Level Up

Sound waves resounded in the sky as they spread out in every corner. There is no telling when more otherworldly enemies would arrive. Worse, the enormous Mutant Fowl isn't giving any sign of stopping either.

*Bang! Bang!!*

The creature's remaining eyes received destructive blows that rendered it completely blind. This sudden attack sent waves of pain, all of which was clear on how it was reacting.

The creature shot out multiple spikes in the direction from which that attack came, but with its blindness, there is not much it can do.

With killing intentions, Allyn assaulted the creature right in the same wound. He kept firing while avoiding any spikes that might head his way.

Out of desperation, the creature tried to hurl more spikes in all directions, just like it did earlier. However, Allyn gave it no chance by blasting more bullets into its eyeball until he ran out of bullets. At long last, the creature fell flat to the ground.

"How many of those explosive arrows do you have?"

"There are just two of them,"

"Give them to me," he said.

"What! no way... I am defenseless without them,"

"Trust me, you will not get the chance of using any if more gigantic creatures head this way. So you might as well hand it over,"

"Sigh... please, make good use of it," Diesel handed the last of his explosive arrows to Allyn.

Grabbing what he needs from Diesel, Allyn ran towards the weak creature and stabbed both arrows in its eyes.


It died in an instant...



You slaughtered a creature many times stronger and bigger than you are.

Experience points: 5088XP

system remarks: #God of War.


"Was that even necessary?!" Diesel exclaimed.

"To kill it, yes, it was," said Allyn in reply.

"Are you kidding me? The creature is obviously already weak. All you had to do is stab it one more time, and it's done,"

"I need to make sure there won't be any chance of surviving. Neither did I want to give it a chance to attack. One more hit from it will kill me!"

"You kill even when you don't have to. Why is that?"

"Because that's who I am,"

Those words sounded very dark and Diesel, for a slight moment, shivered due to that.

'What is he?' Diesel thought.

Did the choice to be an assassin somehow messed with Allyn's personality, or has he always been this way but hasn't noticed until now?

No! it's neither of those, or at least that's what he thinks. Then what's with this personality of his? You may ask.

One drive for slaying is because of the rewards that come from doing so. In actuality, this is one of the considerable reasons he does it. As long as they are not fellow players like himself, Allyn will not flinch at murder.


Allyn sensed a threat and tilted his head. In the next moment, a bullet dangerously flew past him, hitting one of the trees due to missing its target.


Allyn caught sight of an individual many distances away. This person is riding the same specie, one of which Allyn had just killed a while ago? Yes, I am talking about an evolved Mutant Fowl.

In his possession is a sniper rifle. This firearm is problematic to handle.

"Go down!!"

More bullets came their way, but both Allyn and Diesel had reacted…

"Shit! I was hoping to take them off guard," said the enemy in regret.

"Come on, let's get a closer range, shall we?,"

The flying creature dived in the direction Allyn and Diesel are supposedly located. Setting its eyes on a fellow dead Fowl, the creature howled in anger.

"Easy boy, they will be dead soon," said its rider. "Once I get hold of them," he added.

Placing his firearm in the right position, he began searching for them using the telescopic sight of the rifle...

Coming out of his hiding, Diesel pulled the string of his bow and released it. An arrow out of nowhere pierced through the enemy's hand and he fell to the ground from the pain.

Diesel's action also caught the attention of the evolved Mutant Fowl. Noting this for a fact, he ran in the opposite direction with the creature chasing right after him.

"ugh! Damn it!"

The unfortunate individual forcefully pulled the arrow out of his hands as he tried to pick up the rifle.


A bullet went through his skull and came out through the other side. Allyn showed no mercy, just as always.

The firearm he used is the one he picked up from the dead Kyro. He also claimed the rifle as his as well.

"Don't mind if I do," he said as he stored the new souvenir.


The game system had given a new ability to you. You've earned it due to your bravery and somewhat ruthless character.

Aptitude: Hush Feet!


Added to the quick draw ability as an assassin, Hush Feet is a skill that helps to cancel any sound that comes with any kind of motion. Thus, sneak attacks will be more effective against an enemy.


An additional notification popped up, and this one caught Allyn's attention...


It is recommended to raise your player level to 10, as you have more than enough experience points to make such an upgrade.

Currently level: Lvl 6

Destined level: Lvl 10

Expense: 2500 XP is needed.

Do you want to proceed? (Recommended!)

[YES]. [NO]


Without a moment's hesitation, Allyn proceeds with the upgrade. In an instant, he felt his strength increase by tenfold as dark purple energy enveloped him. The excitement that came from this sensation could clearly be seen in his eyes.


Upgrade Successful!

You're now a tier 2 assassin! and have entered the fundamental stage as a mage!

[LEVEL 10]

Physical DMG: 145

Spirit Damage: 270

Mana Reserve: 2034

Agility: 25

Speed: 27%

Health: 100%

Physical prowess: 61

Defense: 43



Right in front of him are two orb-like magic celestial lights. One is black, and the other is dark purple.

According to the game system, he is supposed to choose whichever one he would like to claim as his magical power.

Allyn selected the black magic light for himself. It is an unusual choice, since the black aura isn't giving off any impressive or attractive radiation.


Circulating through your veins is commonly known as dark energy, or, more precisely, according to the choice you made, black element should be the right word for it.

Your amazing preference has reaped you a new ability: ANONYMOUS; LVL 1.


Fueled by the black element, Anonymous is an ability to help you blend with dim environments for a limited time. The dimmer the environment, the invisible you become.


Every talent, skill, or ability you've gained to date can now be upgraded with every individual point you gather.


- Quick Draw; Lvl 1.

- Ex_nihilo; Lvl 0

- Mecha_Forgemaster: Intellect; lvl 5

- Hush Feet; Lvl 1

- Strengthening; Lvl 7

- Anonymous; Lvl 1

- Martial arts; Lvl 1

The higher the level, the better and stronger these abilities will become... though you probably already know that.


"Power is indeed, enticing," Allyn mumbled to himself. He also had a sinister smile for the first time.




Diesel is still darting with every power that's left within him. Just behind him is a vicious being angrily trying to catch up, but due to its size and tall trees in the area, its speed is lagging.

"Has he abandoned me?" Diesel mumbled in fear. It doesn't seem like Allyn would come to his aid anytime soon or ever. This thought deeply terrifies him.

Sneaking like a thief, a swing from Allyn smoothly severed one of the Fowl's hind limbs. This effectively brought the creature low enough for a thrust to the eyeball to be more powerful. Yes, Allyn did not leave Diesel behind. Guess he isn't that cold... not yet.

"I wasn't expecting it to do this much damage," he nodded in satisfaction.

He had used one spike that the creatures had been shooting out of its wings as a weapon. This pointy object does quite the damage, even to its owner.

"Allyn?" Diesel carefully revealed himself. "I thought you left me behind,"

"Well, I did not, as you can see,"

Something felt different about this individual. Diesel could feel a significant difference in Allyn's power.

'Was there a breakthrough,' he thought.

"We should get moving as soon as possible, but before that,"

Allyn picked up a few spiky objects deployed by the giant Aves he had encountered and stored them for later use.

"What will you need those for?" asked Diesel.

"Only time will tell,"

A familiar cry from a Mutant Fowl resounded through the sky. More of them are still on their way...

"We should leave while we still can,"