Chapter 0 Last Part

Ryuudo Temple

We're back again in this place in case that the second Archer will come in this place, after all this place where the source of Layline and the Greater Grail kept. As just we arrived we feel another presence that lurking in the temple, the presence was same as Archer but it was much stronger that even Saber suddenly raise her guard up, after a few seconds for climbing to the temple we found the source of the presence that we detect.

There was a man in late teens wearing a black jacket, white shirt and black pants. He has short golden blonde hair with his sharp red eyes with unique iris that similar to snake, and most of all that he was sitting in the golden throne in front of the temple as if he was blocking in your way.

" Hmph, you finally here mongrel, you make this king wait for the lowly you." the man haughty said as he didn't even stood up from his throne.

" So your are the irregular Servant that the other Servant sense huh." I ignored his attitude and ask this.

" That one huh, that faker who do nothing but to copy a Noble Phantasm eh, you, you have a resemblance of the other mongrels like you." he said as he look at you, he took something that will make you boil in anger.

" Her Servant was nothing but a savage mongrel." the man said as he held the fragments of the Holy Grail which emitting a familiar aura.

" So it was you huh." I said as my covered my eyes which filled a murderous rage that even the man in front of me halt his movement as he look at me but afterwards he did nothing but to smirk, at that my mind was snapped as I rushed to that shithead.

" Die!!!!" I roared as I materialize my gunblade with a Virus Element and also covered by Gandr Variant, I also used all of my Command Seals in one go.

" By my Command Seals, I order you to maximize your Saint Graph." I said while not stop moving towards the man who generates a golden ripple beside him which shows the pointed weapon towards us.

" Understood Master." Saber says as she materialize beside me was also dashing towards the man while she ready to deflect those weapon nearing towards us, after a few seconds later Saber was covered by golden particles that she get a power ups, afterwards the golden particles was vanished as she shows her appearance, her dress has no longer an armor on it and her face has no more strange black markings on it and shows her elegant face. Her Servant Parameters went up to the point that she can surpass the Second Archer in front of them but.

* Throb!!**throb!!!!!**throb!!!!*

A sounds like a heatbeat could be heard by the people in the temple which the battle was interrupted, afterwards another terrible sound could be heard


A large amount of black mud with miasma was appeared and moving towards to the Greater Grail and swallowed the grail. After that the ball of mud was formed around the grail without resistance, which I suspected something as I look towards the man who changed his clothes into a golden armor through golden ripples, now I guess his True Name. His name is Gilgamesh, King of Uruk and King of Heroes, and most of all he was a King Mongrels.

" Hm.. the Evil of Humanity was impatient huh, interesting fuhahahaha." He said as he opened more golden ripples and many weapons was directed to me and Saber, I clenched my teeth and and took the Serum from my pocket, fortunately the vial was not destroyed during my fight against the two Servants, I look towards Saber who has worried expression on her. She knows how dangerous the Serum after all she was been with me after I summon her and she knows how many specimens that I experiment to make sure that the side effects was minimum as possible.

" Don't worry about me Saber, leave this King of Mongrels to me." I says as I was about to intake the serum but I interrupted by the kiss in my lips which is surprised me, I look at Saber who holds my collar while kissing me and after that she let me go.

" You reckless idiot! I know this late but I want you to know this but it seems the time was cruel, you let me experience to feel the emotions that I bury after pull the Caliburn in the stone, so count this as my parting gift to you before I vanish, you dense idiot!" she said that with a smile as she turned around dashed towards the Corrupted Greater Grail, but for a moment I saw the tears in her eyes. Although it's regrettable that I just learned about this but there's no medicine for regrets so I hope to meet her again if there a chance.

" Hmph... you Mongrels dare to make me watch that disgusting show, your cringe was too strong!!" he said as he shoot his weapons to me through the golden ripple or so called Gate of Babylon. While I who narrowly dodge the weapons as they are unpredictable after any angle can be a summon by the Gate of Babylon, I immediately use the Serum which the effect was instantly appeared.

* Throb!!**crack!!!**crack!!!!**throb!!!* 4x

I can feels that my body was torn apart due to the stimulus of the serum was too strong even with the Avalon was supporting me I get easily injured especially I needed to dodge any weapons that raining towards me.

" Last Man Standing: Activate: Overdrive " I use my last hidden card by using the Thought Partition as base of the magecraft which allows me to unlock my hundred percent of potential through the back of my brain, this ability which the other person call it as Limit Break or Limiter Release although the side effects was severe I will get comatose in seven days.

There was red lines like a circuit appeared through in the side of my face afterwards it also appeared in my torso, arms and legs. All in all these lines was large stacks of Reinforcement to the point that even the blood vessels will appeared on it, because of Limit Break it also allows to use the mana that stored in the brain which is the cause of comatose for a week. With this my strength was comparable towards the Lancer that we faced in Fuyuki Church earlier

" Combat Ready." I says as I rushed towards Gilgamesh and summon another Gunblade in my other hand.

