
After dropping Ray off, Mark drove home quickly. It was the first day in months that him and his best friend both had the day off. He wanted to spend the day playing Ever Eternity with Ray, but Ray slept in and now half the day was over. He was a little frustrated but he was more excited to have opportunity to play the game now.

It took him about half an hour to get home, and only five minutes to get ready to join the game."USER IDENTIFIED... MARK THORSON... SCANNING... BIOMETRIC SCAN COMPLETE... CONNECTION ESTABLISHED..." It took no time at all for Mark to get into the game. As he loaded in he spawned in a small room, containing just a bed and table. It was a room he rented at a small inn just outside Ironrock City. He chose this room because it was fairly cheap and had been closer to where Ray was going to spawn. It was better logging off in a secure location because your avatar stays in the world when your not on, and anything can happen to it even if your not there.

Mark was a bit stocky in real life, with curly hair and slightly Hispanic facial features. He was 5'8" tall with a decent muscle mass and a slight gut. But in the game he played a large brutal Dragonborn, with dark metallic green scales that appear blue at the right angles. His face had an angular, almost snake like appearance with a short one inch horn on the nose. On the top of his head he had long rope like scales that could hang down to his shoulders but were tied into a pony tail, and two horns that jutted straight off of his forehead like a gazelles antlers without the spiral. All three horns and his claws were the color of white and green jades that were marbleized into them. He stood staggering seven feet tall, with thick muscles looking like a body builder. On his elbows he had elongated scales that when the elbow was bent would stick out, but when the arm was held straight out it would cup the elbow like armor and touch the back of the upper arm. He had the same thing on his knees, touching the thighs when the legs were extended.

He had one tattoo of a dragon, the entire tattoo was black with gold detail lines. The head of the dragon was on the left side of his chest with the neck extending up across the left side of his neck. The main body was acrossed his back with two wing extending up and onto his shoulders and then down his arms. The front legs wrapped around his sides and the lower half of the dragon wrapped down and around his right leg.

Mark got up out of the bed and made his way down stairs to the innkeeper to let her know he was done with the room. When she saw him she smiled.

"Headed out are we, my lord?"

"Yeah I'm done with the room, I'll be back later though. My friend is just starting so I'll be paying for rooms for the both of us till he is strong enough to leave here."

"Very well my lord, safe journeys to you."

The innkeeper was an NPC, and as with most NPCs she spoke to players as if they were royalty. The only NPCs that did not were enemies or actual royals. Mark nodded to her and leftm He headed straight into the city and headed straight to the center of the city to the large area know as the spawn point. Ray should be spawning soon and Mark wanted to be there when he did. Upon arriving in the spawn point he found a bench and sat down, looking around for Ray. There were alot of people there and though he had no idea what Ray was going to look like, he could check gamertags of the players to find him.

After half an hour went buy with no sign of Ray, Mark thought that Ray had already spawned and took off without him. He pulled up his communications screen and searched for Rays gamertag.To his surprise he actually found him online, which meant he had already spawned. He sent a chat request and was immediately accepted by Ray. Mark turned his mic on and Ray spoke immediately saying.

"Hello? Can you hear me?"

"Yeah fucknuts, where the fuck are you? I thought we agreed you would wait here and go out exp farming together."

"I have no idea where I'm at. But I know I'm not safe here."

"Describe the area, I'll come to you."

"I'm in the mountains somewhere, in a big valley. There are jagged rocks everywhere and a weird haze in the air. I think it's some kind of magic fog."

"Oh fuck, you went in there? You need to get out of there, NOW! I cant even fight the things in there."

Ray looks around and said

"I have no idea how to get out of here. There are mountains all around me and there isn't an obvious path."

"Just back track out. Go out the way you went in."

"I cant."

"Why not?"

"Because I didnt wander into this place."

"Then how the fuck did you get there?"

"I fucking spawned here. My game glitched as I was finalizing my character and then I woke up here."

"YOU WHAT? That cant be possible. Can you even respawn if you die?"

"I don't know but I don't want to risk it. I am staying hidden and avoiding everything."

"That's smart, hunker down and I'll make my way to you. Then I'll show you the way out ok."

"Got it, but hurry."

Mark quickly headed out to the mists area near him, running as fast as he could. He knew something wasn't right with Ray's game and didnt want to take any chances. He knew the area really well. He had a good idea where Ray spawned at but he wasn't sure if he could get there before the monsters spotted Ray, so he took the fastest path which went through the foothills. This area had low level monsters like goblins and wolves. But Mark was not worried,he knew he was strong enough to handle them. He just want bother with them but as he walked though he didn't see any monsters in the area, which meant they had recently been slain or there was something stronger there that scared them off. As he followed the road through the steeper valley three players stepped out from behind cover, grinning at Mark greedily. Mark saw them block the road preventing his passage.

"Sorry friend, roads closed. You'll have to pay us to go through."

"What makes you think I'm going to pay you anything?"

"Its your money or your life, take your pick lizard."