
When Raymond blacked out he found himself in a strange place. It was a tunnel of some sort. But the all the surfaces were made of a strange metal. Everything was smooth and shiny. The metal looked like copper or gold but Raymond couldn't determine which one it was. The tunnel stretched on for what looked like miles, Raymond couldn't see an end in either direction.

"Where am I? Hello!?! Is anyone there!?! What's wrong with my voice?"

Raymond's voice sounded like it was coming out of a phone with bad reception, digital and distorted. He listened for a response but heard only silence, deafening silence. After what felt like half an hour he heard something. It was a kind of rushing noise, like wind through the trees. When he looked in the direction of the noise he saw a light traveling towards him at high speeds. When the light got to him it just flew right past him and continued down the tunnel.

"Guess that's as good of a direction as any. I wonder where its going?"

Raymond started running after the light, but in moments it was gone. He kept running though, it had to go somewhere. He ran for a long time, unable to keep track of time he guessed he had been running for hours. Even though he kept running, he didnt get tired or out of breath. Eventually another light went past him, he tried to catch it but it just past right by. Still curious about the lights, he kept going.

It seemed like weeks or even months had gone by and he kept running. A dozen or so lights past him and he still couldn't figure out what they were, or where he was. Then he saw something different up ahead. The tunnel came to an end at what looked like a black wall. As he got closer he realised it wasn't a wall, it was a jet black room. It was bigger than a city on the inside and solid black. As he entered it he noticed it was empty except for something emitting light at the very center. Then another light came into the room and went straight for the light at the center. When it reached it it dropped into the thing at the center, then another light came out and rushed out of the room through a different tunnel. Raymond ran to the center to see what it was.

When he got to it he was surprised to see it was a computer. The screen was black with green text.



"What is this?"

Raymond was confused so he tried to type on it.
















Raymond Locke

















STR - 11

CON - 16

DEX - 13


WIS - 14

CHA - 11


HP - 100

MP - 3000

SP - 100



-scans the target and shows all relevant information to the caster-


-Can see the structure of spells-











Raymond read the prompt with confusion and curiosity. He didnt know why his intelligence was showing error or how he had so much mana. But what shocked him the most was that he wasn't able to be located. The prompt kept reading error as Ramonds vision went white.