Leaving The Hospital

"Long Wang?....who are you?" I asked in confusion.

"Hahaha, for now, I can't answer that question but with time you'll get to know, the only reason why I could get to speak to you now is that the gamemaster isn't as strong as he used to be but he's getting there, we don't have much time so I'll try to make this brief as possible" The golden-haired man replied with a smile.

"What…I don't understand, what is going on? Where am I? who are you?" I piled all the questions waiting on my tongue.

"I'm sorry but if I were to answer all your questions, I would end up being sensed by him and it would only bring more trouble to you, for now, you will get your old profession back but you will only have 0.1% of your original power now but as time progresses, you'll get to understand more about yourself and remember never underestimate anyone or anything or it might be your last, I'm sorry that we met under such circumstances but it will all be all right soon, I'm gathering allies and I can see that you are doing the same, it would seem like our time is up but we shall meet soon and Long Wang, it's nice seeing you again" The golden-haired man said with a smirk as he placed his finger on my forehead.


"Arrg" I woke up with a start as I saw the worried faces of Rash, Tasha, Christina, and Logan, I looked down to see my cloth drenched again, it annoyed me again that this seemed to be happening more frequently.

"Are you okay? You're lucky he's alive" Rash asked then turned to Logan who sighed in relief.

"Yeah, I'm fine, huh!" I said then froze as a transparent screen appeared in front of me, I tried to touch it but my hand went through it and landed on Rash's face.

"Hey what the fuck dude, I don't roll like that man" rash said as he moved back with a frown.

"What no it's not like that, I just…forget it" I said with a shrug as I read the contents of the screen.

Name: Dominic Miles

Age: 25 years

Occupation: LOCKED

Level: 1

Rank: E




Strength: 15

Agility: 13

Stamina: 14

Vitality: 10

Intelligence: 12


"What are your stats?" I remembered some time ago when Rash asked me something like this, could this be what he was talking about and was I the only one who had this ability, my question was answered the next moment.

"Woah, our stat screen is finally here" Rash said with excitement like he had been waiting for this moment for so long.

"Wow" Tasha muttered in wonder.

"Hey, Dom can I have a minute?" Logan whispered into my ear while the others were distracted.

"Yeah sure" I replied as I followed him to a part of the room.

"How much do you know about all this?" Logan asked, a serious expression spreading across his face.

"Well little if I'm to say the truth, basically what the gamemaster said" I replied with a shrug.

"Hmm, well if that's all then I think it's for the best if you weren't brought into the line of fire, there is so much that your parents hid from you, your legacy, your ancestors, and your lineage, I would love to tell you all about it but to keep you safe I think it would be better if you found out yourself" Logan said causing me to flinch at the mention of my lineage, would something about that explain the bloodlust and that strange anger, why did Logan refuse to tell me, I had so many questions but I didn't seem to be getting the answers soon so I decided to focus on the task ahead first.

[All surviving players will now be teleported out of the hospital in 5, 4, 3, 2, 1, 0]


A bright blast of light erupted from the floor and swept across the entire floor and the whole hospital as I, Rash, Logan, Christina, and Tasha all felt ourselves being swept out and the next minute we found ourselves standing outside the hospital.

"What was that?" Tasha asked in shock.

[Tutorial Dungeon: Hospital Of The Undead cleared]

[Remaining Survivors:5]

"Huh, 5?" I said in horror as I glanced toward Christina who had frozen in shock.

"Hey, I'…" Before I could finish talking, I felt a body crash into me and hug me tightly, I was fazed for a few seconds before I also placed around her to console her.

"My brother….sob…he's gone" Christina said as tears flowed down her eyes.

"I'm sorry, don't worry I'm here" I consoled her sadly as I patted her head, I could understand what she was going through, I mean to see things like this happening to other people and to personally experience it was two different feelings, it was like a part of you had been cut off, the pain and the emotional strain could be overwhelming sometimes and that was why it was important to have people around you that would provide support during these dangerous times, people you could rely on, people you could call family.

"I'm sorry Chrissy" Tasha consoled, her eyes tearing up as she joined me in hugging Christina.

"Yeah, you're not in this alone" Rash also said, his original comedic expression being replaced by a more sad and serious one, at this moment, I knew he was also remembering his parent and brother's death, I admired him for being able to still be able to crack jokes even in the most dangerous situations, I also admired him for being able to move on after his family's death, I took him as my motivation every time we were met with a situation which seemed bleak because he reminded me of my friend who even on his death bed, didn't shed a single tear of regret.

