Wrong Way

Mark grinned at Brad. He knew he had beaten the group, but Brad made it personal. Mark didn't like racial slurs, and being called a lizard really pissed him off. He glanced at Brad's companions, both were knocked out cold. But Brad was still conscious and screaming in pain, the spear in his leg keeping him from running away.

"You fucked up little man."

"Fuck you lizard, we will come for you! Just you wait, my cousin will have your head! There is nowhere you can run that we cant find you bitch! I swear you'll hllmmph!"

Mark got bored with his threats and picked him up and bit down on his head, letting his corrosive breath dissolve Brad's head. Not long afterwards Brad's body exploded into digital bits, leaving behind all his gear as he was teleported to the last respawn he touched. Brad died in intense agony.

Mark began looking through his new loot. The armor was destroyed but the spear and sword were in good condition. But what caught Mark's eye was the small storage case. It was a card case with 100 storage cards in it. All a person had to do was place a storage card on an item and the item would be sucked into the card. One card could hold up to a 500lb item in it, and mark just acquired 100 of those cards. He looked through it and saw some were already used, but one in particular really excited him. It depicted a wardrobe sized case, and its name read Card Collection. He pulled it out and tossed it on the ground. Where it landed a large case appeared. Mark opened it up and inside were thousands more storage cards, and only a few were used. Mark was in shock.

Mark had been saving money for months to get a card case with only 20 cards, and had only gotten about halfway there. And now he had thousands. But he knew that this was not the place to check all his new cards. He picked up the card that the case was in and stored the case again. Then he used a couple cards to store the sword and spear. After putting them away he attached the case to his hip and set off again to save Raymond.

Mark knew the Mana Mists were on the other side of Rustrock mountain. He had once found a path going through back when he was beta testing. But when he went there a dragon attacked him and he almost lost all his gear. If Raymond was in there he was in extreme danger. Mark ran faster after thinking about that. He made it to the mountain in no time and quickly ran to the path. He soon realised why there weren't any monsters attacking him along the way. The monsters were hiding. And Mark wanted to hide too.

As he came to the path he saw an adult earth dragon next to it,focused on devouring a large carcass. It hadn't noticed him yet so he ducked behind a rock. Mark knew that an adult dragon was at minimum 100 levels higher than him, and its stats were multiple times higher than his. He weighed his options and figured his best bet was to try to sneak past it. He quickly and as quietly as he could made his way from one rock to another. Hiding behind the rocks as he made his way up the path.

He was almost out of the dragons line of sight when he heard a noise that made his heart stop. A loud chorus of screams coming from the direction of the dungeon nearby. Mark thought that he wandered to close to the dungeon and the goblin horde event had triggered. But to his surprise when he looked down toward the dragon, the goblins were attacking the dragon. He wiped the sweat from his brow, relieved that he didnt have to fight the goblins or inevitably the dragon with them. He took the opportunity to run up the path and out of sight of the battle below. After an hour of running through the path he started to see the strange fog and knew he was getting close. Before long the path opened up into a large plane of ground, with the mountain peaks looking like hills surrounding the area. Mark looked around the area and realised he made a mistake.

The area he was in wasn't a valley at all. And there weren't any jagged rocks anywhere. Raymond wasn't here.