Chapter 0 Part IV

" Get away!!!" I shout at Sasaki Kojirou who was blocking in my way, which the later shook his head and dash towards me, my sight has turned red and everything I wish is destruction of this rushed towards the base.

" You leave me no choice." I coldly muttered as I rushed towards and ignored the pain that I have been stabbed by his nodachi in my shoulder, when I was front of him which he was slightly surprised by my action as I used my empty hand and strangle his neck and my other hand was stabbed my Gunblade where the spirit core resides.

" Huh?" he was in daze due to sudden events that happened to him which he was wrapped by golden particles, after a few seconds later he vanished in this world.

" I don't care about the warrior way thing you squabble earlier and I don't like a pep talk." I said as I rushed towards Caster who was trying to use her Dragontooth Warriors to buy her time to escape but unfortunately.

" Excalibuuurr Morgaaaannn!!!" Saber roars as she slammed her sword which is clad in pillar of darkness to the ground which the dark pillar was moving in the high speed against the hundreds of Dragontooth Warriors but somehow that Caster managed to get away from dark pillar range with many injuries in her body.

I will letting her escape?


I rushed towards her and grabbed neck as I slam her to the ground repeatedly empowered by Full Body Reinforcement in my body. Like I will give her a quick death, I continue to slammed her to the point that her head was missing on her body as her body was wrapped by golden particles and vanished from this world. Afterwards I look at Saber and nod towards her which she simply entered in Astral Form and left together in this temple.

- Timeskip-

Saber and I arrived at the base which has been covered in fire beside that, many crushed trees that some of them become a splinters and the ground was scorched by flames and so many craters and some traces of swords scars. I found the many homuncolus with incomplete body that died in this clash, but I found that what was i feared more.

The body of Illya was lying in the ground as her body was many cuts on it and what's more there was a hole where the fragments of Holy Grail resides was missing. I walked towards while the tears in my eyes was pouring out which blurred my sight slightly, I picked up her body embrace it as I don't care about the blood that dirtying my clothes.

" .. you finally" I heard a broken words from Illya as I suddenly look at her face which is paler than usual, she raised her hand and touch my cheek with a smile on her face which made me saddened as I feel her vitality was rapidly fade away.

" Illya I finally come back." trying to suppressed my sadness when I say this and held her hand that in my cheek.

" I...gue...ssed that.....this" she says as she trying to close her face towards me, which responds to do the same as I kissed her lips, afterwards vitality was vanished as her hand limping drop in the ground. My sight was dim down as the crimson world was wrapping in my sight, and I unconsciously used my Reality Marble.

The body of Illya was slowly swallowed by my shadow along the soul that supposedly to be vanished but fortunately due to the incomplete 3rd Magic: Heavens Feel that allow the soul to maintain in the material world.

" Let's go Saber." I coldly said after I use my Reality Marble to preserve the body and soul of Illya.

- Timeskip -

Tohsaka Mansion


The clash was happening between the two Servant the Saber and Archer. While I was hunting his Master which is trying to lure me in her traps that she placed in her mansion.

The first reason that she and Servant was the first culprit that I suspect because her Servant ability to Summon his weapon through Variant Projection which he called it Tracing Magecraft that he can even copy the weapon of the others be it Noble Phantasm and etc and the damage left in the base was caused by a sword. And the second reason because I found out that her father cheated in the previous Holy Grail War through Kirei Kotomine via Torture and Interrogation.

- Flashback -

Fuyuki Church

My first destination was the church, Kirei Kotomine was the son supervisor of Fourth Holy Grail War named Risei Kotohime. He should have some knowledge about the event during that time and he is the Master of Lancer, whether he killed the Original Master or not its not like I care.

" Oh look who's here, finally I can fight with my heart content" the voice of the could be heard as he deactivate his Astral Form and show his appearance, which is none other than Lancer Servant as he spin his red spear.

" Welcome to the Church what can I do for you, Master of Saber." the second voice was none other than Kirei Kotomine wearing a priest clothes.

" Oi Fake Priest don't bother us and I don't want to hear your fake concerns here!" he threatenedly said as he point his spear to the priest.

" Good grief." The priest said as he lift his right hand and shows the command seal on it which he can only in two times now.

" By Command Seal, I order you Lancer to eliminate them." he said as the Command Seal lit up with crimson light which is making Lancer to move against his will, Lancer dashed towards us while pointing his Spear.

" Saber finished him." I calmly said as I walked towards Kirei while ignoring the Lancer whose blocked his way by Saber that exited from Astral Form.

