Venturing Out of the City

"I see you've completed the number of teams needed for this venture," says a female attendant as Nichol walked over with the other guys behind him.

"It's that obvious, huh?,"

"Tch, getting cocky, aren't ya?" she says in reply.

It seems Nichol and the so-called attendant get along pretty well...

They all put down their identities and the quest they chose, Allyn, was the last one on the line.

"What are you called," she asked.

"It's Shadow," says Allyn, "I also chose another quest that would be handled by myself alone," he added and hands over the poster in his possession.

"You sure about that?" she gave him a meaningful look.

"I am positive," says Allyn in reply.

"Alright then," the female said, "Just so you know, Dungeon Run takes a long time to complete, and for the fact, you'll be heading to a second quest right after that_"

"It's going to be a lot of work," Allyn completed her words.

"Well, since you already know that, I guess there is nothing more to say," she said, "But start by taking out the pack of wolves first as this is relatively easier compare to the Dungeon Run," she whispered in addition.

"Is that so?"

"Yeah, don't let those guys pressure you,"

"I understand,"

After he had completed his business, he then walked out of the W.G.Q building...

"Took you long enough," says a male among the team. He has quite the height but not to the extreme.

There are two short rapers hanged on his back with chains connecting both of them. It is still unclear how he plans to fight with that weapon.

"I should properly introduce you to the others as that is a first step to get to know each other better," says Nichol in a somewhat friendly tone.

"As I said earlier, I am Nichol, and that's Elean," said Nichol.

His introduction goes this way:

Keith is the dude with two rapiers hanged on his back. He doesn't look friendly, nor does he give off any hostility, just neutral.

Eleanor has a seductive outlook. She is the girl every simp will mindlessly run after. She is indeed among the people Allyn vows to keep a safe distance from.

Kyle is a hyperactive individual, so he doesn't give off any dangerous aura, but it's probably best he keeps his distance too... I think.

Pene is also a female among the team and a girl of few words. It's possible to not notice her presence due to how quiet she can be. Hanged to her back is a long sniper rifle. So yeah, she looks problematic. Allyn should stay away from this one as well.

Nichol is the team's leader, or at least, that's what it seems like. He is quite agile and possesses an impressive muscular outlook, yet he doesn't have any hostile aura emitted by him.

Remy looks a little friendlier compare to the others. In his possession are two swords strapped to his side. He also nodded at Allyn once he got introduced by Nichol.

"It's nice to meet you," says Remy, who also goes by the nickname; Remyblaze. Allyn nodded without a word...

We also have Ralph and Zoe. Ralph is a red hair male with a somewhat wild personality. This is obvious with how bright his gazes are, added to the confident smile.

"I've got a great feeling we'll get along," he said.

Zoe has a more fragile outlook, the cute girl everyone wants to protect. However, her being in the team must mean she is indeed an asset, so don't look down on her.

"We have a long way to go from here,"

Nichol handed a map to Allyn, the same map every member of the group already has; "Getting to our destination, we have to cross over through sea. It will take days to get to that waterfront, so I suggest we get moving as soon as possible,"

"You guys go without me. I'll find my way there,"

"I know our conversation sounded like we only needed you just to complete our number, but that's not it. The more members we have, the higher our chance of surviving,"

"That's not the reason. If I wasn't interested, then I will not be here," said Allyn. "I have a quick quest to handle ahead of this,"

"That won't be possible," says Keith, "We most likely won't wait for you, nobody's got the time for that,"

"It's fine, I get it so long you won't keep us waiting," Nichol said.

"No, it's not," says Keith, "We don't have time to wait,"

"Our journey is a long way, so might as well get busy with something else while he is at it," Elean is on Allyn's side.

"Sigh, fine, if that's how you put it, I don't have a say in this," says Keith, "But just so you know, if we are late, we might not get any valuables due to all of it being taken by others," he walked away, accompanied by Pene in silence.

"This is just how he is, don't take it personally," says Nichol, "I'll leave that with you," he lastly said as he joins the others.

Eleanor gave him a wink before joining the team. I'm not sure if that is a flirt, but it most likely is.

'Keeping myself in check is going to be hard with her around,' Allyn said inwardly.

Allyn synchronized the map handed to him by Nichol with his system map. That way, he could find his way to the waterfront with just the system map alone.

Safe-keeping the map in his in-game storage space, he also pulled out his strapped SaberClaw blade and wear it over his shoulder, which attached the sword to his back. This idea came to him thanks to Keith's, and this will give him easier and faster access to his blade, just in case.

"Here goes nothing,"

With an outburst, Allyn sped up quickly. He still has a long journey to cover before he can even step out of the kingdom entirely. Thankfully, the mecha_suit should be fast enough to cover the distance in little time.

Minutes later, Allyn has successfully crossed through the Maze-like walls of Foundation 2. A few construction workers are still doing their jobs in some buildings destroyed during the attack from the Titans in Foundation 1.

Leaping from one building to another, Allyn successfully cuts many distances within seconds.

"There it is,"

Up ahead, there is a very massive gate, many meters tall. This must be the exit of the city.

{"State your purpose,"} says one of the army androids protecting the entrance from the inside.

It seems people aren't allowed to leave the city unless they have good reasons.

Without a word, Allyn hands over the quest's poster to the android.

{"I see"} says the android in understanding, {"You're qualified,"} The Android steps aside and a small part of the enormous gate opens a little, giving access to the outside world.

Activating the foot of his suit, Allyn kept on the run in a certain direction. Thankfully, there is no sense of danger anywhere close at the moment. This must mean those troublesome creatures have indeed returned to wherever they came from.

There is still a high chance of meeting them, so he'll need to be careful. The Mecha_Suit has an extra feature added to it, and this is the ability to detect any heat signal, which is most likely a living being, or worse.






"I've found one,"

Just among the trees in a somewhat desolated area, a man is riding a bizarre creature as he quickly gets close to the camp of the other men over there.

"Make yourself clear, I don't have all day," said the leader.

"A new adventurer is heading West from the RailWall city," he said in excitement. "He might have valuable possessions with him."


"He is alone,"

"Hahaha, finally, some good news," the leader suddenly has a bright countenance.

"So what do we do?" asked a second member of the group.

"The same thing we discussed... go after that person and see what we can get,"

Among the seven men, three of them took their rides and heads West... Finally, they have looting to do.