
Owens pov

I've just gotten of the plane with the rest of my class and a few teachers. We're in Paris for 2 months. I know crazy right but I'm excited. I've always wanted to go Paris and it's for my art class. Paris has amazing art and the teachers thought it would be good for us to come here for few months.

We get an apartment but we have to pay the rent. Some share depending on the money but I don't get along well with the others and I knew this would come so I saved up money over the years. They do this with every art class every year for the last year students we do it so we have 3 months of school left when we go back.

We have to get a job down here but I don't really care it will give me a little more to do. And this money won't last two months definitely not. During the day we will visits different places with the class and teachers but by 5pm we're free to do what we want and as long as we call a teacher to tell them we're fine. We will go sight seeing for 3 days a week we have weekends of though as long as we call a teacher a few times a day to tell them we're fine they will also drop by everyone's apartment to see how we are

1 hour later I'm finally in my apartment it's really nice I would love to live in Paris. I put all my stuff away like my clothes in the closet my toiletry stuff in the bathroom. We don't have to do anything for today so I decide to hop in the shower because I've been cooped up on a plane for the last 4 hours.

I climb in the shower after stripping down and turning it to the right temperature. I wash my hair and clean my body once I've finished and chilled in there for a bit I climb out and wrap my towel around my waist.

I walk back through the door that's attached to my room and I dig for Some clothes I grab a pair of dark blue skinny jeans and a black t shirt with a jacket tied around my waist. I grab my bag putting my canon camera in it and my sketch pad and pencils. Then I get my phone and ear phones playing some music and putting my black converse on I get my keys and lock my door behind me. I go on a walk and end up wondering to a park.

I walk on the park and go and sit on the grass. I sit in front of the lake. Wow this park is gorgeous what do they call them city parks. I think so. I pull out my sketch pad and pencils and start to draw the lake and the trees with people silhouettes in it. I finally finish the sketch an hour later and start to colour it in. I suddenly feel like someone's stood behind me.

I turn around and see someone stood there looking at me well at my drawing. He looks down and notices me staring he look surprised at first then smiles.

"Sorry I didn't mean to stare" he says with a small smile damn he's Gorgeous. He's got light brown hair that is tied in a pony, bright blue eyes that look like diamonds, he's wearing a suit except he's carrying his blazer in his hands the shirt is tight and leaves not much to the imagination you can see his chest through the shirt. It hugs his body perfectly and oh those pants on him just give me a little twirl.

I snap out of through and notice I've just been checking him out and I blush. I look up to see him grinning. Wow this man is hot.

" I it's fine"

"I'm Christopher by the way but just call me chris" he says while sitting next to me. Wait what he's being friendly to me but I'm nothing special

"I'm Owen nice to meet you"

Chris "nice to meet you too. So you like drawing your really good"

" ye I love drawing I'm studying art and thank you although it's just a rough sketch" he smiles I stand up and take out my camera and start to snap a few photos I make sure to get a good one of what I was just drawing so I can do it better.

"I'm sorry Chris but I better go. Again it was nice meeting you" i say as I start to pack away my things I stand back up straight after zipping up my bag.

He smiles and stands up he holds out his hand "like wise" I shake it and smile back. When I shake it I feel sparks go straight through my body. I pull my arm back slowly. I nod and say goodbye.

"Goodbye" Chris says as I'm walking of I turn round and wave at him as he does it too. I turn back round and make my way back to the apartment. I walk in and lock my door. I make some food and eat it without half an hour. When I'm done I go to my room and strip down to my boxers climbing in bed as I place my phone on the bedside table and on charge so it's fully charged for the next day.

I normally wouldn't sleep this early but it's been a tiring day. It's only 9pm but at least I won't be tired tomorrow we have to be ready for 9am and meet up at the same park I just came back from. When we all meet up we're supposed to go to a cafe for a little food, sit on the park for a little while and then go to a famous art exhibit it's closed of so only we can go at that time. I've heard about the place and seen pictures from offline. It's a really beautiful place and I want to look good for when I go I'm not going to go to such a nice place In normal clothes.

It's the next day and we're finally at the art exhibit. We walk inside and I gasp. Wow it's better than I thought it would be. It's absolutely beautiful. The teacher tells us that we walk around and look at the art.

I go of on my own while others go of in groups I go towards my favourite painting. I make sure to stand behind the barriers I wouldn't even want to breathe on it. Never mind get to close to it. Suddenly I hear a voice.

"It's nice to see you again Owen"

I turn around and gasp. I see Chris stood there smiling at me.

"What're you doing here I thought it was closed so only us college students could visit"

He grins "it's is I'm the owner. Do you like this place and the art"

I can't help but gasp again wow he owns this which means he painted this.

