Chapter 5: The Gang head, Zhou Feng strikes! !

Through the chat box of the website.

A document is sent here.

After opening, it is the goal of his mission.

[Target- Lin tan]

Identity: One of the eight leading underground organizations in city c.

Frequently haunted locations: C City, black water Nightclub Street, Dock Night Market.

Action notes: This person is an underground bully who bullies men and women on weekdays. There are a lot of guards around him, and they all bring their own weapons. They even carry some firearms, so the actors must be careful.

Criminal situation: This criminal is suspected of intentional murder and forced prostitution. The official is investigating him. During the investigation, he disappeared and disappeared. Because this person has strong anti-reconnaissance capabilities and there are many younger brothers, the police only need to catch a little bit. Thinking, the other party got the news right away, and disappeared quickly, so it is extremely difficult for the police to start a search And there is some clue about international murder and big gang support.

Time: Please complete the task within one week. After completing the task, talk to the customer service. The customer service will check the result within 24 hours. If the inspection is qualified, the payment will be sent within one hour.


After reading this person's information, zhou feng didn't even think about it.

Directly open the mobile phone G-pay App.

Now that he knows everything, he also has the ability, so for him, what he needs is nothing but the the bounty.

He has no balance in the app, so he can only rely on G-pay loan software.

After ordering a train ticket to city c through G-pay , zhou feng also simply cleaned up, and then left the house with his number one killer.

For the sake of safety, he asked needle fly to stay in a small pot for raising crickets first.


It was half past eleven in the morning.

zhou feng walked down from the train station.

Once down, looking at the unfamiliar environment, he once again passed G-pay and took a taxi to the place given by the intelligence.

That is, black water Nightclub Street.

According to the intelligence, the other party is a restless master and often comes here to play.

Although he is a wanted criminal now, he is not like other ordinary prisoners, fleeing frantically. Instead, he uses his little brother's cover to wander around. Anyway, when the police come, he can get the news as soon as he can. Can run.

Over time, his courage grew.

The frequency of coming out has also increased. No, according to intelligence, police undercover from time to time find the other party in this night market, then turn around and don't know where to go. The official judge is that the other party is likely to go to the club to play .

But I don't know how many clubs are on the whole street. God knows that he will go to that club.

If a comprehensive inspection is conducted, not to mention the impact on the economy, let's just say one thing. In case they are not caught, their mighty behavior will definitely attract criticism. For this reason, the official can only entrust the [dark side Reward Platform] and hope to pass The platform caught the prisoner.

And zhou feng concluded that the opponent would appear here for two reasons.

The first is because this is his territory. As an underground boss, if he runs away completely, then the younger brother will never follow him. In order to consolidate his power, he cannot disappear for too long. He will have to disappear in a few days. Appearing once, it is a disguised form to tell the younger brother that I am fine at all, just what you should do.

It can be said that if Lin tan did not do these things, his power would collapse in a few days.

That's why the tree fell and scattered.

The second is because he himself is a playful person, so here is also suitable for him.

Cognition through intelligence.

This man named Lin tan is also a social scum.

Relying on his identity as an underground force, many oppress ordinary people.

Especially, he likes to play in nightclubs, but who is the most people who go to nightclubs?

It must be a girl.

Originally, according to reason, zhou feng would not sympathize with the girl who went to the nightclub to play any harm.

After all you want to play, you love to play.

But there are always some innocent little white sheep who are cheated by friends.

And it was this little white sheep that became the prey of this Lin tan .

He has been ups and downs for many years, and has long been tired of playing with some net red faces. He worships the golden girl and wants purity.

So when some ignorant students came to the bar for the first time, when his men found out, they would immediately notify him.

Immediately afterwards, he will find a few handsome men, and then go to each other to play.

Generally speaking, Little Aries is basically not good at rejecting each other. He will drink some alcohol and add some supplementary drugs to accompany him. In less than a few hours, she will become confused, and then the little brother will take the girl and leave it in the room. Here, the last thing waiting is the nightmare from Lin tan.

And this is lucky.

If he encounters the kind of vigilant person, Lin tan will come forward directly and force the other party to drink the wine that has already been done.

Girls are usually scared and think they can leave after drinking.

But after drinking it is the beginning of the nightmare.

Some girls will choose to forbear.

But most of them will produce depression, produce fear, and become a psychological shadow.

Over time, some people made extreme behaviors.

In the end, they committed suicide by jumping off the building or leaving the city, but his personality became withdrawn. It can be said that he was directly ruined by a person's life.

There is one more thing that made zhou feng want to solve the other party immediately.

After he got the information, with the mentality of knowing himself, knowing his opponent, and winning every battle, he checked the situation of the opponent.

Upon investigation, he was furious.

After this product once harmed a girl, the other party told her parents that they came to seek care, but he was hit and killed by a car.

After the crash, it was finally determined that it was a traffic accident, and he lost more than 300,000 $. One life and one girl's innocence were solved.

Afterwards, this bully named Lin tan went on to look for the girl who was harmed by him.

But this time, instead of doing it himself, he looked for the ugliest man among his brothers, and then several men began to bully another girl.

In the end, a tragedy occurred.

However, he is still at large, that is, those hapless boys were sent in, but they were sentenced to three or four years.

This kind of scum appeared in the order, and zhou feng didn't have a sense of guilt, on the contrary there was a strong sense of chivalry.


And let's talk about zhou feng at this time.

When he came to the nightclub street, it was still early, but it was more than one o'clock in the afternoon.

Seeing that it was still early, he kept silent, sitting in a cafe for an afternoon.

As night fell.

The feasting life will soon be staged.

zhou feng, who casually settled the dinner at a street stall, looked at the time when it arrived at 8 o'clock, and started to act.

He went directly to a nightclub that the other party would often go to, like a curious collage student in vacation, and easily integrated into this drunken nightlife!