
It had been a good day for Lynn. He had recently joined a guild known as the Blood legion, a well known bandit guild that robs and kills players. Lynn hadn't been very fortunate and wanted to earn a profit with the guild to make ends meet back in the real world. Since players could transfer money in and out of the game some players had been using the game to make money, but it was hard to earn money in the game without any marketable skills. So some players had taken to less noble acts to gain money. Lynn wasn't proud of this choice but with his recent employer firing him he was running out of options.

That day however had been very profitable day for him. He was stationed with a hotheaded squad leader named Brad and a laid back tank named Tom. They were set up on a road coming out of Ironrock City, headed into the foothills of the Rustrock mountain range. It was a low level area that had alot of new players passing through to get to the dungeon at the base of the mountain.

Most of the players had spent their 1,000 gold on gear and supplies to go through the dungeon, and that's what Lynn and his companions had been taking from those players to sell and make their money. Some of those players had fought back, not wanting to give up their gear and have literally nothing. Lynn didnt enjoy it but he and his team quickly killed them and took the gear anyway.

They had gotten some decent starter gear and gear that was higher grade for the area. One bit of gear was a full set of plate armor from the dungeon. The guy who had it put up a fight but they managed to get the armor with only some damage to one of the shoulders, and Tom took the armor for himself because it was better than his own armor.

It had been an hour since their last victim had been robbed. Lynn was laying back on a large rock, watching the clouds and thinking about how his life had changed so much. Suddenly lynn noticed movement out of the corner of his eye. There was a large dragonborn running their way. Lynn whistled to the other two to get into position.

Lynn was the only one in the group that used ranged weapons, preferring spears over bows or daggers. Spears were bigger and harder to aim but Lynn had an ability that boosted his accuracy to almost 90%. He could hit a moving target at 30 meters away. Most of his skill comes from being in the javelin throwing team back in high school in the real world.

Brad was a swordsman that specialized with sword and shield. Having both a stabbing skill that could ignore armor and a shield skill that blocked attacks while he charged forward. Tom was a tank that used a halberd, he had an attack skill where he would sweep his halberd in wide arcs that could hit all enemies around him.

They hadn't been teamed up together long but they worked pretty well together, with brad and tom getting close for melee combat as Lynn threw spears from up on a low ridge next to the road. Brad and tom hid behind large rocks to either side of the road as lynn crouched low behind the rock he was laying on.

When the dragonborn got close enough they stepped out. Brad and Tom saw the bulging pack being carried by the dragonborn, and the many weapons sticking out of it. They both grinned at each other.

"Sorry friend, roads closed. You'll have to pay us to go through."

"What makes you think I'm going to pay you anything?"

"Its your money or your life, take your pick lizard."

"Lizard? Who you calling lizard?"

The dragonborn clenched his fists, clearly angered. Tilting his head to either side he cracked his neck, then grinned at Brad.

"Alright, your dead little man."

The dragonborn charged at Brad. Tom stepped to the side to get into a flanking position as Lynn pulled out a spear and took aim. When the dragonborn got close enough he threw a punch at Brad, brad raised his shield to block the blow. But instead of hitting the shield the dragonborn grabbed it.

Brad's jaw went slack as he realized he made a mistake. Before brad could do anything in response, the dragonborn yanked his shield with him still attached and began spinning around. As the dragonborn did this Lynn threw the spear he was aiming. When the spear got close enough the dragonborn swung Brad into its path, causing the spear to embed itself into Brad's shoulder and make Brad lose his grip on his shield. As brad let go of his shield he was sent flying into tom causing both to tumble backwards.

The dragonborn stopped spinning to look at the shield in his hand and appraise it.

"This is a good shield, such a pity"

As he said this he bit down onto the shield, Brad watched in dismay as corrosive acid seeped out of the corners of the dragonborns mouth. Brad knew the shield was being destroyed in the dragonborns mouth. Lynn took the opportunity to throw another spear, but the dragonborn turned slightly and caught the spear before it could hit him. He then threw the spear at Brad and Tom as they were still getting up. Tom dodged out of the way but Brad didnt see it in time and it punched right through his thigh, through the leather armor and leg and out the other side but got stuck halfway through.

With Brad unable to get up the dragonborn turned his attention to Tom, who was starting to swing his halberd in a wide arc towards the dragonborns legs. The dragonborn stomped on the halberd when it got close, burying the blade into the dirt. Then he stepped forward and punched Tom in the head, hitting him in the face through his open helmet. Tom fell down unconscious. At this point Lynn threw one of his last three spears. The dragonborn turned grinning and grabbed this spear out of the air too, but instead of throwing it he spun it in his hand and took a fighting stance with it.

Lynn was shocked that the dragonborn was skilled with the spear too. Mustering his courage Lynn jumped down to engage the dragonborn in close combat. He figured that he was more skilled with the spear than his opponent. Taking a similar stance as the dragonborn, Lynn didn't hesitate and jabbed at the dragonborns smug face. But the dragonborn parried the strike and smacked his spear tip on the top of Lynn's head. Lynn stepped back frustrated, Then jabbed again aiming for the dragonborns stomach. But the dragonborn jabbed back, stabbing lynn in his hand and diverting the attack to the side. Lynn took a few steps back and looked at his bleeding hand. It was cut from the area between his thumb and pointer finger across the back of his hand. The tendons were severed and he could no longer grip with that hand. Knowing he couldn't attack at close range anymore, lynn decided to throw his spear at the dragonborn. But before he could raise his spear he saw the dragonborns spear flying towards him backwards, with the tip facing the dragonborn. In his confusion Lynn forgot to duck and the back of the spear hit him hard in the forhead, then everything went dark.