Encountering The Eyeless Reaper Again

"Hey bitch get away from me" Rash muttered to the man who was standing next to him slowly rubbing his arm against his, they were in a prison cell.

"Hey watch your mouth kid" The man said gruffly as he glared at Rash.

"Or what?, huh, what are you going to do if I don't" Rash said with a frown, he was already pissed off that he was in jail because of a douche and he didn't need another asshole adding to his problems.

"Oh you think you're strong big guy" The man said as he motioned for some guys to come over.

"What do you think now asshole, apologize and maybe I'll consider letting you go" The man said with a grin as two other guys walked over.

"Wanna know what I think, Spit" Rash said as he spat at the man's feet.

"Little…" Before he could finish talking, the man suddenly felt a strong punch connect with his nose as he was thrown to the ground, blood flowing out of his nose.

"You're dead kid" The guy who was called over rushed towards Rash with the other guy as he threw a punch.

"Bring it on" Rash roared in anger as he ducked, successfully dodging a punch as he landed a swift knee on the man's chest then grabbed the man's face and again slammed his knee into his face.

"Haaa" The other man rushed towards Rash who gave him a leg sweep causing him to fall to the ground.

"You pissed off the wrong guy bitch" Rash said angrily as he climbed onto the man and landed punch after punch on his face as the other prisoners backed off in fear as blood dripped from his fingers as he knocked the guy unconscious but still continued hitting him.

"Hey break it up, break it up" Several policemen rushed into the cell and started smacking Rash as he fell to the ground in pain, at this moment all he wanted to do was to beat all these cops up but he held it in as he saw the state of the man before him.

"There he is, hey stop hitting my son please" A voice sounded as a aged couple walked over to the cell.

"You want some too old man" A policeman said with disdain as he grabbed the man by the collar.

"Hey get your hands off my dad" An enraged voice sounded as Rash grabbed the baton of the policeman and stared at the other one manhandling his father.

"Oh is this your dad?, well I guess I have to teach him a lesson for not raising you well" The policeman said with a menancing grin as he slammed his baton into the man's stomach which made him fall to the ground in pain as he grabbed his stomach.

"Nooo" Rash said in anger as he was smacked down to the ground by another policeman's baton while another slammed onto his leg.

"Please stop" The man said with pain as he tried to stand up but was hit on the head by the policeman who continued hitting him with a grin.

"Leave my husband alone please" The woman shouted as she grabbed the policeman's arm.

"Get off me bitch" The policeman said with disgust as he pushed the woman backwards, the woman who was already weak tripped and fell, but midway, her head slammed onto the metal bars of the cell.


"Hali…." The man said with shock as he watched his wife's neck snap.

"Shut up you useless fool" The policeman who was unaware of what he had done shouted as he continuously smacked the man with his baton until blood starting dripping from the man's head.

"Hey wake up" The policeman said disdainfully as he kicked the man who didn't answer so he kicked him again but he was met with no movement as his expression changed, he bent down to check the man's pulse and discovered that he was dead.

"Guys he's dead" The policeman said with fear as he stood up and glanced at Rash who's eyes twitched.

"Shit why did you kill him?, what about the woman?" One of the policemen asked with shock as the first policeman went to check the woman and gave the same reply.

"Fuck what do we do now?" The first policeman asked with fear, he had only meant to put them in their place, he hadn't meant to kill anyone.

"We..we have to cover this up, we'll say that hey attacked us and we retaliated in self defense" Another policeman said with a look of fear.

"You are all dead" A voice sounded as everyone turned to Rash who could be seen trembling in rage.

"What did you just say" One of the policemen said as he swung his baton towards Rash but what next shocked them, Rash suddenly gripped the baton firmly, the policeman was using two hands but Rash caught it with one hand as he turned towards the policeman whose expression changed as he saw the bloodthirsty look in Rash's eyes, Rash twisted the baton and successfully whisked it from the man's grip and then slammed it on his face with such force that several of the policeman's teeth were uprooted.

"Do you know what you've done, you just assaulted a police officer" A policeman shouted in anger.

"What are you going to do?, I'm already in jail" Immediately after saying this, he threw the baton towards the open mouth of the policeman who was about to say something.


The baton shot into the mouth of the policeman as the breath was knocked out of him but before he could even take it out, a large force suddenly struck the baton and caused it to throw the policeman backwards onto the ground, seeing this the other policemen rushed towards Rash who cracked his knuckles as he also rushed towards them to finish them off, several minutes later more policemen rushed into the room and the scene before them made their jaw drop as they paused in fear, they saw a small pile of bodies with Rash sitting on top of it, ne hand was holding the neck of a police officer while blood dripped from his other hand.