"Omg you own this place and you painted this painting it's my favourite here"

Chris "Really it's my favourite too"

"Omg why am I still speaking to you like this shouldn't I be like more respectful"

Chris chuckles and I tilt my head and I look at him weird

Chris "don't worry about that I'm the one who told you to call me Chris. Would you like me to give you a tour"

I nod rapidly and say 'yes please' I can hear Chris laugh and he grabs my hand. his large hard wrapping around my small one calms me a little and I follow him around. I get a few weird looks of of people and he asks me about me being here. My heart just leaped out of my chest he told me I could work here with him and I don't know what to say. I open my mouth to say something but I don't.

Chris chuckles once again "it will be fun and you'll be paid a good amount. Just say yes"

"Y yes"

Chris grins widely

"I'm assuming we have to tell your teacher"

I nod he pulls me towards the teacher who is with us today and she looks at us weirdly and then looks shocked when she figured out who I'm with. Can't blame her.

Chris "I offered Owen a job here because he said that they need one while here and he said yes. Is that alright with you"

Teacher "y yes that's fine"

Chris "can I take him for a while to explain what he will be doing."

She nods and he pulls me of to what I'm assuming is his office.

2 months have gone by and I'm at Chris's house we started dating 3 weeks after we met which means we've been dating for about a month and 1 week. I'm laid in bed with him and my tears start falling down my face slowly I can't hold them back I keep my crying quite for at Least a minute before he notices.

He looks down at me then sits up bringing me with him. I'm on his lap and I bury my face into his bare chest.

Chris "Baby what's wrong. Why are you crying"

"I it's just I'm leaving tomorrow I don't want to break up"

Chris places his fingers under my chin and lifts my tear stained face to look up at him.

Chris "what makes you think we're going to break up"

"I I just thought because I'm leaving we might end up breaking up and I don't want to leave you"

Chris leans in and places his lips on mine in a light kiss then pulls back and looks at me

Chris "we aren't breaking up unless you want to. Do you"

I shake my head rapidly

Chris "then we don't. We talk when we can. We text good morning and good night. We call whenever we can. And there's always visiting. I can come to you and you can come to me"

"I know but I don't have the money to come down and visit and what if you find someone better than me"

Chris "I've got my jet I'll always come and pick you up when you want to come down or I can send my pilot incase I'm a bit busy and you can come to me. And I'll never find anyone better than you ok. That's not possible. I love you"

Did I hear that right he loves me I thought I was the only one in love here I guess not omg he loves me. I start crying again but this time they're happy tears

Chris "oh don't cry again baby. I don't like seeing you cry"

"These are happy tears. I love you too and have for a while I just thought it was one sided and really you would visit and help me visit"

Chris smiles widely at my words "Of course I would it would make me happy too not just you"

I smile and Chris smashes his lips against mine in a heated kiss he flips us over so I'm laid down and he's hovering over me. He leaves my lips and starts sucking on my neck I accidentally let out a little moan. I feel him smile against my neck. He pulls up and tugs on my shirt I lift up a little along with my arms and he pulls my shirt off.

He trails down towards my nipples and sucks on it he starts to play with my other and then switches around he trails kisses down to my pants. He tugs on them a little and looks up at me I nod and lift my hips he pulls down both my pants and underwear. I blush and cover my face. He grabs my hands and moves them.

Chris "don't be shy baby your beautiful" he kisses me and trails his hands down to my cock and grabs it lightly. He pumps it slowly as good as he can while kissing me. I let out a moan into his mouth.

He pulls back "your voice is so pretty. How far do you want to go"

I blush "make love to me"

Chris smiles and trails down I feel his mouth around my cock and he bobs his head up and down I moan loudly and buckle my hips shoving my cock in his mouth further he groans which sends vibrations causing me to shiver. I feel his fingers circle my hole I grind my ass against them telling him silently to put them in.

He chuckles and I feel a finger push it's way past my tight ring. I groan in pain and pleasure. I feel another push it's way through and then another. I grind against his fingers causing them to hit my prostate and I scream out in pleasure. He pulls them out and his mouth of and lifts my legs over his thighs he lines up at my hole and slowly pushes in until he's fully in. He kisses me and interlocks our fingers placing them at the side of my head.

He carries on kissing me as he pulls out a little and pushes back in. When he's done that for a few minutes he pulls out all the way and thrust back in roughly causing me to arch my back and cry out in pleasure. He suddenly stops and I let out a whine. He chuckles and flips us over so I'm on top. I blush brightly I can feel my face heat up.

Chris "god baby. Your beautiful I get to see everything from the position it's definitely my new favourite. Ride me"

I nod slowly and lift up and slam back down i arch my back and let out a scream god this position is amazing. I carry on doing this until I feel my orgasm coming.

