C83 Mu Shengchen's Beautiful Housekeeper

After Ning Qianyu stepped out of Gu Si's room, she headed straight into the door of her suite as fast as she could. It was only when she stepped inside the bedroom did she see Mu Shengchen lounging in the middle of the bed. He stared at her expressionlessly, obviously displeased with her presence.

"Hey, you're awake." She approached him carefully like a trainer nearing a predator.

Ignoring her question, he asked, "Where did you go? Why can't I get through your phone?"

Although he sounded calm, there was a sense of fury wrapped around his words. One look at his twitching eyebrows was enough for her to tell that he was furious with her. "I..." She blinked.

When he saw that Ning Qianyu wasn't with him, he decided to call her number. However, no matter how many times he had tried to reach her, she still wouldn't answer. At that time, he was already planning to call the clubhouse to organize a search for her.

Seeing her come back, he could finally be at ease.

"I just went for a walk...I didn't know you called me." She grabbed her phone from her bag, only to see that the screen was dark. A sheepish smile wove its way into her lips. "My phone died on the way."

"You went for a walk?" He gazed at the bag in her hand.

She lowered her head to see where he was looking, only to see her large bag hanging in her arms.

Right, if she really went out for a walk, she wouldn't have the need to bring such a big bag with her. The smile on her face immediately dissipated as she struggled to find an excuse for her absence.

"So...I actually went down to buy something."

"Buy something?" Mu Shengchen roared, glancing at his watch. It was almost midnight, and she had to go out alone. Even if they were downtown, it was still dangerous for a woman to walk down those alleyways. With so many gangs out and about, who knew what would've happened to her?

"It's late! What were you even buying–"

When his gaze fell onto the red shade on her clothes, the gloominess on his face instantly disappeared. His eyebrows furrowed in concern as nervousness flashed in his eyes. "That's blood. Were you hurt?"

He didn't even hesitate as he pulled her into his arms to check her wounds.

"The blood isn't mine," she quickly said.

"Not yours?"

Swallowing, she nervously replied. "I went out to buy something, but just as I was about to return, I heard footsteps coming behind me. I thought something was going to go down, but..." There was a pause before she added, "Turns out the person was also a guest at the clubhouse."

"And then?" Mu Shengchen's face was turning darker and darker by the second.

"When I came out of the elevator, I heard a noise in one of the rooms," she hurriedly explained. "Turns out it was the same guy I met outside. He was injured. His blood must've stained my clothes while I was helping him bandage it."

Upon hearing her explanation, his expression got a little better. "You still aren't allowed to go out alone at night in the future."

"I know," she promised.

Ning Qianyu smiled at him as she took another step forward. Although he was angry at her, he still couldn't stay furious at her. She glanced at her bag before placing it back on her table.

"Hmph, are you still not going to sleep?"

"I'll take a bath first." Sticking her tongue out, she raced into the bathroom.

When she had come out, she saw that Mu Shengchen was leaning against the headboard. He was waiting for her. A small smile graced her features as she quickly sat on the bed, sitting beside him.

"Why don't you sleep first?" She nudged him sweetly, but he was still unamused.

"I'll sleep soon."

She still lay down beside him, hugging his arm. Even then, he still didn't move, acting as if he really had fallen asleep. She pursed her lips. 'Well, I'm not going to give up that easily,' she thought.

"Are you really asleep?" She narrowed her eyes at his calm face. His eyes were closed and his lips were pursed. He showed no sign of movements despite her constant nudges. Not knowing what else to do, she kissed him gently on the corner of his lips. What she didn't expect was for him to turn her around and deepen the kiss.

"Mmmph..." It was only when she was about to suffocate did he finally let her go.

His breathing became unsteady while her cheeks were flushed red.

His forehead rested against hers as he trailed his fingers down her cheek. As his thumb grazed across her bottom lip, he stared into her eyes. "You aren't allowed to go out without telling me, okay?" he said breathily. Even then, his voice still sounded magnetic and seductive.

Her breath hitched.

"I really didn't mean to run off like that," she insisted, pouting her lips. "Forgive me, okay?"

"Hm." With one last nod, he wrapped his arms around her waist and pulled her into his arms. Burying his chin in her neck, he slowly closed his eyes as if nothing had happened. "Good night."

"Night." Ning Qianyu was also exhausted after the long day she had. Her eyebrows were still furrowed together as she snuggled intimately in his arms. Without another word, she had finally fallen asleep.

Because they slept too late, they woke up quite late the next day.

By the time they were all dressed up, it was already half past eleven. "Let's go," he said as she wheeled him out of the room.

A suited woman stood outside the room, waiting for them. 'She must be Butler Wen,' Ning Qianyu had thought. What she didn't know was that she was not Yan Rui's butler, but Mu Shengchen's housekeeper. Although he lived in the villa for less than ten days a year, someone still needed to be there to keep the place spick and span.

Wen Qianer had received the best education from the British Housekeeping College. She knew all the tips and tricks up her sleeves when it came to handling any problem in the book. That was why Yan Rui picked her out, and Mu Shengchen didn't have any objections.

As soon as she saw Ning Qianyu standing beside Mu Shengchen, a weird look flashed in her eyes. However, she immediately reverted to normal.

Bowing to him, she immediately ignored the woman's presence. "Mr. Mu, President Yan has instructed me to pick you up."

"Is the car ready?" He frowned.

Seeing that Mu Shengchen didn't introduce her, Wen Qianer simply assumed that the woman wasn't that important. "The car's at the entrance of the clubhouse," she stated, politely leading them out of the house.

"All right." He signaled for Ning Qianyu to push him.

Ah, was she simply Mr. Mu's nanny? Curling her lips upwards, Wen Qianer picked up the two suitcases at the door of the room to chase after them. Turned out, the woman really wasn't that important after all.

There was a long limousine parked at the entrance of the clubhouse. Wen Qianer opened the door and waited quietly as usual. There, she waited for Mu Shengchen to get into the car himself.

Ning Qianyu reached out and helped him into the car. Then, she skillfully placed the wheelchair at the back and sat beside him.

A trace of surprise flashed across her face because, from the day she became the housekeeper of the villa, President Yan had instructed her that Mr. Mu didn't like others to get too close to him. Now that she saw Mu Shengchen and Ning Qianyu get so close to each other, she clenched her jaw.

Of course, she didn't forget her identity as a housekeeper. She quickly threw her suitcase in the back of the car and sat in the passenger seat, instructing the driver to drive.

"Mr. Mu, we've prepared your lunch in the villa. You can eat once you get home." She smiled at the back seat. Unfortunately, Mu Shengchen only hummed in response. He didn't even look at her.

Wen Qianer sighed in disappointment. She glared at Ning Qiany who was looking out of the car window. Hmph. If this nanny thought she was better, then she was going to show her who's boss!