- Saber Side -

- Flashback-

At that time when I was summon I knew that things will be different now, although the Original Artoria Pendragon who sought to go back in the past to correct her rule and I who was her Alter, the who bear the grudge against those ungrateful bastards that I protect in all cost was getting against each other, in the end we all the same.

Through we are irregular existence, we are allowed to access the Throne of Heroes I saw the Memories of the Original in another different timelines of Fifth Holy Grail War, all of it was not much different due to existence of Shirou Emiya and his Hero of Justice egoistic view was gives a headaches to watch as even EMIYA who are his counterpart was desperately accepted any summons regarding the Fifth Holy Grail War just to kill his other self in the whole different timelines.

I wish to participate in the Holy Grail War in the timeline without Shirou Emiya. But that wish was answered immediately as I feel the connection of the Master who was trying to summon me. After the light was vanished, I saw a kid around thirteenth years old with a Silver white hair that reached to his neck, he was wearing a black sweater and dark purple pants. But the most shocking was the existence of Avalon Inside him, he has resemble the girl who grudge against Shirou Emiya.

' It couldn't be he was a counterpart of her!' I muttered but the next moment was surprised me.

" Brother I managed to summon my Servant!" a voice of the girl was very familiar to me, it was a girl being carried by a large muscular man with messy long black hair in his shoulder.

" Hm. congratulations Illya." the kid said as he waiting to the muscular man to put Illya down, which the girl was running towards the kid, the kid was patting the head of the girl.

' Hmm... who is he? so many timelines that I saw nothing about like he was not existed. ' I muttered silently as I just stood here waiting for him to do an instruction.

Couldn't be an Anomaly?


Thought a first few weeks, my Master or who call himself as Ingram von Einzbern was bizarre, as if he has many heads because he can do many task in a same time while having a bonding with his twin sister, their bonding was kinda immoral that should've be do in their own siblings. There are times that he was annoying as his curiosity towards me like " how can I become a stronger" or " teach me how to properly use the sword " and etc.

" Why do you want to be a stronger?" I asked him.

" To protect my sister, I don't care about the others, but you know those magi? especially the humans, they will do anything just to obtain one of us if they knew that Einzbern Household was runs by Homunculus, who their treat as object of experiment especially we have an incomplete magic that they sought after. Although we cannot use it but our soul was contains it, after all our souls was a product of Heavens Feels itself." he determinedly said this as he was materializing an object out of thin air, after that a blade with a single edge appears with a curve handle which something I didn't know but that blade itself contains a feelings and emotion.

But after I asked that, I feel something burning inside me which familiar to me, something that I forgotten long time ago.

' I see, emotions huh?' I thought as I remembered the past before I took the Caliburn from the stone, that time I was ordinary girl who absurdly got a weight of responsibilities being a heir of the throne in my shoulder, I constantly train my sword skills to the point that I collapse. At that time when I pulled the sword, I already decided to seal my emotions to become a Perfect King and lead my people to achieve the utopia. But in the end the utopia was destroyed, because I cannot understand the feelings of my people due to lack of emotion I have and that lead them to stray in their path.

" I understand now, no need to be a perfect king, as long as I understand the feelings of my people, as long as we are united and we can overcome the hurdles that faced in our lives." for the first time in this life I let my smile appeared in my face.

" Hm.. what a surprise to see you to smile." he said with a small smile on his face.

' You don't know how much I owe you this, Ingram.' I mutteredly said.

After that I come to know his as a person, he maybe looks calm and collected but he sometimes shows his childishness when he failed in his experiments. Although he hides it, but he was burdened by responsibility of being a Head of Einzbern Household as he don't want his sister to be held such a burden as she was dependent to him.

Although his governing territory scale was much smaller than mine, he was not assisted by a trusted subordinates but still he managed it run it smoothly.

There are times I feel bitter when I saw doing a "sibling bonding", maybe this is what Merlin calls it jealousy, maybe this is my elder sister feel when I am the one who sat in the throne while she not.

- Flashback Ends-

Right now I'm facing the Evil of Humanity who corrupted the Greater Holy Grail was taking a form of bipedal wolf made from black mud.

" Rrrroooooaaaarrrrr!!!!!!!" it roared towards me as it dashed with astonishing speed that its a bit hard to follow, but fortunately thanks to Ingram that my Saint Graph was upgraded.

* Clang!!!*

I instinctively block the incoming attack from my side, I almost stumbled due to the force that I received from it. I reaffirm my stance and wait for it come, I don't know why but the tears was falling out in my eyes, maybe because this will be our final meeting after all the chances of his survival was almost zero, and I don't know if I can find an another timeline with his existence.

"Hammer of the Vile King.

Overturn the Aurora.

Swallow the light!" I chant the aria of my Noble Phantasm.

" EXCALIBUR MORGANNN!!!!" I roared and slam the sword towards the grail, as I would like to finish this assist Ingram.

" The World's End: Armageddon!!!!" I instinctively look as I heard Ingram's voice.

- Ingram side -

- A few minutes later before Saber use her Noble Phantasm-

* Clang!!!**clang!!!!!**clang!!!!!*

* Dopang!!!**dopang!!!!**dopang!!!!!**dopand!!!*

" Hmph, you're so persistent mongrel!" Gilgamesh said as he summon the chains from the Gate of Babylon.

