C84 She's a Threat

Ning Qianyu didn't know what Wen Qianer was thinking about. All she could think about was finding a time to weave out their heart knot. A small smile tugged her lips as she thought of the Love Tree they'd be visiting.

The car drove out of the clubhouse and straight through the city. There, they were immediately blinded by big advertisements and tall buildings. It took them around half an hour till they arrived at Fenglan Garden–one of the most expensive residences in the city.

They drove into the district and parked in front of the large villa in the middle of the residence.

She gaped at the European villa outside her window. It was tall, that was for sure. Seeing it made her feel as if she had arrived in Italy. The detailed archways and large windows loomed before her, making her feel intimidated. "We'll be living here?" she asked in surprise.

A weird expression flashed across Mu Shengchen's face. Suddenly, he said, "This is Yan Rui's villa. We'll be staying here for the next few days." Truly, the man deserved a raise. He had been acting as a coverup for him this entire time. Anything that he couldn't explain, he'd pass it on to him.

"Oh, President Yan?" She didn't doubt his explanation. After all, Mu Shengchen had told her that Yan Rui was the vice president of the Shengxiang Group. It was one of the largest corporations in China, so it was understandable for him to have such a magnificent villa.

Wen Qianer was in the passenger seat this entire time. When she heard his words, she tilted her head in surprise, only to meet his cold, warning gaze.

Her heart skipped a beat. It had taken her a couple of seconds for her to finally regain her senses. By that time, he had already turned away. Although stunned, she couldn't help but turn beet red under his gaze. Really, the man was as intimidating as they've said.

The layout of the villa was indeed very strange. There was a large staircase in the hallway, dividing the entire mansion into two. While the right side was larger and magnificent, the other side was less extravagant and more low-key. The beautiful paintings and winding hallways made her feel as if she's entering a museum rather than a house.

After lunch, he brought her to the smaller hall. "You can rest here," he said.

"Mm." She nodded in response. While Mu Shengchen was reading through all the documents Yan Rui had prepared for him in advance, Ning Qianyu was leaning on the other side of the sofa. Her eyes were already closed as she took deep, even breaths.

Suddenly, Wen Qianer's voice rang through the hallways. "Mr. Mu!"

Ning Qianyu scrambled up in her seat in fright.

"What is it?" Seeing that the woman had disturbed his wife's sleep, he was far from pleased. His eyebrows furrowed together as he brought her cold gaze to the woman in front of him.

Wen Qianer didn't look like she noticed. "President Yan called. He said that he'll be arriving at the villa in thirty minutes."

Mu Shengchen didn't say anything in response.

Yawning, she glanced at him. "Since President Yan's coming back, I'll go to my room and rest for a while, okay?"

His face softened. "Okay."

Her lips curled up into a smile as she glanced at the housekeeper. "Can you take me to my room?"

Upon hearing Ning Qianyu's words, Wen Qianer suppressed the urge to scowl. The woman was just a nanny and she had the nerve to instruct her? However, upon receiving Mu Shengchen's cold gaze, she didn't dare contradict her.

Instead, she smiled politely. "Of course. Come with me." Without another word, she led the way.

Seeing the woman bring her up to the second floor, Mu Shengchen's eyes darkened. Wasn't his room on the first floor? At the right? He was just about to call her back, but she simply pulled a face at him. Saying nothing else, they had already retreated up the steps.

Fine. As long as she was happy, that was fine. Sighing in his heart, he returned to reading his documents.

Wen Qianer brought her to the innermost room on the second floor. While she had religiously cleaned the rooms from top to bottom, this floor was only reserved for maids and nannies. Crossing her arms, she glanced up at her. "You can stay here," she snapped coldly. "The other rooms are already full, and the one on the first floor belongs only to Mr. Mu. He doesn't allow people to show up there unattended."

Ning Qianyu didn't find her words strange. After all, the woman was right. Mu Shengchen really didn't like it if people were to go too close to him.

Nodding, she sized up the room.

The space was relatively large, but there was a bunch of clutter around the corners of her room. It was obvious that Butler Wen had it arranged in a hurry. However, the mess wasn't that bad. After cleaning it up, she'd have time to weave the heart knots she wanted to place on the tree.

"You can settle in once you've tidied up." She regarded her arrogantly. "As for tidying it up, I assume you know what to do, right?"

"Of course, thank you." Ning Qianyu was still none the wiser. After all, to her, this was Yan Rui's villa and Wen Qianer was his butler. She was nothing more than a guest. The best she could do was follow through with her requests.

At her passive response, she curled her lips and closed the door behind her.

The nanny wasn't easy to get rid of–that was for sure. Hm. "What should I do to chase her away?" Wen Qianer murmured to herself, suddenly lost in her thoughts. She wasn't going to let this threat prance around her household.

After Butler Wen had finally left, Ning Qianyu took out the colored satin she had bought in the old bookstore. She turned on her phone and glanced at the steps, before following them as carefully as she could. "Tie it around..." she murmured and copied the instructions.

This was the first time she had done this, so all her movements were slow and calculative.

Time passed little by little as she sat on her bed. Narrowing her eyes, she cross-needled the fabric as patiently as she could. "This is going to be perfect. You got this," she said to herself over and over again.

On the other side of the mansion, Mu Shengchen was still sitting back in the living room. He was reading through the documents when Yan Rui finally came by. Following him was his assistant.

Wen Qianer came up to greet him, "President Yan."

"Is Young Master Chen here?" He glanced at her.

"Mr. Mu is waiting for you in the side hall." After a pause, she asked, "What would President Yan and Assistant Wei like to drink?"

"Two cups of black tea." Without another word, they headed towards the side hall.

"Of course."

When Yan Rui and Assistant Wei finally arrived, Mu Shengchen was busy talking on his phone. Seeing them come in out of the corner of his eye, he quickly said, "You don't have to worry about them. Just come to the airport on Tuesday to pick us up." He hung up the phone after that.

"Young Master Chen," they greeted.

He motioned them to the opposite sofa, and they sat in response. "The documents I've sent over are all the agreements and contracts that are still ongoing in accordance with your orders," Yan Rui reiterated, glancing at the documents Mu Shengchen had on his desk. "

"Hm." He nodded in response. At this time, Wen Qianer had just walked in with a tray in her hands. She had prepared two cups of black tea and a small cup of black coffee for Mu Shengchen. She gingerly placed them on the table.

Just as she was about to leave, Mu Shengchen called out, "I want a glass of milk instead."

A glass of milk? He never drank milk...

Even Wen Qianer couldn't help but pause in disbelief. Annoyed by her reaction, he cocked up an eyebrow. "I want a glass of milk," he repeated coldly.

"Of course, please wait a moment." Bowing, she sprinted back into the kitchen.

Yan Rui finally came back to his senses. Assistant Wei handed him the documents, and he gave them to Mu Shengchen. "This is the new agreement that had been contracted by the Huayu Group. I've already asked our legal team to look into it, and everything seems to be fair," he informed.

"Huayu Group, huh," Mu Shengchen murmured as he flipped through the file. Upon ensuring that everything really was in order, he bent over to sign his name. "Here. Are there any new developments?"

While he was signing the documents, Wen Qianer finally arrived with his glass of milk. She didn't stay for long. After all, the men had much to discuss, so she shouldn't be there to disturb them. Without another word, she left the side hall.