Up Against a Tough Foe

If there is one thing that Allyn fears the most, death should be the exact one.

However, death is a little different compare to what we know it to be. Yes, I am talking about death in a video game, and I suppose you are already aware of how this works, that's assuming you've been following from the first chapter.

"Death sentence?!" Allyn could not believe his ears.

"Indeed, killing any living being in the Skycruel's territory is an ultimate death sentence. You even killed a fellow bird... your death will be a painful one," says a psychopath called Kyro.

Those words sent shivers running down the spine. A death sentence is as horrific as it sounds...

Deactivating and leaving the Mecha_Suit in the claws of the flying creature, Allyn plunged to the ground.

*Bang! Bang! Crash!!*

The trees gave him few bruises as he crashed down to the ground. He is still in one piece.

"Shit! go down! Go after him!" Kyro panicked.

Flapping its wind, the flying Mutant fowl shot multiple pointy spikes at both Allyn and Diesel. Destructions caused by these blades are immense, which gave them a good reason to keep on the run.

"Shoot them down! Don't let them escape,"

Reaching the ground, the Mutant Fowl stretched its eyes at the distance, hoping to get a glimpse of its targets.

"That thing will kill us,"

"If it finds us, yes, it will," says Allyn in reply.

"How do we escape if it is actively still on the lookout?"

"No idea... not yet at least,"

"Shit! Shit!! Shit!! Shit!!"

Kyro is sweating profusely and Allyn noticed how Panic-stricken he is... what's up with him?

"This is bad," Kyro is still talking to himself as he comes down from the flying creature and pulled out his firearm.

{"Did you have the first group?"}

"Um... that's not why I called,"

{"I'm guessing you failed to catch them,"}

"No! of course not... they just slipped out of my fingers, that's all,"

{"So why are you even calling me?"}

"One of them seems to be tough and it will be hard to bring him back alive,"

{"What are you trying to say?"}

"What I'm saying is... I might need to kill them right here," Kyro said.

{"That's not part of the deal... bring them back alive and leave the killing to us,"}

"You don't understand... It will be very hard, almost impossible!... But I will bring their corpses back to you as souvenirs."

{ "Is that an insult?"}

"I wouldn't dare," Kyro flinched in fear.

{"Fine, do what you think is best, but bring their bodies back to me to confirm you got them... your freedom depends on this, so don't mess with us,"}

"Understood, I will do just that,"

With the permission to slaughter both enemies, Kyro had no reason to hold back... However.



Unknown to Kyro, Allyn was already on to him, and he paid dearly for that. Indeed, Kyro lost his right hand, the same one that's holding on to a firearm.

"If you scream, I'll slit your throat open," says the devilish Allyn.


Kyro did well to hold back from screaming for fear of getting killed. He knows for a fact that Allyn will take him down. This person doesn't give a damn about taking a life, especially not the life of a person who is an enemy.

"Please, don't kill me. I am not your enemy," Kyro pleaded.

"Yeah... try again." Allyn isn't falling for that.

"Wait, wait! I can be useful,"

"Sorry dude, you're not needed, not by me, at least." Allyn raised his sword and was ready to go for the kill.

"Please! I had no other choice. The Skycruels kept me as a prisoner for so long, and the only way to gain my freedom is to bring you in," Kyro said.

Noticing Allyn's hesitation, Kyro continued with a little more confidence; "There are more of us, you can't escape... but with my help, we'll make it out alive,"

"No, thank you,"


Just as he said he would do, Allyn slit his foes and Kyro did not stand a chance... he dropped dead.

Diesel had been observing the entire scene from the very beginning, albeit from a distance. Allyn is indeed living up to his name as an Assassin.

"He did not give it a second thought," Diesel muttered in disbelieve.

*Beep! Beep!! Beep!!*

Moments after Kyro's death, a beeping sound began resounding somewhat inside him and Diesel immediately recognized what's about to happen. His facial expression tells a lot of what he's feeling.

"He's going to explode!!" he shouted.

Everything went up in flames as the poor Kyro blew up to smithereens. Fortunately, Allyn and Diesel could get to safety, at least far enough not to get blown as well.

Kyro did not mention or isn't aware that they had placed a microchip inside him. His death activated this chip, thus exploding with great impact.

The explosion, however, attracted the Mutant Fowl, and it knew something was not right.

Kyro's body had been destroyed beyond recognition. He looks very pitiful indeed.

The enormous Mutant Fowl became on alert as it kept roaming its eyes to get a glimpse of its prey. It knows that Allyn hasn't gone too far, and with the hate it had developed due to what he had done to a fellow bird, the Mutant Fowl will most likely rip him to shreds the moment it finds him.

"You should leave while you still can. This creature is after me and me alone,"

"But more of its kinds are lurking around, so making it out of the Skycruel's territory unscathed is close to impossible," said Diesel.

'The Mecha_suit is useless. That sucks,' Allyn said inwardly as he pulled out a gun from his storage space.



Spirit Bullets: 6/50


"Only six bullets left... I better make this count,"

Allyn is aware he won't be able to inflict any satisfying damage on this being. However, that does not apply if the targeted area is its eye, as that will always be a vulnerable part of every living being.

"No, let me do it," Diesel objected.

"I can inflict more pain on it,"

"You're running out on arrows,"

"Which is why I should do it instead. An explosion to the eye is no joke," he said.

Diesel's word made sense, and Allyn nodded in approval...

"Alright... be careful,"

. . .

While clucking, the Mutant Fowl navigates its way through the forested environment.

An unidentified object struck its eye and exploded almost immediately, destroying one of the creature's eyesight.

Squeaking in pain, the massive beast shot out endless spikes at every corner...

"Oh, crap!!"

Spiky objects obliterated everything it comes in contact with and Allyn also got struck by it.

-His health went down [7% - Critical!]


Diesel carried his unconscious mate and tried to hurry out of sight. The Mutant Fowl spotted him and its hostility elevated to its very brim.

It ran after Diesel while still hurling more deadly spikes at him.

"Hey! you alright?"

Allyn had regained his consciousness but was still in pain…

"You're bleeding so bad!" Diesel is in panic mode.

Part of the pointy object that had hit Allyn was still inside him. Pulling that out will be problematic.

"We need to take out its other eyes," says Allyn.

"What!! are you nut?!!"

"It is vulnerable without its sense of sight,"

"You know what we are up against, right?"

"If we don't kill it now, more of its kind will head here before you know it," his words are in quotation to the new information he just discovered from Gamepedia.

In search of those two little humans, the Mutant Fowl began making weird sounds while looking up at the sky.

"It is already happening! This is bad!"

"What are you talking about?"

Mega Mutant Fowl can communicate with its other developed kinds, even from a great distance. This is what this creature is doing.

Every cry is carrying visible sound waves to every angle...

"It is requesting for backup!" Allyn said, "Soon, there will be more of its kind coming here, and when that happens... we're f*cked,"