" Heh, a king of heroes who likes to insult himself was kinda irony to me." I says this in multiple time times to him to lose his calm and rationality, after all its seems he was contaminated by the black mud itself, but I'm exhausted now although Avalon was replenished my energy it was not enough as I maintaining my form while I'm fighting this Golden Shithead. I need to take back the fragments of the grail to revive Illya through the cost of it was that she will forgotten me which it's pains me a lot.

" I see, I see, fuhahahahaha you need this garbage huh! like I let you mongrel!!!" he shout as he stood up clenched his hand which where the grail fragments.

* Crack!!!**crack!!!!**shutter!!!*

I stood and stop moving as I saw my remaining hope to revive Illya was destroyed like nothing.

"Unforgivable! unforgivable unforgivable unforgivable unforgivable unforgivable unforgivable unforgivable unforgivable unforgivable unforgivable!!!!! I roared as my vocal chords was injured to the point that my voice has changed.

* Crack!!!*

As I glared at him, I hear something when I look at my hands, there was a lot of cracks on even in my face when I touched it and there was a blood coming out in orifices that was much worse than earlier.

' I see my body cannot handle anymore huh, but I refuse to die without blasting his head to oblivion!' I think I know what will I build in my Reality Marble.

" Seems you make me use my sword, I shall perform this final blow as a parting gift to you!" Gilgamesh said as he summon was odd sword that more like a drill appeared in his hand and he lift it up.

"I will tell you of the beginning.

Heaven and Earth split,

nothingness congratulated creation,

my Sword of Rupture cleaved the world!"

I feel the dangerous pressure in that sword, without hesitation I chant the aria.

" A world without her was unforgivable!

All the gods shall fall down under the mortal hands!"

The world around turns white, behind me there was ten black sniper riffles with a same size as the cannon. This gun called Black Barrel one of the Superweapon of Atlas, during the time I come to the Atlas Academy as an intern after I became a Head of Einzbern Household two years before the Fifth Holy Grail War to get connections to them. I managed to get a data on black barrel although I cannot touch it due to its nature but fortunately I can copy it through Projection but the firepower was only ten percent of its original. After that I learned their magecraft called Thought Acceleration.

"Mortar of the stars, heaven's hell is the eve of creation's celebration. Now you shall die and be silent..." the drill sword starting to spin the let out a large amount of crimson storm.

" Let the world burns to ashes!" the white world starting to construct a world that full mass destruction weapons such as nuclear warhead, atomic missiles, homing missilesand etc.

"Enuma Elish!"Gilgamesh said as he brought down the drill sword the covered by crimson storm.

" The World's End: Armageddon!!!" I shout as I used all of my mana, even I Transmutate my blood into a mana, with that my Reality Marble completed its construct and fires all of my weapon arsenal towards him.


* Pshew!!!**dopang!!!!!!**bannngggg!!!!*(4x)

- A few minutes later -

- Third Person of View -

The battlefield inside the Reality Marble was a mess, some after effects was leaking out to real world which causing a fire in the Ryuudo Temple, there was a two people lying in the ground without complete body parts, the first one is Ingram who sacrifice his lower half of his body just to protect the last memento of Illya to him, and second one is Gilgamesh whose half of his face was missing and some of his major parts of his body was missing.

" Fuhah*cough*haha you*cough* made this*cough*king to recognize your strength." the first who spoke with them was Gilgamesh through his body was covered by golden particles as he was about to vanished but he was still in the ground lying on it.

"..." Ingram didn't respond to him.

" You*cough*what is *cough* your name?." Gilgamesh asked with a bit arrogant tone on his voice.

" Ingram von Einzbern, the one will hunt you even in another timeline." he said with dried voice without moving in the ground, after all he sacrifice all of his blood into a mana to complete his Reality Marble, right now he was a soul who used his physical body to produce sounds as to talk. Just like his lower body, his soul was cut in a half by the destructive force of Enuma Elish.

" That's a quite claim*cough* well I will waiting for it." that's all he said as Gilgamesh vanished in the world.

The Reality Marble was crumble to disappear as the place that changed into Ryuudo Temple that covered in fire and there was a young woman in black dress that slowly covered by golden particles. She kneel down and embrace the incomplete body of Ingram.

" Till we meet again, Ingram?" Saber says as she saw many cracks that appeared in his body.l, afterwards his body slowly to crumbled to dust.

" I would like to." he said while he use his remaining hand towards her cheek as he lost his body. His other soul which filled in light was suck into another dimension due to unknown reason while other one that filled with hatred against the gods and divinity related things was remained in the earth which gain the attention of the Human Order.

- The End of Chapter 0 -

A/N: This fanfic barely gain attention, maybe some of you was anticipated for MC to transmigrated in DXD. So here we go this chapter contains 2 chapter in one. Some of you may find some BS like how can an Alter Ego can access the Throne of Heroes and many more, some of them are just made up the make a better plot so don't complain.

So See ya