Chapter 1: Pet Evolution System


"Pet evolution system?"

"What's the use of this system?"

"Also, a lot of money is needed to evolve? Haha, if I had money, I would not evolve My Pets I will as soon as evolve myself."

In Tokyo Akihabara City, a simple rental house, zhou feng opened his mouth slightly with complaints.

If this scene is seen by others, they will definitely feel that this person has delusional disorder.

Otherwise, how can a person talk to himself in a good manner?

But no one knew that this young man named zhou feng is world crosser.

At this time, he is a college student.

As for talking to himself, it is entirely because he has bound a system.

One is called "Pet Evolution System".

After hearing about this system, zhou feng was dull.

Especially after hearing the introduction of the system, he became even more helpless.

The so-called Pet evolution system is to evolve Pet by consuming money.

In the process of evolution, Pet are randomly allowed to evolve bloodlines, physiques, or certain organs, and after evolution, they will all have great lethality.

In this regard, zhou feng immediately complained.

He also read some online webnovels in his previous life.

I also know the system.

But here comes the problem.

When others travel through the parallel world, they are bound to either the god-like system or the hegemony system. Whatever it is, they return to the world that has regressed for decades in the entertainment and entertainment world, and act as a copywriter in peace.

But what about yourself? ? ?

My own life does not have a god-like system, does not have a strong background, and is bound to a useless system.

This just makes him a little unbearable.

But soon, the system seemed to remind the host right now in order to get the host's interest.

"Host, you are wrong about this."

"First of all, the pets you want to evolve is 100% loyal to you."

"Next, when you spend money to upgrade them, their combat effectiveness will be extremely high."

End of reminder.

zhou feng didn't realize the point, and said lazily: "So, what's the use!"

"Um..." At this time, the system was a little confused. He felt that his host was too straightforward, and he didn't use his brain at all, but in order to make the other party interested, it could only answer: "Host , You use your brain to think about it, this world has a powerful organization, what can it do?"

"What can you do?" zhou feng was puzzled and began to complain.

After complaining about it, the system said word by word: "Evolved pet, because of their powerful abilities, you can turn your army pet killers. In this way, you can complete some assassination tasks, based on everything I know. , There are many assassination tasks in this world."

"The evolved pet have some special abilities, and they can also hunt treasures in disguise, but this depends on luck!"

As the system finished, zhou feng's inspiration suddenly flashed.

Yeah, why didn't I think of it.

He has the ability to control animals, and at the same time it has evolved. I dare not say anything else. Being an assassin is okay.

Soon, zhou feng began to expand his thoughts and muttered to himself.

"Aren't people living for money!"

"If you want to make money, you have to have a strong background, or you have to stand in the air."

"I don't have a big background, and I don't know anything. It's impossible to make money seriously!"

"With this special ability, you can really make a lot of money by doing things that ordinary people don't dare to do!!!"

Thinking of this, he was like opened a new world.

Soon, a mature and bold idea came out of his mind.

Since I have this system.

Then why not build an [Assassin Army] by yourself with my pets, and then specifically capture the people on the reward order, and take the reward mainly?

In this way, you can make a lot of money without breaking any rules, and you can also hide behind the scenes. It's simply beautiful! ! !

Thinking of this, he just did what he said, and immediately communicated with the system.

"System, how do I evolve my pets."

Looking at the excited host, the system was finally comforted.

After comforting, it immediately began to explain.

"The host, if you want to evolve, you first need the host to capture the Pet, and only after the capture can you evolve."

"How to capture?" zhou feng couldn't help asking after hearing this.

The system calmly said: "The capture is very simple. As long as the host can capture an animal, and the animal is unowned, it will be judged to be your pet."

Speaking of this, zhou Feng understands!

After understanding, he immediately prepared to go to the pet market to buy pets back.

However, in the next second, Alipay showed a balance of 11.4 $, as if a basin of cold water poured on his head, and instantly chilled his heart.

In this urban world, the price of pets is becoming more and more important, especially for dog pets, the price is rising.

Even for some sick dogs, the merchants dare to offer you a sky-high price.

If there were a few hundred dollars, zhou feng might still dare to bite the bullet and try his luck to find it.

But what do you sell for more than ten dollars? I can't buy anything! ! !

With this situation, he was helpless.

However, just when he was helpless, a fly swept past his eyes, making a buzzing sound.

Seeing this, zhou feng immediately asked the system.

"System, can all animals evolve? And can all become my pets?"

"Answer the host, yes!"

With such remarks in the system, zhou Feng no longer thought about it.

Immediately he focused his eyes on the fly that had just passed by.
