Chapter 5: A Glimpse of The Past

Ellie's POV

The recent encounter with the devil hadn't gone too well.

From his outburst at the sudden mention of merely his name, the tension in the room thickened, elevating to an entirely different level of stratospheric horizon.

Yes it was a bit upsetting because I hadn't anticipated such rivalry among the two. But it didn't bother me much, for I knew what advanced level of an brat Divyansh was.

I simply ignored the poor excuse of a guy.

Collecting the messed up pile of files lying like an elephant on my desk, I placed them on the shelf as per their order.

Shutting out everything else, I got to work. Focusing on our next assignment which is to design the interiors of the hotel owned by the Grover's in the Emirates, I sit and go through the designs once again. With the major part done it's just some more detailing left that I'll do myself tonight.

I find anxiety rolling through me when the thought about working​ with that ass crosses my mind. That night when I got to know about Divyansh being the brother Minaxshi was talking about, Humaid managed to take my mind off of it for sometime, but now that it's obvious as the sun in the sky, I can no more ignore it.

Thinking about making an escape I decided, I will have to talk to Minaxshi about this.

Knowing the meeting with Humaid was over, I made my way towards her office.

"But there must be a way, by which we can take over after they have completed their parts. Can't we?"

I asked Minaxshi, hope blooming in my eyes.

"Don't be silly Ellie. How can we do that when the structure itself needs to be done as per our designs? In all circumstances we have to be present at the site. And if you're afraid of the little 'devil', as you call him, then don't be, I've got it all worked out. I talked to him, it was just that his mood was off because...

Anyway he won't bother you now. Just stay calm okay, plus I'll be there too. So just stick with me, alright?"



"What if..."


"But can't we...?"

"Na uh!"

"Arghhh! So you won't listen to me. Fine then! But you need to tell me, is everything alright with you? I mean you sound low."


"Stop doing that one word thing with me. I know you okay, so tell me what's bothering you."

"Well, I wanted to talk to you about ermm...the upcoming project. How far has the stuff reached?"

This was definitely not what's bothering her but I don't want to push it if she's not comfortable in telling me. I know when she'll be okay I'll be the first to know. I trust her. So, for the time being I decided to just let it slide.

"Well, according to the recent updates, the construction will be completed soon. We'll have to go there by the end of this month. I've already talked to the architects and they've said that we might have to stay there for a few weeks or so."

"Oh Ohkay. Well, then you carry on. I'll see ya in break."

"Okay sure, see ya!"

Stopping my car right in front of my apartment, I hopped off and made my way into my house.

Minaxshi had been behaving differently that entire day.

I waited for her at lunch but she never showed up. Neither was she in her office. Her mood was off and I was sure about that but what I failed to understand was, what or rather who was responsible for it?

Ever since her private talk with Humaid, she's been down.

I think it'll be good if I give her some space for now. Pestering her certainly won't be the greatest of any ideas right now.

I'll talk to her tomorrow.

With this thought on my mind I took a relaxing bath and went to bed.

My sweet slumber, unfortunately had to be put on hold because as soon as I jumped onto my bed my phone decided to buzz. But when I saw who it was, the number got me a little bit confused.

Why would he text me at this hour?

The memories laden with my past, didn't go astray as they once again assembled themselves methodically in the same fashion as they had happened years ago.


(4 years ago)

The vibration on my phone, made my thoughts fly out of my mind. But when I looked at the notification bar, my thoughts went straight out of the window and into a ditch.

He messaged! Ohhh emmm geee!!!

Him: Hey, what's up? And why are you deleting your account? That too now, when I'm leaving India? Is everything alright?

-7:36 pm

Me: Hi Humaid!

Yeah everything's cool. My final exams have started, so I won't be able to use the social network much.

But why are you leaving? And when are you gonna return?

-7:38 pm

Him: Well, I've got some business to handle. And right now I've no idea when I'll be back, if I will be, at all. :(

And it's alright, we can connect somewhere else, if you're okay with it. ;) :*

- 7:41 pm

Me: Yeah, but I don't like this. I want to be in touch okay?

How about Facebook?

-7:45 pm

Him: Haha, you don't like it? ;) Well, I guess I can safely assume that my girl's gonna miss me. Right baby? ;) XD

And how about, you give me your ID and I'll send you a request?

-7:48 pm

Me: LOL, You wish! I don't like it coz we're best online buddies. You said it yourself, remember?