"More cops…let's get this over with" Rash said in a terrifying voice as he leaped off the cops and walked over to the cops who pulled out their guns at him but instead of stopping, he instead continued walking over to the policemen who trembled in fear, he reached the policemen and stared at the gun then grabbed the man's hand and lowered it as he put his hands out.

"Are you gonna arrest me or not?" Rash asked as the policemen stared at themselves in surprise before one of them walked over and cuffed him.

"So you actually killed a bunch of cops?" I asked with shock as the realization that I may be sitting with a murderer crossed my mind but I quickly brushed it off.

"What?, no I didn't kill them, I just beat them up real bad, after that I was tried and sentence to 7 years in prison…" Rash paused as he scrunched his eyes in pain as if just remembering it caused him pain.

"So what happened to your brother?" I asked curiously, I wanted Rash to get it off his chest or the trauma would continue to haunt him.

"During the time that I was in jail there was no one to pay his hospital bills, although I heard that someone offered to pay all of it, my brother himself saw that is situation wasn't getting better and his staying alive was only going to waste more money, he begged the doctor to end it painlessly for him" Rash paused.

"At first I refused but after realizing that it was the best way to save my brother from his pain, I agreed, that was in my 5th year in jail, during my time in jail made me realize that there was really no one to blame because destiny had a funny way of getting back at someone" Rash continued with a sigh.

"When I got out, I couldn't get a job, no one wanted to hire a black man who was also a felon, I was jobless until someone sent me a huge sum of money saying it was repayment, I didn't understand so I did some digging and realized that he was the sender so I confronted him and asked for an explanation, he said that he was so sorry for everything that he caused me, I also found out that he was the one who offered to pay my brother's medical bills, out of anger I gave him back his money and left, I never saw him again till today" Rash concluded the story with a deep sigh as he glanced at the man who was sitting with a sorry look on his face.

"Okay before you say anything else, I just want to apologize for what I did, I admit that I was an asshole but I never knew that my actions would affect you so much, I'm so sorry again, after hearing your story from the doctor, I immediately realized what I had caused and tried to rectify it but it was too late" The man paused as he seemed stooped for words.

"I know that I can never bring back your Parents or your brother but I just hope that you will find it in your heart to forgive me, I am no longer the man that I used to be, you can continue hating me as much as you want but please just for once forgive me" The man said pitifully as he went on his knees in front of Rash,

"I…" Rash was about to say something when he was interrupted by me.

"Wait, before you say anything, I just want to say few things, firstly remember what your father said, at first I just thought you were a racist piece of shit but after hearing your story, I realized that your hatred towards whites was influenced by your experiences growing up, I can't change your mind because I know that some of us whites are actual pieces of shit but as a good friend of mine used to say 'Don't judge all by the actions of one', he passed away the year your brother did too, so before you say anything just take into consideration what I just said" I said to Rash who smiled.

"Well thank you for that but what I wanted to say is that I forgive you cause I forgive myself and that quote was my brother's last words" Rash said with a smile which made the man break into a wide smile.

"Well that's just great, but we really don't have the time to…" I said then paused as a weird sound reached my ear.

"What is it?" Tasha asked after noticing my expression.

"Shhhh" I motioned for her to keep shut as I recognized the sound.



It was the sound of an axe being dragged across the ground, it would seem like our old friend was back and his destination seemed to be where we were at, I immediately went into deep thought as I thought of what to do, we had escaped death once but that was totally luck, at first I thought that I could kill it off but after remembering the perks that I gave it, I realized that I was no match for it, every move I make will be detected by it with it's super hearing, I would just be pierced to death with it's fast tentacles before I could move, time was going and it was getting nearer but I had still not gotten plan yet, we couldn't go through the vent yet because that would interfere with our plans.

'Maybe it will just go away' I thought as I realized that it couldn't possibly be heading towards us, how did it even know we were here, I was brought out of my thoughts when I realized that the sound had stopped.

"Can someone explain what's going....." Before he could complete his sentence, a tentacle suddenly shot through the window and passed through Frank's head then whooshed past my ear and slammed into the wall behind me.

"Shit, new plan everybody run" I shouted as I kicked the door open, the plan had to wait, right now, keeping our lives was more important.