
Ray wasn't sure where he was at, or why he spawned there, but he did know the place wasn't safe. Since spawning he had witnessed a battle between multiple monsters, one which was a dragon. The area was a vast mountain valley, with jagged rocks jutting from the ground. There was grass covering the whole area and some small bushes and trees dotting the landscape. Ray was trying to find a cave or something that would be safe to log out in, but he couldn't see very far because of the thick haze covering the place. The haze was strange, it wasn't like fog, it was multicolored and swirled about. It moved alot like how gasoline does on top of a puddle of water, but it was up in the air and made it impossible to see more than thirty feet away.

The haze was thick and he couldn't see very far, he could still make out shapes at a distance. He walked around keeping close to bushes so he could hide if something came to close. As he walked he watched the haze, curious as to what it actually was. It wasn't fog and he didnt taste anything on the air, but he could almost feel it. Like a pressure that wasn't really there. It moved in a mysterious way too, it didnt move when a breeze blew by but it did move when Ray swished his hand through it. As he contemplated what it could be he noticed a creature watching him.

He immediately ducked into a Bush, hoping it really hadn't noticed him. But to his dismay it was still looking directly at him. He crawled into another bush hoping that it would think he was still in the previous one if it attacked. But its gaze remained fixed on him, cocking its head to the side in curiosity. Ray realized it wasn't hostile so he decided to take a better look at it.

It was a small creature, resembling a fox. Except it had blue fur and a strange green crystal in its forehead. It also had two tails which swished and twitched constantly. As he observed it started walking over to him. He got worried and got out of the bush while backing away from it slowly. It stoped and its eyes narrowed at him. Suddenly Ray saw the haze swirl into its crystal, then it made a barking sound as strange light shot out of the crystal straight at Ray's feet. In the next moment Ray's ankles had strange transparent gold manacles attached to them with runes moving along the surface, and he could no longer move his feet. The haze flowed constantly into the manacles, and Ray realised that the manacles were magic. He also realized that the haze must be magical too.

Seeing that Ray was now stuck, the fox walked over to him and began sniffing his leg. Then it jumped up on his shoulder to sniff at his face and hair. After some time of it sniffing and licking Ray, it seemed to grow bored and hoped down. It made another short bark as it walked away, and the manacles on Ray's feet disappeared.

Ray figured that since the creature wasn't going to hurt him he could follow it and maybe learn about the area from it. Even though it didnt want to hurt him, he still didnt want to stay close to it. So he stayed just in sight of it while following behind, keeping to the bushes and taller grass. After some time the creature made it's way to a bush that had berries on it. After inspecting it and looking about to make sure there weren't any other creatures, it began casting another spell.

As it cast the spell, Ray saw the haze swirl in front of it. Then he noticed something more, as the haze swirled it condensed into a ring, then strange runes began appearing and moving into positions around the ring.

When a rune reached its position it would glow brighter. Then smaller, more intricate runes appeared and began doing the same thing. As Ray watched he noticed that he could see even more runes, but they weren't quite visible. Almost like they were made of glass, transparent but still there. Finally an even smaller runes formed and began moving into position around the rest. As soon as the all the runes were in place a light streamed out from the circle and in a fan shape and shone on one of the berries. After the light finished shining on the berry, the runes and circle disappeared, The creature began eating the berries.

Ray realised the magic must have been a scan spell, so the creature could find out if the berries were edible.

At that moment Ray's stomach growled, which confused him. Even though he knew he had to eat in the game, he knew that the characters hunger meter didnt affect his real hunger feelings in real life. But he knew he was hungry, so he figured he would have to log out and go eat. So he accessed his menu screen and selected the log out option. But instead of showing a countdown timer it just exited the menu. He tried again only to have the same result. His stomach growled again so he decided to try some of the berries the creature was eating.

He made his way over to it slowly, doing his best not to bother it. when he got to the bush he looked at the berries. They looked like blue berries except their color would shift and swirl between blue and dark red, and they looked really juicy. As he pulled one off he could feel the juices inside, and that prompted another gurgle from his stomach as his mouth started watering. He popped it into his mouth and bit down. To his surprise it didnt taste like anything, like he was eating air. Then it was like every sense he had could feel the sweetness from the berry. It was all over him and overwhelming. He started grabbing and eating berries without realizing it. And with each berry the sensation got more intense. Soon enough it was more than he could handle and he blacked out.