-7:54 pm

Him: Cutestar? LOL! And I remember that babe, chill. Was just teasing you.

Anyway I've sent you the request, check it out when you get time. ;) :*

-8:14 pm

Me: Done!

So when are you leaving?

-8:32 pm

Him: Oh, that'll be tonight. I'll ping you once I reach there, okay? :*

-8:41 pm

Me: Hmm :/

-8:42 pm

Him: Hey, girl relax! We'll be buddies overseas too, don't worry, I'm exclusively yours, my love! :* ;)

I gotta go, packing. Will talk later okay?

Bye :*

-8:56 pm

Me: Ok Bubiee, take care....And yup have a safe journey. :')

-8:57 pm

Him: Thanks! :*

Bye ;)

-8:58 pm.

End of flashback

That was the last time we ever talked, like real friends, if I may add, coz after that... life happened!

And I hate to admit it now, at this point of my life that I used to have a teeny-tiny crush on him. But now no more.

Although in that party it seemed like nothing had changed. He was still the same, annoyingly cute creature that used to make me laugh. And still very much a great friend to me.

Now thinking about how we had hit it still brings a ghost of an amusing smile on my lips.

Humaid, was just another lost, male soul, whom I had happened to crash into on Tinder as well.

He was an awesome man, and still is, but definitely not the one whom I considered as the man of my dreams. Nah! Nowhere near.

It was just the fact that somewhere in him I saw the one who could be up for normal chat and a fun filled convo.

As time passed, I picked up a lot about him, despite never having to met even once.

And I think it's maybe because of the fact that, to the earlier me, he just used to be way too informal.

I've lost the the number of times he tried to sex chat with me, key word here, is 'tried', coz I didn't give into his wishes.

I don't know if he's still that way. But judging from Divyansh's earlier outburst on the mention of his name, I put my bet that he is.

He was - is - definitely a heart-throbbing male, definitely a playboy and most definitely a non-virgin. Not than I'm surprised.

Who would have have left this sexy piece of art alone?


Moving on, and coming back, he might as well know about Minaxshi. Might even know what had happened. Hoping for the best, I immediately replied.

'Hey, wassup? Everything ok?'

'Oh yeah, I'm always ok! ;)

Though I wanted to ask for a favor. Hope I didn't wake you up.'

'Nah! I wasn't even sleepy. Btw what is it?'

'Umm you're Minaxshi's PA, right?'

'Why, yes! And I guess you already know that. :|'

'Umm yeah. I do. Okay so... can you just text her now and tell her to call me? I tried to reach her but she neither picked up nor replied. It's...umm some business stuff actually.'

Something didn't feel right.

Humaid, asking for Minaxshi at this time? Certainly it was no business issue. It simply meant neither of us had an idea where she might be.

And, could it have been solely because of him?

'Well, I'll try, but if she doesn't respond then...'

'Yeah, that's fine. Just do one thing. Call her and if she picks up just let me know, can you?'

'Yeah, sure!'

'Thanks Ellie, I love you so much for this.'

After the texting, as promised, I tried calling Minaxshi and never once did she pick up. I told that to Humaid and that was all.

After some good amount of bickering he finally spews that it was because of a little tension in between them earlier, that had her all riled up.

"I knew it. What the hell did you do?"

"Nothing! I swear I did nothing. She was just being her usual self, ranting about trash and never giving me a single chance to speak or even 'defend' myself."

"So that meant you actually did something wrong. Obviously she'll be mad."

"No shit Sherlock! Just... Please at least you shouldn't start with me now."

"I'm not starting anything. She was shit today the entire day. Do you even have an idea?"

"Yes... No! Yes, I guess."

"What yes, no, yes.

Humaid, you better apologize to her the very next day the sun hits your screens."

"Yes, I will. Tommorow the very first thing will be this. Thanks though, for the scolding."

"Oh boy, you definitely deserved it."

"I'll just assume that you're not serious. But thanks, really. Goodnight. ;)"

"Goodnight. :/"

"XD ;* "

"Shut up!"

I didn't pry further into the matter. Minaxshi will be fine by tomorrow, something that I seriously love about her. She has never learned​ to keep grudges against someone or even be angry for more that twelve hours. She is someone who just knows how to love incessantly.

So just letting time do it's wonders and droopy eyes begging me to listen to their plea, I happily welcomed the much awaited slumber to me.
