Waow ... the story that is presented is interesting. a mixture romance and conflict.❤❤❤❤❤Can't wait for Up the next chapter. 😍😍😍❤❤❤❤👌👌👌👌
4 years ago
That's an interesting story to read. As for forces beyond reason, I would enjoy it for at least a moment to reflect on something that's a little absurd. Might have. But it will make us think critically and pleasantly I like and corroborate your incredibly accurate story. The spirit of your story is in my collection.
4 years ago
Next, its really good story [img=update][img=update][img=update][img=update][img=update][img=update][img=update][img=update][img=update][img=update]
4 years ago
Wow, is this the English version? I like this genre. Each of the words is very easy for the reader to understand. Author's spirit of writing I support you ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
4 years ago
Halo kak aku menyapa!! Aku akhirnya nemu fantasy inggris!! Hebat lah bisa inggris!! Aku tuh pengen bisa juga!! Dan aku paling seneng sama fantasy sihir gini. Bisa buat belajar juga. Semangat kak! 🤗
4 years ago
Reveal Spoiler
4 years ago
Done reading the 3 chapters. Oh ya, mau kasi saran sedikit nih, kalau boleh 🤭 saat kamu menterjemahkan dari Indo ke Rnglish, kalau bisa kalimatnya baku aja, bisa juga cek ke KBBI biar saat di translate, kalimatnya tidak setengah indoenglish gitu. Karakternya cewek kan, ya nah, pas jadi english ini harusnya 'she' bukan 'he'. Kalau mau pake aplikasi 'Grammarly', itu free, aku pakai juga, biar kalimatnya sesuai Englishnya. Maaf ya, saranku kepanjangan. Semangat! Oke👍💜
Waow ... the story that is presented is interesting. a mixture romance and conflict.❤❤❤❤❤Can't wait for Up the next chapter. 😍😍😍❤❤❤❤👌👌👌👌
That's an interesting story to read. As for forces beyond reason, I would enjoy it for at least a moment to reflect on something that's a little absurd. Might have. But it will make us think critically and pleasantly I like and corroborate your incredibly accurate story. The spirit of your story is in my collection.
Next, its really good story [img=update][img=update][img=update][img=update][img=update][img=update][img=update][img=update][img=update][img=update]
Wow, is this the English version? I like this genre. Each of the words is very easy for the reader to understand. Author's spirit of writing I support you ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
Halo kak aku menyapa!! Aku akhirnya nemu fantasy inggris!! Hebat lah bisa inggris!! Aku tuh pengen bisa juga!! Dan aku paling seneng sama fantasy sihir gini. Bisa buat belajar juga. Semangat kak! 🤗
Reveal Spoiler
Done reading the 3 chapters. Oh ya, mau kasi saran sedikit nih, kalau boleh 🤭 saat kamu menterjemahkan dari Indo ke Rnglish, kalau bisa kalimatnya baku aja, bisa juga cek ke KBBI biar saat di translate, kalimatnya tidak setengah indoenglish gitu. Karakternya cewek kan, ya nah, pas jadi english ini harusnya 'she' bukan 'he'. Kalau mau pake aplikasi 'Grammarly', itu free, aku pakai juga, biar kalimatnya sesuai Englishnya. Maaf ya, saranku kepanjangan. Semangat! Oke👍💜
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