
Oscars pov

My names Oscar and I'm dating a man called Keith. I have been for 4 years we're both 22 years old we have been dating since we were 18. He has an older brother who's 25. His names zac. He's the man I'm really in love with. I have been since I started high school hes 3 years older than me. He owns his own company and is doing really well.

I work at his company along with Keith. Keith is Zac's right hand man basically. Keith started working there and forced me to work with him as his assistant because he didn't trust me at home alone and he didn't trust me to get a job alone.

I bet your wondering why are you with such a bastard and not the man you really love. Well love doesn't always work out zac doesn't love me and never will. I'm probably more of a little brother to him. His brother Keith was so jealous. Keith realised my feelings for zac and h he ended up r raping me.

He told me no one would ever love me now that I'm dirty. He even took photos of that night. He blackmailed me into dating him saying he would release the photos. I believe him. He really would. I'm not strong enough to fight against him.

He makes sure to punish me if I speak to anyone, if I speak without being asked to, if I make a noise other than breathing. I just hope someone finds out and helps me. Im losing hope on ever getting out of this relationship.

We're sat at work right now. My desk is in his room zac allowed it saying as long as we focus on work. I would really love this job if I didn't have to be near Keith.

He keeps looking up at me making sure I'm not doing anything strange. We finish work and Keith grabs my hand and drags me out of the building as subtly as he can. He shoves me in the car and gets in driving of. I know not to say anything otherwise it will be a worse punishment sometimes I don't even have to do anything wrong for it to happen.

Sometime I just wish I was strong enough that I'm able to tell him to fuck of. We pull up into our driveway and he waits for me to get out of the car. I slowly climb out and walk over to him. He unlocks the door and shoves me in. I fall to the floor and let out a cry as my face hits the floor. He closes the door and laughs at me.

Keith "get up you little bitch. Your making tea tonight" my mouth drops he never lets me do food probably to scared I'll poison him

Keith "I'm going to do work in my study. You even think about disrupting me. I swear to god it'll be the last thing you ever do"

I nod slowly knowing not to talk. I stand up slowly and he walks of. I make my way into the kitchen and start taking the food out. It's a gas cooker sometimes I just think about just blowing this house up. Killing us both or hopefully just him not like I care either way. But then I know zac would never forgive me and that would break my heart more.

It's been a few hours since we had food and I'm laid in bed with whip marks down my body bleeding and I'm covered in his sperm. He leaves the room and closes the door and I start sobbing. I turn my head to the side and notice his phone on the bedside table. He's never done that before maybe it's finally time for me to be saved.

I lean over a little and grab the phone dialling the first number I think of zac's. It rings a few times

Zac "hey bro what's up"

I sob lowly "I it's Oscar" I whisper

Zac "Oscar. Why are you crying? are you ok? why are you whispering? Where's Keith?"

"P please h help me"

Zac "help you what's wrong. Oscar tell me your ok"

"Please I'm at h home. Before he f finds out. Help please"

Zac "what's going on. And before who finds out what. Oscar answer me. Please"

"I can't h he will notice soon. I I've got to go. Just p please help"

Zac "osc!..."

He shouts I cut it of before he can finish. If he doesn't come I don't know what I'm going to do. I delete the call and turn the phone back of putting it back in the same place. I hear foot steps a few seconds later and I turn my head to the other side. Closing my eyes.

I hear the door open and he seems to stop probably checking his phone he mustn't have noticed anything as he walked back out of the room.

I don't know how long goes by when I hear the front door open. I hear foot steps and I freeze thinking he's coming back for more. He normally leaves and does god knows what after he ruins me. He locks the door and He turns of the WiFi and electricity and takes the phones when he's gone.

I hear the foot steps getting closer and the door finally opens. I stay as still as I can. I hear a gasp.

Zac "Oscar! Omg. Omg"

I freeze and then calm down. I sigh and start sobbing. He runs around so he comes face to face with me. His face is one of worry.

He places his hand on my cheek and I place my hand over his and cry.

Zac "where's Keith. What the hell happened to you. I need to call him"

I scream "no! Please no"

Zac looks at me "why he needs to know"

I shake my head "please no. Don't he he will..."

Zacs eyes widen "Oscar Baby Did he do this"

My heart jumps as he calls me baby but it probably means nothing to him.

"H he did. He does this"

Zac "more than once you mean. Omg I'm going to fucking kill him. I swear to god. Wait more than that you need a hospital"

He stands up and calls 911 I'm guessing. He speaks and tells them he needs cops and an ambulance. He sits on the bed when he hangs up. He strokes my hair as I try and hold back my tears. I'm finally getting help although it never would've happened if he accidentally left his phone.

Zac "go ahead baby. Let it all out"

My heart jumps once again at that word but I cry loudly. Screams start coming out. He just listens and doesn't say anything. I hear sirens outside.

Zac "I'm going to get them ok"

"No please. Don't leave me. Please" I sob out

He does he stays and shouts for them to come up instead.

It's been 2 months since zac saved me. I've been out of the hospital for a little over a month. My cuts took a lot of healing I couldn't even lay on my back for most of that time. Zac barely left my side. I always got scared when he was about to. That was barely ever though because he didn't want to leave my side either.

After about 2 weeks when I learnt that Keith had finally gone to prison for at least 25-life. For abuse and rape. That was when I was finally able to actually let him leave my side I even kicked him out to go home and have a proper shower or bath.

I'm sat at home. The place I call home now is zacs it's much nicer than Keith's and he is much nicer than Keith. I've been going to therapy because I still have nightmares and how could I not it's been happening for years. Zac always ends up comforting me.

