Chapter 6: The Southern High Nightclub


"I had fallen!

But it was a lesson

to be learnt.

Cause I knew,

that someday

when you're gonna

walk away...

I should be able to

stand alone."



Divyansh's POV

I sat at one of the empty chairs, gulping down my shot in the blink of an eye. The night was disturbing but I found my solace.

Sexual tension hung sickening low, as thick as the fog on a high mountain.

That was the case when I had first entered.

It wasn't anything new.

Men were getting off and I had sat away, the farthest I could.

Looking up, I saw the cause.

Her back was towards me, but I watched her intently. My eyes didn't disobey my command when they started following her every move as she stripped to her thongs and bra.

Slowly she turned, while daringly stealing my chance of seeing her face as she slid a finger along her cheek, deliberately adjusting the gothic​ mask she'd had on since the start. The deep shade of red that covered her lips was in that moment, enhanced by the devious smirk that she decided to sport, effectively seducing her guests.

The sleek fingers, that were firmly​ enclosed around​ the steel pole held her in place as she started swinging and revolving, wrapping her temptingly elastic, curvaceous body about​ it.

Her toned skin looked so smooth, I barely kept up with the urging thirst to feel it.

Ever so gracefully she moved, with every step oozing sheer confidence and determination, only to please the company she had.

She knew she had the attention she wanted. Desire swirling thick in those demonic orbs.

I lost the count of shots I took...had, as I watched her sway her hips. Her rhythm by now, etched in my head.

It was so easy to memorize:

A little sway towards the left then a little towards the right, then a quick something with her belly, and a sharp but measured turn towards the left.

In that moment she looked so familiar.

Like I had seen her somewhere, knew her before I even saw her.

Some feature of her's talked to me differently. I just couldn't point out what. And that irritated me like hell.

I remember watching her with great interest, when suddenly she turned and our eyes locked for maybe about a second or two and then she was gone.

What the fuck? I was enjoying her. Damn it!

My eyes searched for her everywhere. I got up and looked for her but... nothing. I didn't find her.

I remember her raven black hair, flowing to her hips, swaying strictly in the same fashion as she swayed. She moved as if she knew what exactly she was doing to your soul, playing you with her wickedest passions of control.

And her eyes. Dark, dark brown eyes, so mysterious, I wanted to get lost and never return. Her thick eyelashes were like long bedsheets as if inviting me to sleep, somehow seemingly familiar... now that I think of it.

But I lost her!

3 years ago, I had lost once again.

But this time the fault wasn't mine.

And now as I sit on the same chair, same place but a different time, it feels like an era has gone by, but I still didn't find what I was looking for.

For years, I had been coming to this place, without anyone having a hint of my whereabouts. For years I've been searching but failed. For years she still happens to be near me when she isn't. She still soothes me when she doesn't.

Whereas me?

I don't even know who she was.

And today it's as if nothing can comfort me like this place. The recent occurrences with my past coming back to say a hello, I needed to let go of everything. I needed peace.

Peace from this mysterious stripper who happens to be pulling at my soul for reasons I could never understand and peace from this new employee of my sister's. Someone who happens to come like a whirlwind into my life, slashing out all the past memories I've left way behind.

Once again losing the count of my shots, I drank. Drank in loneliness, drank in despair. Drank in the regret that it was because of me that I lost her. Because of my near to no faith in love, I lost everyone I loved.

I drank because I was a failure. I don't have a family and I don't deserve love.

I drank because that's what losers do.

That's what I am. A fucking loser!

I was planning to leave the bar in sometime but it seemed difficult to go back. For I knew I would be going back to face life once again.

It caused a weird sensation to arise in the pit of my stomach, seeing her move on and be happy without me in the picture when, at one point, I used to be the first to know every little detail about her.

I wanted to sleep but I couldn't. The thoughts just wouldn't stop. How will I confront her about our past? How would she react? Has she really moved on or was there still something she'd held onto, in all these years of separation? Why did she go away? Why did she leave me when I needed her the most?

With immense difficulty I managed to look up when I felt a hand on my shoulder.

Staring into her dark, dark brown eyes I felt myself getting lost.


These were the only words I remember slurring out of my mouth, when I finally passed out.

But I was happy, I had finally found her!


Waking up to a constant banging on the door, I remembered entering The Southern High night club and maybe I got too drunk.

But what the hell was I doing in this junkyard, of that I had no clue.

With a heavy head and wobbling legs I managed to push the door ajar. The stupid shit just won't stop banging the damned thing.

"Hey man! Had fun last night?"

The guy who said this, made my head hurt further. I gave him a look which said 'say another word dripping sarcasm and I'd feed you your tongue.'

Handling me some sort of pills and a glass of water he continued, but now only seriously.

"Ahem, alright...just chill man. Take this. It should relieve you of the headache in about half an hour. After that if you wish, you can join me for a cup of coffee at the counter."

Saying this he left. I took the two tablets of Tylenol and slumped back into the couch.

I remember drinking, I also remember watching various strippers strip. After that it's all a bit blurry but one girl did come to me. She looked at me and it was her. I don't know her name but I know it was her.

The only person who can help me now is him.

I went to join him at the counter and he motioned for me to take a seat. For the sake of my throbbing temple, I gladly accepted the offer.

"Hey man. I guess you're all ok now? Btw people call me Nick and girls call me Dick." He added with a wink.

What the fuck? Did he actually just say that? To my blank but serious face he straightened 'a bit'.

"Umm ok! That was a pj. Anyway, mind telling me about yourself?" Taking a sip, he looked up rather sheepishly at me.

There was something deeply wrong with the guy. But right now it was the least​ of my concerns. So I jumped straight on to the point.

"There was this girl who came up to me last night, and I think she's the one who brought me to the room after I had passed out. Would you happen to know who she was?"

"I knew you weren't the chatty types but anyway. As you've already seen, the bar wasn't particularly empty last night​. Instead it was quite stocked for anyone to notice anything. So I'm afraid I can't really help you with that."

"Hmm. I want to see the list of all the employees that work here."

It was understood by the very look on his face that all jokes were over and done with. He knew I meant some serious business here. And I was glad the point was across his skull in good time.

"Well, actually we aren't really allowed to give out any kind of information about our staff to random people. I'm once again, sorry."

"Oh I see. How about this?"

I stated as I took out a one hundred dollar bill and placed it at the counter, waiting patiently for a positive reaction from his side.

He regards me with a curious glare while still remaining nonchalant.

"I'm sorry dude, but being the owner and having made myself​ very clear, I don't think I'll be able to help you."

Life was definitely playing a joke on me. After years of searching when I finally come across her, our paths cross so distinctively, I cannot even believe it. Finally letting go, I finish the conversation muttering an, "I see."while getting up from my seat.

He acknowledges me, getting up from his as well​.

"Very well."

Receiving an equally curt nod as I had given him, I leave.

If life wanted to be a strict teacher, I'd be a fairly notorious student.

Allow me please!

I may have lost her this time.

But someday when I cross her again, I won't let go.

Not this easily. Not this carelessly!
