hahahahha"

"Maki Ms.Mizuki is at your house tonight what is her business with your mom"

"you didnt know?

mama is a land agent." Maki said


"Bye Mrs. Ayamane, tell maki that we will have a quiz tommorrow so he better study "

"okay okay akari be carefull on your way home. Bye bye~."

"Thats Seems to be understandable.

So she really planning on going to other town with yuko."

*ring* *ring* *ring*

"Who is this? "

"Its yui why is she calli me this late night."

"hello yui what is it..."

"can we meet at the park i need to talk to you."

Its dark and empty in the park only street lights giving them light.


"Ohh there you are akari, come sit her."

"What is it yui?"

"It really keeps bothering me Im so helpless.

Any news about yuko and her mom?"

"Yes and i think Mrs. Mizuki is going to do it.

to be honest we cant really make some stupid decisions because its their family matters only yuko can decide what will she going to do."

'Is there any other way to stop this?"

"I hope there is... but..."

"I need to help yuko even with or without your help. I need to save her akari!"

"Dont rush yui, I know what you feel towards yuko. But do you think that Mrs. Mizuki will listen to us we are just yuko's friends and still she is her mother."

"But akari..."

"Yui you are not the only person who hurt in here, Yuko hurt here the most if you really cherish your friendship let's make yuko decide."

"Akari... I love yuko and i dont want her to suffer anymore. I want her to be by my side, I want to save her this time, I know she's needing help this time."

"I want to save her too, yui... "


Saturday 8 days before the school event.

Tiny specks of dirt seemed to dance in the shaft of afternoon sunlight that slanted through the window. Office worker having a nice newly brewed of coffee, Chit-chatting with each other. Teenagers taking pictures of the geourgoes yellowish color of the sunlight. Akari was waiting for the group to arrive inside the coffee shop.

"Why did you announce that there is a meeting today with such a short notice?" Koharu ask akari

"You better have a reason for it because i have to study. Or else im going to kill you." yuki said

"Dont be so harsh yuki have a sit both of you, here have some coffee" Akari said

"so where is yui and yuko?" koharu ask

"They will be here soon..." Akari is patiently waiting for them to arrived

"All of us are here i really want to share this to you all. Most likely related to our performance." Akari said

"I already make a composition to it, here i recorded it, You want to her miss yuki and mister koharu?"

"I'm glad too" Yuki said

"you better not messing with us akari" koharu replied

both of them hears the composition of akari but yui and yuko didnt had a chance to listen.

"It was clear to me and i like to participate with it why do you say koharu?"

"I think your composition will perfectly fit. Im on it akari" Koharu agreed

"What are you talking about? Is it really good?" yui was curios

"Yes yui and i think it will benefit us all." Yuki calmly talking to yui

"Anyways here is the script I made. We need man power for the equipments, koharu can we borrow the basket ball club for this?" Yuki hand over the script and distribute to them.

"Ohh sure i will ask them for some help, Ive already talk to michi and things are getting better."

"Thats good to hear koharu." Yuko said

"Akari looked at the sky and the stars are almost showing up. The meeting lasted for 3 hours and their plan is keeping moving forward."

"I think we should better get going right now." Akari said

"Yeah you are right it was almost 7pm i need to get home." yuki replied

All of them leave the coffee shop. And suddenly Mrs. Mizuki showed up waiting for Yuko outside the shop.

"We need to go home yuko."

"But mom..." Yuko is sweating, shaking when she saw her mom.

"Yuko dont be so stubborn listen to your mom. You need to go home with me right now!.""

"Wait dont pull her hands like that mrs. Mizuki"

"Who are you?"

"Im yui we are her friends and i know that she is hurt... Pls let go of her hand please."

"Is that so...."