
*Help and motivate me by donating power stones, so that I can offer you a rich story. And thank you to those who donated and hope all of you enjoy this chapter. If you don't get a spell check the auxiliary volume:spells*

"Hurry up we don't have much time, the guards will be alerted soon", "I am trying to unlock as fast as possible but there are a lot of enchantments in this blasted door", growled the man. "We can just burst the door open, can't we. It will save time and we get to have some action while we are at it. It has been a long time since I fought someone", said the woman. "Keep your thoughts to yourself, we have to get master out of here as well, or did you forget?". "How could I forget about that, I am here just so I can get my master out of here and he is the key to it". "The enchantments are set to blow up if someone tries to tamper with it, I don't think we have a way other than following ******** suggestion", "We could have been done with this farse if I led this mission, what a waste of time", said the woman. They blew the door and contained the explosion in the air pocket, it kind of looked like the explosion was inside a bubble. The explosion alerted all the guards, and they could hear the guards coming in their direction. "*********, don't get cocky and try to face them head-on, they are highly trained strong wizards specifically tasked to take care of this place. Be careful", "You don't have to tell me I can take care of this myself, you just don't get yourself killed ******", said the woman. They entered the room which was filled with darkness, they couldn't even see their own hands or wands, "Lumos" cast the wizards. There they saw a man floating in space inside a sphere made of purple flames. He had an aura of dominance around him even after he was immobilized and hold captive in the east cells of Tartarus. "Romper escudo", cast the group of wizards simultaneously to break the shield. It almost dried up their magic reserves to break that shield charm. "He is the child of the prophecy, master needs him he is important for our victory"

"A son cruelly banished

The despair of the daughter

Return, great avenger

With wings from the water."

"That's the prophecy for ******* given by Tycho Dodonus. It's imperative for him to be free so that we can free master", said the man. "What are we waiting for then we need to leave and be quick, the wizards are very close". "Wingardium Leviosa", chanted the woman on the man and floated him outside the room.

Moments later:

"Glisseo, move faster they are on us, It won't hold them for long", " Relashio", cast one of the wizards and it hit the woman and she released the man, he fell on the floor making with a thud. The woman quickly cast 'Protego' around that man to protect him. ***** cast 'incendio' around the hallway and set it on fire, thinking they would be able to buy some time. "Aguamenti", cast four wizards simultaneously and extinguished the fire, "Locomotor Mortis", cast the wizard on ******** and he fell on the floor. "Expelliarmus" cast ******* in order to save himself but a 'Diffindo' from one of the wizards cut off his arm. "Shit, at this rate we are all gonna die, I didn't think they would be this strong. We should have bought more men. ******** is dead and ****** is captured it's just the two of us now", said the woman to the man. " You take ****** I will buy you some time, get yourself outside of the anti-portkey zone while I buy time", "Wingardium Leviosa" cast the woman on the man again and started running with him, 'Evanesco', cast the man on the woman while she looked back with remorse and took off with great speed. "I guess its the end of the line for me, huh..... didn't think I would die before I could see my master, or tell ******* that I love her", the man started gathering a huge amount of magic power in his core and while he was about to cast a spell, his hand was cut off by a spell. He fell down and screamed in pain, but quickly tried to move from the incoming barrage of spells. Both his legs were cut off and he fell down on the floor and muttered, "Accio" and brought the wand in his hand and cast a shield charm to protect himself. He steeled his nerves and screamed at the top of his lungs, "Fiendfyre" and this caused the ... .. ...."Edwin, Edwin wake up Edw...."

I slowly opened my eyes and saw the familiar sealing with a classic design on the edges. I looked around me and I saw aunt sleeping on a chair next to me, I wonder why she is sleeping there. "Aunt, Aunt..wake up", this caused her to jump suddenly, and seeing me she quickly hugged me and started crying. I didn't know what was happening but I tried to reassure her that I was fine. She kept holding me for a few minutes and then let me go. "Are you all right Edwin, are you sure you are alright?", asked my aunt. I nodded my head and asked why she asked me this question, "You were breathing heavily and gasping for air. You screamed in pain, I came rushing as fast as I could and I-I saw you in that situation. I was scared something might happen to you" and she started to shed a tear after seeing that. I felt bad for my aunt and quickly hugged her, "I am fine aunt, I am very sorry for worrying you", "Are you sure you are alright, Ed?". I nodded my head and then she finally seemed to calm down.

Aunt left to prepare breakfast right after seeing I was fine, but what worries me is the dream: if I could call it that. It was vastly enhanced and too real, it was like I was there. And this time I could even hear what they were saying, it's strange I couldn't hear anyone's name and I don't know the slightest what this dream meant. I just hope this is nothing bad and too serious. With that, I cleaned myself and went to the dining room and saw aunt and uncle having a conversation. I decided to greet them and my uncle started asking me if I was alright or not, I had to reassure him a couple of times that I was fine and then he let this topic down. It was quite tiring honestly but I liked the idea of someone genuinely caring about me as a family, I was glad they decided to take me in.

Right when I was about to finish eating I almost choked seeing the newspaper. The MAN that I saw in my 'dreams' was on the front page of the newspaper. Aunt quickly gave me some water which helped me calm down. I asked uncle if I could read the newspaper and he let me have a look at it, it truly was him and the other three persons that I saw, except I can't seem to notice the woman anywhere. I started reading the newspaper and the more I read the more it became clear of how dangerous the situation had become. "The members of Acolytes attacked Tartaros and burned half of the east wing, among the missing prisoners' Credence Barebone has escaped. So the international Bureau of magic is handling how they should handle such a dangerous criminal now that he is on the loose. For more news on this topic keep up to date with the daily prophet issue", "its a very bad news for a lot of people, now that that the right-hand man of Grindelwald has escaped. He will try to free his master", said my uncle. " who is Grindelwald, uncle?", "Grindelwald is a very powerful wizard he is only second to You-Know-Who, or probably equal to him. He is the leader of Acolytes, he is an evil, corrupted man and will stoop a low as possible to get things done. Dumbeldore captured him and Credence and earned the title of Warlock". "Wasn't Tartaros the most secured and protected place on the wizarding world, how did they break in?", even though I knew the answer I still decided to ask. " Tartaros might be secured and better than Azkaban but it isn't without flaws or holes in the SYSTEM", and he was right on the mark because that was what exactly happened. It was all planned they had an insider that let them in. I spent the rest of the breakfast thinking about what change it might bring in the upcoming days.

"Ed honey, remember we talked about you joining school next year, I am thinking about hiring a private tutor until you get admitted and start your school". That reminds me of a question I wanted to ask aunt, "What is the name of the school I will be going to, aunt?", "Oh it's Uagadou elementary school of magic, now do you want me to get you a teacher Ed?", "yes, I would love to as I would get more knowledge to earn". "That's my boy". I have to prepare myself for what's to come and be strong enough to not lose my family anymore, I need to control this divination ability of mine, it is getting out of hand I need to get it under control. With that, I left the dining table to train and fulfill my plan to prepare for the days to come.