Chapter 6: Needle fly’s personal show

Come to the night bar where lin ta is present.

I don't know if it's because of time or something. There are not too many guests, but the lights and restless music on the dance floor remind zhou feng all the time that the nightlife has begun.

Because it was an early guest, the nightclub marketing team came to him enthusiastically.

The visitor was a seventeen or eighteen-year-old girl, dressed revealingly, with a light makeup on her face.

"Handsome guy, alone?"

"Yes, Miss Sister." zhou feng pretended to be a visitor who came to play. Naturally, he shouldn't be too indifferent, otherwise he would be easily targeted.

"Then do you want to open the station or open the deck?" The marketing girl asked after hearing that it was a person.

"Open the stage, I like to be a little lively." zhou feng's eyes showed longing, as if he was a young man who loves to play, he looked at the stage from time to time, and he wanted to jump a few times at any time.

"Okay, take 1288, send a bottle of Louis, 12 beers, 8 bottles of iced black tea, and a big fruit plate." After hearing his request, the little marketing girl immediately made an offer.

Hearing the price, zhou feng finally understood why there are so few guests here.

Where is GOD this is making money? This is money grabbing.

As for the so-called Louis brand foreign wine, as long as you are not stupid, you know that it is definitely fake wine or OEM wine.

But zhou feng had a purpose, so he didn't care about the price. After paying with G-pay, he sat in a place with a good view, with the stage on the left and the import and export place on the right.

After sitting down, the marketing girl was afraid that he would be bored, so she deliberately asked a few less busy atmosphere group girls to accompany him to drink.

zhou feng was also eager for someone to cover, just like that, he pretended to chat and play games with his sisters, but in fact waited secretly.

Time just passed bit by bit.

At 9:30 p.m., zhou feng realized that he had arrived early.

As it approached ten o'clock, there were more and more people in the nightclub.

Most of them are young men and women.

Listening to the restless music in your ears, twisting your body with the rhythm of DJ playing, the extravagance of the city can be seen here.

And zhou feng didn't care how beautiful the girls who came and went, or how young they were.

What he cares about has always been his goal.

It was at 10:20pm.

Suddenly, the security guard at the door and some staff members suddenly became nervous.

One by one, they lined up in two long queues, seeming to be welcoming someone.

Not long after, a bald man with a big waist and a thick waist came in.

As soon as they entered, these people collectively shouted: "Welcome President Lin to come!"

The person called President Lin was also very proud. With a wave of his hand, the younger brother gave them two hundred yuan red envelopes.

And he himself hugged a new little anchor, sitting staggeringly on the most eye-catching deck in the entire nightclub.

This deck directly faces the stage and is luxuriously decorated.

After he sat down.

More than a dozen girls in bikinis, one by one with the ace of spades in their hands, came to the front of President Lin under the leadership of the nightclub atmosphere group, and then they danced.

President Lin seemed to be tired of this, he waved his hand to signal these people to sit down, and then began the life that most men dreamed of, hugged left and right, and put a wad of money on the wine table, desperately Fill the surrounding girls with wine.

Regardless of whether or not they were beaten up, these girls tried their best to drink.

After all, a drink is two hundred dollar money to them, which is simply too fast way to earn money.

While he enjoys everything.

zhou feng also pretended to be a little drunk, buried his head as if he wanted to take a break, and the girls around could also understand, standing in place and beginning to twist their bodies and dance to the rhythm.

No one knew that at this time, zhou feng silently took out a gadget from his pocket.

After taking out the jar, he immediately opened the lid.

Soon after, a fly that people didn't notice at all came out quietly.

In order for needle fly to successfully complete this mission.

He deliberately spent money to arm it.

Of course, the so-called armament is to go to a hardware store and spend one hundred yuan for the boss to create two extremely small sharp Needle for him.

The boss is a little confused about this kind of thing, he doesn't know what it's useful for.

After zhou feng finished making it, he directly put needle fly on his hand. The size was very suitable. After putting it on his hand, needle fly also made an experiment and slammed a watermelon. It left a deep hole and a small scar.

Not much gossip.

After releasing needle fly again.

zhou feng immediately issued the order.

"KILL Lin tan!"

The order was given, needle fly didn't think much, the buzzing sound passed by his ears, and he rushed to the direction of lin tan , who was drinking at extreme speed.

But because there are too many people around the other side.

needle fly didn't directly rush over to do anything. It just spared everyone and came to the top of everyone's heads, and then slowly climbed over from the ceiling cautiously, until it came to the wall behind lin tan , when it began to move. .

At the same time, zhou feng seemed to be drunk. He quietly induced vomiting and vomited a little filthy thing on the ground, and then stumbled out like a drunkard. The little marketing girl who was in charge of him before. He helped him to the door and asked the security to call him a car.

But less than a minute after getting in the car, zhou feng pretended to forget that he had something to take, and asked the master to stop, and got out of the taxi.

It didn't take long to disappear into the night.

After he disappears.

He sat in the alley, then closed his eyes slightly, and when he opened them again, the picture in front of him had become the environment of the bar.

Locked on needle fly who he cultivated from the perspective of God.

This function is a function given by the system. He cannot possess the animal, but he can observe the animal's actions all the time.