"Babe I'm gonna cum"

Chris "go ahead my baby. I'm right there with you"

As I cum and feel Chris's warm liquid filing me up. I get up of him and lay next to him.

Chris "I'll be back in a minute baby" he says as he gets out of bed and goes to his bathroom which is connected to his room. I love his house it's beautiful. He said he wanted a big house and garden because he wants kids one day and a few dogs. He's already got 2 one a pitbull cross with a staff along with a Japanese Akita.

He walks back into the room with a cloth he wipes himself as he walks over to me he gets to me and wipes me down he cleans me down there too he makes sure no more is dripping out. He throws the cloth into his hamper and climbs back into bed pulling me on top of him as I lay my head on his chest. We tell each other we love each other and then we fall asleep.

I'm at the airport now with the rest of my class and the teachers and Chris is stood by my side holding my hand. We've got 5 minutes until I have to get on the plane and I can't stand the thought of it.

Chris "stop worrying my pretty baby I'll come and visit soon. And we can text and call everyday just call or text me whenever you want and I'll make sure to get back to you and the opposite way"

"I know but I still don't like it."

Chris pulls me into him and kisses me I hear gasps all over I guess they're surprised about Chris dating someone.

He pulls me back and presses his forehead against mine. I can see his eyes tearing up a little. He pulls me back into a kiss when we're gasping for air we finally pull apart.

Chris "I love you baby"

"I love you too" I hear the noise that tells me that we've got to get on the plane now. I kiss him once more and I walk away. When I get to the door that will separate us I turn round and mouth I love you instead he shouts it. I blush and wave as he waves back.

Hours have gone by and I'm sat on my couch with my parents talking about Paris. I told them about chris over a call while I was still there. They reassure me that we will be fine and that he will come here and I can go there to him. I nod. I hear my phone buzz and see Chris's name I look at my parents and they nod I run of upstairs and I can hear them laugh behind me I close my bedroom doors and we chat for hours. I end up falling asleep over the phone.

3 months later

I'm sat in the hall at college for graduation as the teachers call out students names. They finally get mine and I stand up and walk onto the stage. They hand me my certificate and a photographer takes a picture as they do. I look to the crowd and find my parents smiling and cheering with a camera in their hands. I smile back and walk back of the stage.

Everyone's names have been called out now and we throw our graduation hats in the air and cheer. I've just graduated with a degree in art and photography. As everyone walks of to their family I do the same. I walk to my parents and hug them tightly. They are still recording.

Mum "well done sweetie"

Dad "well don't son we're proud of you"

"Thank you"

Mum "come on outside we've got something for you"

I nod and we walk outside. I don't know what they were on about until I see Chris stood at a car. Tears start falling down my face when I run up to him he holds out his arms and I jump at him wrapping my legs around him as he places his hands under my ass. He smashes his lips against mine and slips his tongue into my mouth. I let out a quite moan and he smiles and pulls back.

Chris "hi baby"

I don't know what to say so I just bury my head into his shoulders. I hear him and my parents laugh.

Chris "baby."

He says patting my head I lift my head and look at them.

Chris "would you like to move to Paris and live with me"

My eyes widen and I'm pretty sure my mouth just hit the floor. I hear them all laugh.

Chris "I've spoken to your parents about it and we've made arrangements if you would like to"

I look to my parents and they nod with a grin on their face. I turn back to Chris and nod

"Of course"

5 years have gone by since graduation. We got married 3 months after I moved to Paris. My parents came down to Paris for it. I met Chris parents 2 weeks after I moved there I love them and they love me. They have also become really close friends with my parents. After 6 months of me moving to Paris we moved back to my home and then 6 months after being there we moved back to Paris.

We have four kids we adopted our first one 3 and a half years ago. She's 5 years old now. We adopted a boy 2 and a half years ago he's 4 years old and we adopted a pair of twins 6 months ago. We plan on having more in the future. We decided we wanted a really big family. Apparently Chris had always wanted one and I was open to it. I love adopting kids giving them a new home. We have a really big house and garden and we're rich so it's not like we can't support them.

I started working at the Chris gallery again when I moved to Paris. We even started hanging some of my painting I didn't really want to at first because I thought they weren't good enough. But people loved them and bought them. My parents use to visit a lot Chris and his parents refused to let them buy their own tickets to come so they always sent the private jet to them. But now they live here. They decided after a year and a half to move here so they've lived here for 3 and a half. They moved here saying that there wasn't anything keeping them there anyway and that they want to be able to see the family more.

I love Chris more and more everyday. We're happily married with an amazing family I couldn't have asked for anything better