C63 A Couple That's Sick Together, Stays Together

When Ye Xi left the room, Ning Qianyu immediately turned around. "You're sick too?"

"He's just speaking nonsense," Mu Shengchen said hoarsely before erupting into a series of coughs. Patting his chest, he waved his hand dismissively. "I'm not sick at all."

"But..." Her eyes became bloodshot, and her bottom lips trembled. Had she infected him? It was her fault that he had gotten sick. If she had taken better care of herself, then...

"Hey..." Noticing the silence, he immediately held her hands and kissed them softly. "I'm fine."

"But you're not fine," she protested, stroking the corners of his jaw. The tears continued to stream down her cheeks as she stared up at him. "I'm sorry. It's–it's my fault you're like this. I–"

"Silly girl," he teased. His thumb grazed across her cheeks, wiping away any stray tear that crossed his line of sight. "We're married, remember? You shouldn't say sorry about getting sick. Besides, I've heard that a couple that gets sick together, stays together."

"I..." She gaped. "Where did you hear that?"

"Isn't it precious? To get sick and drink medicine together? We get to spend some time with each other too," he said seriously with a straight face as if he were educating a child.

As soon as she heard his ridiculous logic, the corners of her lips inched upwards. "It's precious, indeed," she agreed seriously before snuggling under her covers. "Assistant Ye's waiting for you. You should go and talk to him."

Patting the blanket, he smiled. "Sleep for a while first, okay? I'll be right back."

"Okay." She nodded and watched him leave the room. At the sight of his wide shoulders, her heart softened.

He had always been so kind and considerate for her, making sure that she always felt safe in his arms. How could she think that he didn't love her? Her heart thumped in her chest as the doubt slowly faded to the back of her mind.

At the other side of the apartment, Ye Xi had been waiting this entire time. It was only when Mu Shengchen came out of the apartment did he finally stand up from the sofa. "Young Master!"

He waved his hand. "What do you have to say?"

"The Second Master is determined that he wouldn't marry Miss Qi Yuwei, and the news started to spread to the press. They...they weren't happy. CEO Mu was furious, so he decided to suspend him from the company to think things through..." There was a pause when he looked up. "There were rumors that he intends to let you take over Mu Jinbo's position for the time being."

Mu Shengchen's face darkened. No one could tell what he was thinking as he glanced at his fingertips. A few seconds later, his face softened. "Okay," he said simply.

"Weng Bisa and Mu Zhengsheng wouldn't be happy about this decision," he started. "Should we do something about it?"

"Let them do as they please," the young man replied indifferently. He couldn't care less about them.

"Understood." With one last nod, Ye Xi left the apartment.

As soon as his assistant had finally left, Mu Shengchen pushed his wheelchair back into the bedroom. There, he could see that Ning Qianyu had already fallen asleep. A trace of a smile appeared on his face as he neared the corner of the bed.

Changing into his pajamas, he laid down right beside her.

It didn't take long for her to notice his appearance. "Ye Xi had already left?" she whispered, turning to look at him.

"Yes, we've already finished discussing some work matters." He held her in his arms, letting his chin rub against the side of her cheek. She snuggled under him. "It's not that important."

"It tickles." She giggled, frowning. Opening her eyes, she let her fingers trail down his bearded chin. "Your beard..."

"What's wrong? Do you not like me anymore?" he teased.

"Of course not." She placed her hands on top of his.

Mu Shengchen's lips curved into a perfect smile. There was really something about the woman beside him that could brighten up his day. If this were any other day, he would've found an excuse to kiss her senseless, but now that they were sick...he could only move his head to the side. "Be good now," he said hoarsely. "You might get sick again."

Ning Qianyu's eyes glinted mischievously as she kissed the corners of his lips. "So what if I do?"

His eyes glinted in response, as his grip on her waist tightened. A part of him wanted to go over and dominate her, but he knew how much she had suffered. Having only gotten better from her high fever, her body must still be weak. And her immune system must have taken a hit. It's best to remain conservative for now.

Taking a deep breath, he simply held her in his arms and pushed her face up against his chest. There, she could listen to his slow, beating heart.

"Go to sleep," he whispered.

Ning Qianyu didn't really need his permission as she could feel her eyelids closing in response. "Yes, Sir," she murmured. Soon enough, the couple had already fallen asleep under the whistling wind.

What they don't know was that the Courtyard was already exploding with screams and accusations. It seemed that the drama at the Mu Family villa still hasn't ended, even up till now.

"How can you suspend Jinbo?" Weng Bisa protested, waving her hands up in the air.

"Haven't I told you already?" Mu Zhenghong's face contorted into one of anger and disgust. He clenched his hands into fists. "I suspended him because I wanted him to think very well about his marriage with Qi Yuwei."

"Oh, please, we both know this is your excuse of replacing him with Mu Shengchen! If you really wanted him to think about it, then you would've thought of different means!" she snarled. The woman no longer resembled a noblewoman, but a mother protecting her son.

"You're thinking too much," he responded calmly. "I only want him to take his place temporarily."

Her face twisted in rage "Temporarily? Do you think I'm that easily fooled?"

Before Mu Zhenghong could respond, Weng Bisa had already stomped away.

Not long after she had left, Old Madame Mu arrived. Even she looked stressed. The lines on her forehead had crinkled in disbelief, and her bright eyes were narrowed in confusion.

"Mom," Mu Zhenghong called out.

"I've heard that you suspended Jinbo. I want to know why," the old woman stated matter-of-factly.

He nodded grimly. "You must've seen that the media had caught wind of Jinbo's decision. Our stocks have plummeted, and if we don't do something about it, it would continue to do so."

"I just don't understand. The man had a child with Yuwei. Why is he backing out so soon?" She rubbed her forehead with a sigh. "Where's Weng Bisa?"

"She was arguing with me just now, but she ran out."

With a shake of her head, the old matriarch sighed. "I'm already too out of shape to even lecture any of you," she murmured. "Just do as you see fit. Make sure you don't go too far with your actions."

"I know."

After Weng Bisa had left the Han Garden Courtyard, she immediately went straight to the private club in City A. She crossed her arms and waited in one of the private rooms when she saw Mu Zhengsheng rushing in. Her eyes widened, and her hands started to shake.

"Well?" she demanded, coming up to greet him. "Did you find Jinbo? Did you find my son?"

"Not yet, but I've already sent all my men to find him." He clutched her shoulders. "Don't worry–"

"Don't worry? He's my son! Of course, I worry," she growled at him. Tears were rolling down her cheeks as she struggled to wipe them away. "Why did he have to run away?"

"We'll find him," he said solemnly. "We will."

"But...if it's too late..."

"Look, we'll be having a meeting at the Mu's tomorrow, so you shouldn't be impulsive," he instructed. "We've planned this, remember? And the last thing we need is for it to all be wasted."

"I–I will." How could she not? Wiping her tears, Weng Bisa stood her ground.

"Then go back first." Mu Zhengsheng took a step back. "When I find him, I'll call you, all right?"


The next day was beautiful. The skies were clear, the birds were chirping, and the sun was bright. Its colorful rays ran through the gap between the curtains, flashing over the couple on the bed.

"Don't move!" There was a hint of sleepiness in the woman's voice.

There was a pause as their bodies shifted under the sheets. "Are you sure–"

"I'm sure. Just, don't move, okay?"

"I...okay." His voice sounded hoarse.

The conversation was enough to make people freeze in their steps as they blush readily. If anyone would've heard this, they would've already walked right back to wherever they came from.