"What do we do now?" Christina asked a question that seemed to be thrown toward me recently.

"Well actually, I planned since the beginning to search for my parents back at home" I replied as the main agenda popped up in my mind.

"Hmm do you think it would be okay for me to tag along, I know I might be more of a burden than help but I have nowhere else to go" Rash said with a shrug, I could only imagine the kind of loneliness he had lived through.

"Yeah sure, you're free to come and Rash you will never be a burden to me" I replied with a smile as I patted his shoulder, I could see the joy in his eyes when I said this even though he tried to hide it.

"What about us? Still think we can come too?" Tasha asked with a smile.

"Sure, from this moment on, you're all my family, we each rely on each other till the end" I grinned then turned around to face Logan.

"So what are your plans, wanna tag along too, we could really use your help" I said as I waited for his answer.

"Yeah I would love to but I have some other pressing business to attend to, I'm sorry" Logan replied as he sighed.

"Sure no problem, I hope we meet again cuz, I wish you good luck" I said as I hugged him, remembering our childhood experiences where Logan always stood up to bullies with my brother, he was always there to protect me like my older brother.

"Don't worry, our paths will surely cross again, maybe even sooner than you think, stay safe and try to stay out of trouble because I won't be there to bail you out, this Is for you guys, I got it on the way here" Logan grinned as he patted my back then handed me the briefcase he was holding.

"What is it?" I asked curiously.

"Open it and see" Logan replied mysteriously.

"Whoa" I exclaimed in shock as I opened the suitcase to reveal a wide assortment of weapons, ranging from knives to grenades to handguns, with a good supply of ammunition to keep us stocked for the meantime, underneath all this were some clean clothes.

"Thank you so much" I said in gratitude to Logan who shrugged it off with a grin.

"No problem, just don't waste it, it's hard to find them at this time, I guess this is where we say goodbye, give me one last hug" Logan said as he pulled me into his embrace and whispered something into my ear, as I heard what he said my expression changed for a split before returning to normal.

"We shall meet again friends, until then try to stay alive and manage the resources that you have because the apocalypse has just started" With these last words, Logan walked away and soon disappeared from view in the darkness.

"I guess he's a little cool" Rash said with a grin as he turned to me.

"Hey Dom" Rash called out but my eyes were glued to where Logan had just gone, I was so deep in thought that I didn't even hear Rash call out to me.

"Dom, what's wrong with you?" Rash asked as he tapped my shoulder which brought me out of my thoughts.

"Oh it's nothing, well I guess it's left with us now, we finally have some protection but we need to conserve them very well" I said with my eye on Rash who frowned.

"Why are you staring at me, I know how to conserve shit" Rash said in defense.

"I didn't say nothing" I chuckled as I counted four handguns with full clips and five spare clips, a machete and two knives, 3 grenades, some clean clothes, and some rations.

"If we play our game carefully, I think we can survive" I said as I took a deep breath.

[Congratulations to the survivors for clearing 'The Hospital Of The Undead']

[Difficulty: 2 and a half stars]

[Rewards: Allocated to the level of involvement]

"Wow I think I just leveled up, I'm now an F+ rank, is that supposed to be strong" Rash said with a smirk as he felt his strength growing.

"Yeah me too" Christina and Tasha both said at the same time.

"I'm an E rank" I said with a smile as I observed the status screen that had just popped up.

Name: Dominic Mills

Age: 25

HP: 150/150

MP: 150/150

Occupation: [Sealed]


Strength: 19

Agility: 18

Intelligence: 14

Luck: 8

Constitution: 15


[Host has unlocked the system]

"Huh…" I muttered in surprise and confusion.

[Binding to host]


[Hello there host, you can call me system for now, I know you are confused but I would urge you to maintain a strict condition of never revealing my presence to anyone at this level, you can speak to me with your thoughts]

[We will continue this conversation when you're alone but for now your rewards]

[Calculating rewards based on contribution]

[Contribution: 70%]

[Rewards: Two bottles of health serum, one tempered E+ rank dagger, 2 E rank hand grenades, and a nameless orb]

"WTF" I exclaimed in shock.