Chapter 2: The first pet, Agent One, Needle fly

Penniless zhou feng has given up the idea of going to the Pet market to buy pets.

But the flies that flew in front of him directly became his primary goal.

Especially the system has also been mentioned before.

Pets of different lethality require more cost to upgrade.

For example, a rabbit may need 10,000 $ to evolve once.

But for a lion, it takes at least one million $ to evolve.

Because the foundations of the two are vastly different.

Naturally, there is a difference in the price of evolution.

In this case, if you catch a fly, first its cost is 0.

Immediately afterwards, such a thing as a fly itself has a low lethality explosion, and if it evolves, the price is definitely low and scary.

For this reason, he hit the iron while it was hot, and immediately began to arrest.

The senses of flies are extremely strong.

Generally speaking, to subdue this kind of Pet, one would either use fly stickers, a clever way, or use something to slap the opponent to death with lightning speed.

But this behavior will only cause the death of the flies.

The system just said clearly that it must be captured alive.

Naturally, in this case, the task of catching flies becomes somewhat difficult.

No, zhou feng looked at the fly lying on the window looking for food, and rushed over, trying to wrap this little cutie with his hands.

However, the moment he acted, the fly felt a bit, and ran away alertly, and soon flew on the wall again.

zhou feng was not discouraged, and began to fight the fly.

After a full half an hour.

He was panting and looked at the very brisk flies that were still flying.

"Made, if I don't catch you today, I won't have my surname zhou!!" He murmured, and zhou feng didn't plan to use brute force directly, he was ready to fight his wits.

I saw him rummaging through boxes and cabinets, not knowing where he found a little bee, and how long he had left the buns.

After finding these two things.

He tore the bread apart, then put some honey aside, and then put a rope through a disposable plastic cup.

It's the same routine as bird catching when I was young.

After doing this, he pulled the string and quietly waited for the fly to catch the bait.

One minute.

five minutes.

ten minutes.

Half an hour.

One hour.

When time passed by for one hour and twenty minutes, the fly finally reacted and came to the area he arranged.

With the buzzing vibration, the fly seemed to notice that there was food, and in the blink of an eye, it flew onto the broken bread that was contaminated with bees.

When seeing this scene, zhou feng was not impatient.

He knew that the flies were not really looking for food at this time, but were observing.

Once there is something unusual, it will flee for the first time.

After escaping, it will be difficult for him to catch this way next time.

Thinking of this, he held his breath and waited quietly.

A minute later, the flies lying on the bread began to rub their hands and feet.

After seeing this subtle move, zhou feng still cared so much and pulled the rope directly, and the flies were immediately locked in the plastic transparent cup.

After being confined, the fly had already sensed the crisis, and suddenly fluttered.

But no matter how he dances, he just can't fly out of this little plastic cup.

"Dingdong, congratulations to the host for catching a fly, whether it can be accepted as a pet!"

After the arrest was successful, the voice of the system sounded.

"Yes!" Without any hesitation, zhou feng immediately responded.

After responding, the voice of the system rang again.

"Successful acquisition, please name the pet for the host."

"Name? Is it so ritual?" zhou feng was a little dumbfounded when he heard the name of the first pet, but soon he accepted the arrangement, nodded and started to meditate.

"Its scientific name is Flies, ?"

"No, no, this name is a bit offensive, then... Needle fly?"

"Okay, that's it!"

"The system is called Needle fly!"

Not long after, zhou feng wickedly named his first killer pet.

After taking the name.

The system immediately confirmed success.

After doing this again.

A data panel appeared in front of him, with attributes and other things densely written on it.

[Needle fly]

Number: 001

Attribution: zhou feng

Combat power: 1

Can evolve: all organs in the body.


After seeing this, zhou feng couldn't help but sighed.

Sure enough, things that don't require money are bad.

The combat power turned out to be only 1!

This god is also absolutely perfect.

However, zhou feng didn't think so much, but asked the system: "How to evolve it?"

"Answer to the host, there are two types of evolution."

"Random evolution."

"Choose to evolve."

"Random evolution is to randomly evolve any place, the price is relatively cheap."

"Selection evolution is the host's own choice, which is more expensive."

"And evolution is also divided into levels, d-level evolution is the weakest, sss-level evolution is the strongest, any sss-level evolution, even a fly, will become an extremely powerful existence."

After the system's answer is over.

zhou feng nodded involuntarily, and then continued to ask.

"Then how much does it cost if Needle fly evolves now?"

"D-level random evolution: 10,000 $, choose to evolve, and the price doubles!"

"C-level random evolution: 100,000 $, choose to evolve, and the price doubles"

"B-level random evolution: 1 million $, choose to evolve, and the price doubles"

"A-level random evolution: 5 million $, choose to evolve, the price triples"

"S-level random evolution: 10 million $, choose to evolve, the price triples"

"SS Random Evolution: Need to complete a special task!"

"SS-level random evolution: need to complete a special task!"



"The lowest evolution costs 10,000 $?"

"System, you see how much I am worth, you sell me, thank you!!!"

After seeing the evolution list given by the system.

zhou feng immediately complained.

Why did he choose flies as pets?

Because of poverty! ! !

But now, the evolutionary money given by the system is at least 10,000 $. How does god play?.