" Projection: Blade: Gun : Gunblade

Initiate Elemental Change: Curse: Gandr

Alteration: Activate."

A Gunblade clad in dark with a mixture of red miasma appeared in front of me which I grabbed it and rush towards Kirei, who was took something in both of his sleeve which it shows the six black keys and rushed towards me.

* Clang!!**clang!!!!**clang!!**craaaackk!!!!*

A few minutes later Gunblade and Black Keys clash against each other, but unfortunately the luck of Kirei was ran out as his black keys cannot withstand because of stocking a large amount of curse that generates from the Gunblade.

The Curse Magecraft Manual which is the one that I took from Hostile during the expedition to claim the catalyst for Heroic Spirit Summoning, the manual contains a small variety of curse magecraft in different magecraft line like Rune Magecraft: Gandr is a simple curse originating from Scandinavia, which decreases the physical health of the target. By imitating the effect of Gandr I managed to branch type of the same magecraft, instead of decreasing the physical health of the target, it decreasing the durability of an target object.

" Oh, By the Command Seal I order you to use your Noble Phantasm against the Master of Saber!" When he saw the his black keys was easily destroyed, he didn't hesitate to use his last Command Seal.

" Damn you Fake Priest!!!! Gae Bolg!!!"Although he don't like to be interrupted in his fight, he cannot go against the power of Command Seal, he threw his spear called Gae Bolg a curse spear that can kill its target, but it doesn't mean that spear was absolutely can kill the target.

I immediately use my Full Body Reinforcement to the limit which is caused me to bleed in all orifices but the strength that I gain was same as Saber that using her Mana Burst. Everything in this world turned to gray, the spear trajectory was the same but the speed was slow as riding a bicycle. When the spear was near to me, I grabbed the handle and I rotate in one time due to the force of Noble Phantasm, and I thew it back to the owner with a bit stronger than former afterwards the world returns to its original color.

" No, you!" I said this as I saw his shocked expression on his face.


"What!! how!!!" he says as he was wrapped by the golden particles, and after that he vanished in this world, I turn around and look at the Fake Priest whose face was blank.

" Now then I would like to hear something from you don't dare to lie." I says as he took a stance of some martial art, which means he doesn't give up.

- Flashback Ends-

After a few minutes of searching I finally found her in the secret room which I saw a traces of magic circle where the Servants was summon.

" Tell me, are you involved to kill my sister?" I calmly as I slowly walk towards her, while she activate the Reinforcement on herself to defend herself.

" No!! why need I do such a underhanded things!!" she said as she shakes her head in denial.

" Hmph why I do believe in such a lie, just like your father you will not hesitate to cheated in this Holy Grail War." I says as I load a bullet in my Gunblade.

" My Father!!!" she exclaim in shocked.

"Tokiomi Tohsaka who cheated in the Fourth Holy Grail War alongside Risei Kotomine to make sure that your father will win to gain the Grail by making the Supervisor's son Kirei Kotomine to send to the Magi's Association." I says as I look at her whose freeze on her spot as I continued.

" As his disciple whose someone got a command seals, but in truth Kirei's role is to provide Tokiomi with additional Command Spells and another Servant." and put a last blow in her mind.

" Impossible!!! my father was honorable magi he will not do such a underhanded method!!!!" she angrily said as she trying to protect her father's honor.

" Well I got this information through himself." I nonchalantly said as I stop in front of her, after all I'm just here to get another information through her. Although I'm using violent tactics but this is the most efficient way to get information.

" Him?" she asked which she realized whom I referring.

" But it's too late to asked him the truth after all I ended his life which is his lifelong dream." I say as I dematerialize my Gunblade, when she saw this she finally relieved but still not lowering her guard.

" I see, to tell you the truth Archer sense another Archer Servant was lurking around the Fuyuki City, I don't know if it's true or not, after all lot Servant has some quirks." she says as she silent, through she was waiting for you to leave.

- In the outskirts of Fuyuki City -

There was a man in late teens was wearing a black rider jacket, white shirt and black pants, he has short golden blonde hair and red eyes with unique iris that similar to snake. He was standing atop of the high rise building as he was leering towards the church the battle was happened between the Masters and Servants.

" Interesting, you gain this King attention, now then its time to appear now isn't, fuhahahaha!!!!!" the man said as summon a golden ripple which shows a golden ship, after ride on it he suddenly vanish toward Ryuudo Temple where the Greater Grail Resides.

- To Be Continued -

A/N: I searched something related to Nasuverse to make sure that the plot was minimum as necessary, I just finished to create this chapter

See ya.