Zac comes to my therapy sessions. When we got home from my first one. He started crying himself. He couldn't stop saying sorry about how he never noticed what was going on. I comforted that day I was the one to hug him and stroke his hair. He felt so bad after hearing about everything.

He even heard about the rape that happened all those years ago. He knew I was raped the day he found me, obviously the sperm. That was a part of the evidence that got him locked up along with his finger prints on the whip that caused my wounds and the photos he kept.

I'm sat on the couch with zac right now watching a movie. I feel him look at me every so often as well as see him as I keep looking at him too. I finally speak up

"I'm going to look for a house"

Zac "why. Is it not good enough here."

"What. Of course it is I love it here but I'm being a burden to you"

He looks at me like I'm crazy "your not a burden at all. You don't have to move out"

"Is it Pity are you only doing this because of what your brother did"

He grab my cheeks and leans forward placing his lips on mine. I didn't comprehend what was happening until he pulled back

Zac "I'm sorry I shouldn't have done that"

I grab him and pull him back into a kiss he seems shocked at first but finally kisses back he lifts me onto his lap as he licks my bottom lip I open my mouth and he slips his tongue in.

I moan as his tongue explores my mouth. I melt against him and he pulls back and looks at me.

Zac "it has nothing to do with Pity and don't call him my brother. I used this as an excuse to get close to you I know it was a horrible thing to do But I've loved you for years. I don't want you too leave stay with me and be my boyfriend. Please will you"

My mouth drops to the floor from his words I can't believe it "it's not I've also loved you for years but I thought I had no chance with you especially now I'm dirty I always will be"

He grabs my face and kisses me again pulling back a few seconds later "I'm happy to hear that really. You always had a chance with me and don't ever and I mean ever call your self dirty I'd be lucky to have you so please be mine and stay with me"

I nod "ok I understand and yes I'll be your boyfriend and stay here but I'm the lucky one to have you"

He leans forward and kisses me he grabs my ass and squeezes. I moan into his mouth and he smiles. I slide my hands down his chest and to his pants I slip my hand underneath and I massage his cock over his underwear I can feel him harden he feels big. But he pulls back

Zac grabs my hand "baby we don't have too. I'm never going to force sex. if you don't want to then I don't want too either"

I look up at him and smile "I want to I've always wanted to. I know I have nightmares but you could never scare me."

He smiles back and picks me up with his hands under my ass. I wrap my arms around his neck and my legs around his waist.

He take us up stairs. when we get into his room he walks us over to the bed. But he puts me down and climbs on the bed laying down I look at him.

Zac "baby your in control. Do It at your speed and how you want"

"Even bottom"

Zac chuckles "if that's how you want it I said at your speed and how you want. I really don't mind going either way" he says with a grin.

Oh he's a switch I've never topped before

"Maybe another time." I don't have the confidence to do that right now

Zac "ok. Tell me if you want me to do anything ok"

I climb on the bed and I start to unbuckle his pants. I tug at them and he lifts his hips allowing me to pull of his pants and underwear. His cock springs out it's big. At least about 10 inches I'm at least 8. I lean down and take his cock into my mouth I Bob my head up and down he lets out a low moan. I'm happy I'm making him feel good.

I get on top of him and turn around so I'm facing his dick and mine is in his. I can feel his breath on my cock and it's making it twitch. He takes my cock in his mouth and I moan as I lean down and take his back in my mouth.

He lets go of my cock for a few seconds and then Carries on this time his finger also circling my hole. He does this for a while before I push back telling him to put it in. He slowly slides in a finger and then another and another. I'm a panting mess right now. I've never felt this good. I've never felt good before.

Before we cum I get of and turn back around still straddling him. I lower my self on his cock and let out a loud moan. I place my hands on his chest as I ride him slowly. He grunts as he pants. I like this look on his face. I start to speed up as I get more comfy riding him.

I grind against his cock and hit the right spot throwing my head back as I let out a scream. I lean down and kiss him. I can feel us both getting close to our climax.

A few more minutes go by when we both cum at the same time. Him in my ass and me over his chest. I get of his cock and I lean down and lay on his chest. He moves me to the side.

Zac "I'm just gonna get a cloth. I'll be back in a sec"

I nod and watch him leave the room. I can't hold back the tears. It just to good to be true.

A minute later he walks back in and I wipe my eyes quickly. He walks over to me and wipes me down so there's so cum left on me.

He looks up and smiles but then he frowns. He places his hands on my cheeks and wipes my eyes.

Zac "baby. Why have you been crying"

A few more tears fall. He lays me down and lays with me.

Zac "why are you crying"

"It... it's just because I thought I would never be happy ever again. And here I am. I just feel like it could be a dream and I don't want it to end"

Zac "I just wish I found out earlier or made a move before Keith could get to you. It's definitely not a dream and it will never end I'm gonna be with you till the end. I'm never going to let you go again. I'll keep you happy and show you how much I love you everyday. I love you I always have and always will"

"It's wasn't just you I should have told you I loved you before he could and I should have found a way to tell you earlier but I never could I only did that day because he left his phone by accident I took the chance. Tell you or die trying. And I'm never going to let go of you again. I want to be with you forever. I love you as well. Thank you for loving me"

Zac "we will try and put that nightmare behind us it will take a while but it will happen. And don't say thank you there's no need to. I love you now let's go sleep"

I nod "ok and I love you too. Goodnight"

He pulls me into him abs wrap his arms around me as I do the same to him and we finally fall asleep.